Lake Elementary School News
For the week of January 23
The Dolphin Digest
Dolphtones News
Lake Dolphins PTA
Join our PTA here!
Dolphin Broadcast
Watch the newest Dolphin Broadcast!
Upcoming Important Dates
9:15 Bates Nut Farm Field Trip - All Tk and K Classes
8:00 Coffee with the Principal- Digital Arts
8:05 am- Halloween Parade
No school
Make up picture Day
Message from the Principal
Lake Families,
Our School Site Council identified the need for families to access resources at home, so we created a Family Resource Center (see below), and with the help of the amazing Mrs. Marina Kozyryev, we NOW have this Lake Website Links by Grade Level.
Please mark your calendars for the Festival of the Arts on Saturday, October 19th from 10:00 to 4:00, with our very own Dolphtones performing on the main stage at 10:00! We will need volunteers to assist us. ESPECIALLY with the set up and take-down time slots. Here is a message from our incredible teachers with more info on volunteering:
Hello Lake Families!
We need some help staffing our booth at the Vista Festival of the Arts Saturday, October 19th from 8:00 am (setup) - 4:00pm. Ms. Beth Preece Foster, our Digital Media Arts Teacher would love your help as she will be supporting Lake and Breeze Hill Elementary at the festival. Our lovely PTA has created a sign-up genius in one-hour increments.
Please consider volunteering for an hour while you are there. It is sure to be an amazing day filled with music, dancing, art, and more.
Thank you so much for all you do.
Lake Arts Team
(Mrs. Corso and Ms. Foster)
REPEATED FROM LAST WEEK: With October upon us, we begin to plan for our Lake annual Halloween Parade. Please mark your calendars to join us on Thursday, October 31st at 8:05.Pay careful attention to the details below about the parade and costume guidelines.
Did you know that our teachers and staff are continuously collaborating to make our Doplphins’ learning experiences the very best? At Lake, Universal Design for Deep Learning is supported through our Project-Based Learning with science, social studies, music, and arts integration in many ways. We hope you will join us at Coffee with the Principal on Wednesday, October 23rd from 8:00-9:00 to hear about Digital Arts at Lake and how you can support your children with digital literacy and citizenship.
In partnership with you,
Familias de Lake,
Nuestro Consejo Escolar identificó la necesidad de que las familias accedan a recursos en casa, por lo que creamos un Centro de Recursos Familiares (ver a continuación) y, con la ayuda de la increíble Sra. Marina Kozyryev, AHORA tenemos estos enlaces del sitio web de Lake por nivel de grado.
Marque sus calendarios para el Festival de las Artes el sábado 19 de octubre de 10:00 a 4:00 pm, ¡con nuestros propios Dolphtones actuando en el escenario principal a las 10:00! Necesitaremos voluntarios que nos ayuden. ESPECIALMENTE con los horarios de montaje y desmontaje. Aquí hay un mensaje de nuestras increíbles maestras con más información sobre el voluntariado:
¡Hola, familias de Lake!
Necesitamos ayuda para dotar de personal a nuestro stand en el Festival de las Artes de Vista el sábado 19 de octubre de 8:00 a. m. (montaje) a 4:00 p. m. A la Sra. Beth Preece Foster, nuestra maestra de Artes de Medios Digitales, le encantaría recibir su ayuda, ya que apoyará a Lake y Breeze Hill Elementary en el festival. Nuestra encantadora PTA ha creado un programa de inscripción genial en incrementos de una hora.
Considere la posibilidad de ofrecerse como voluntario durante una hora mientras esté allí. Seguro que será un día increíble lleno de música, baile, arte y más.
Muchas gracias por todo lo que hace.
Equipo de artes de Lake
(Sra. Corso y Sra. Foster)
REPETIDO DE LA SEMANA PASADA: Con octubre sobre nosotros, comenzamos a planificar nuestro desfile anual de Halloween de Lake. Marque sus calendarios para unirse a nosotros el jueves 31 de octubre a las 8:05. Preste mucha atención a los detalles a continuación sobre el desfile y las pautas de disfraces.
¿Sabía que nuestros maestros y personal colaboran continuamente para hacer que las experiencias de aprendizaje de nuestros Delfines sean los mejores? En Lake, el Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje Profundo se apoya a través de nuestro Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos con la integración de ciencias, estudios sociales, música y artes de muchas maneras. Esperamos que se una a nosotros en el Café con el Director el miércoles 23 de octubre de 8:00 a 9:00 para conocer sobre las artes digitales en Lake y cómo puede apoyar a sus hijos con la alfabetización digital y la ciudadanía.
En asociación con usted,
Dr. Davina Stringer
Lake Elementary Principal
Strategic | Ideation | Learner | Achiever | Input
Click my Calendly Link to schedule a meeting.
Office: (760) 945-5300
Resource Center for Home Support
Festival of the Arts
Lost and Found
Hello everyone! Please check out the lost and found. Everything will be donated before Thanksgiving break! Here are some tips on how to make it easier for you to find an item.
- Write down your student's name on the item Ex: John Smith
- Check the lost and found often.
- Remind your students to take stuff home or to check the lost and found.
Playground Beautification Work Day!
Dear Families,
What a great start to the beginning of the year! We’re thrilled to announce an exciting project to enhance our tk/kindergarten playground, and we need your support to make it a reality! Our goal is to create a dynamic, interactive space where our children can thrive socially, emotionally, and physically. With your help, we are hoping to transform our TK/Kindergarten playground into a shaded play area with many different zones of play. On these HOT sunny days we have very minimal shade and play is limited to the play structure and sand box.
We hope you can join us for a Playground Beautification Community Work Day where we’ll be putting together some fantastic new physical education equipment for our students. We have a variety of items to assemble including a chalk wall, bubble table, play kitchen, playhouse, basketball hoop, soccer goals, shade sails, and more!
As teachers, we are eager to create an engaging play environment, but with the few of us, we could use your building skills! If you have tools, please bring them along, and any extra hands will be greatly appreciated.
This is a wonderful opportunity to come together as a community, lend a hand, and help enhance our students' play and learning experiences. Please let us know if you can join us by signing up here:
Thank you for being such an important part of our school community. We can’t wait to see everyone there!
Best regards,
Lake Elementary TK and Kindergarten Teachers
Coffee with the Principal
Halloween Parade and Costume Information
Halloween Parade Details
We want to welcome you on campus on October 31 for our Halloween parade. We will begin at approximately 8:05 am.
If you'd like to attend with your child, you can walk in the main gate with them and head to the track to pick your spot to watch the parade.
Immediately after the parade, we will make an announcement for parents to exit campus so instruction can begin.
Costume Guidelines
- No masks are allowed.
- Wear shoes. Safety regulations require students to wear shoes at all times.
- We promote a safe and friendly environment at Lake. Simulated weapons, blood, and gore do not support this philosophy. Toy guns, toy knives, handcuffs, swords, nun chucks, etc. are not permitted. Children with bloody make-up will be asked to remove it before joining the parade.
- Costumes that portray violent movies/TV shows (Scream, Freddy Krueger, etc.) are not appropriate at school. Remember, we have young children participating in this activity. Save these costumes for after school events and trick-or-treating.
- Display respect for other cultures. Stereotyping or ridiculing other races or cultures is unacceptable.
If these student does not follow these guidelines, parents will be called and the student will need to change out of their costume into other clothes.
Detalles del desfile de Halloween
Queremos darle la bienvenida al campus el 31 de octubre para nuestro desfile de Halloween. Comenzaremos aproximadamente a las 8:05 a. m.
Si desea asistir con su hijo, puede caminar por la puerta principal con él y dirigirse a la pista para elegir su lugar para ver el desfile.
Inmediatamente después del desfile, haremos un anuncio para que los padres salgan del campus para que pueda comenzar la instrucción.
Pautas para disfraces
- No se permiten máscaras.
- Use zapatos. Las normas de seguridad requieren que los estudiantes usen zapatos en todo momento.
- Promovemos un entorno seguro y amigable en Lake. Las armas simuladas, la sangre y las vísceras no respaldan esta filosofía. No se permiten pistolas de juguete, cuchillos de juguete, esposas, espadas, monjas, etc. A los niños con maquillaje ensangrentado se les pedirá que se lo quiten antes de unirse al desfile.
- Los disfraces que representan películas o programas de televisión violentos (Scream, Freddy Krueger, etc.) no son apropiados en la escuela. Recuerde, tenemos niños pequeños que participan en esta actividad. Guarde estos disfraces para eventos extraescolares y para pedir dulces.
- Muestre respeto por otras culturas. No se acepta estereotipar ni ridiculizar a otras razas o culturas.
Si este estudiante no sigue estas pautas, se llamará a los padres y el estudiante deberá cambiarse el disfraz por otra ropa.
Counselor's Corner
Congratulations to all of our reading athletes for your success in the Lake PTA Reading Olympics!
107,085 minutes of reading= just over 1,784 HOURS of reading by our Lake Dolphins!!! Lake PTA is so proud of our dolphins! We also raised almost $60,000 to fund field trips, classroom needs, Trunk or Treat, field parties, and so many other awesome community events and programs!
We hope to see all of our super star readers
at our upcoming events! Check out our calendar below!
Lake PTA’s 2024 Reflections Program- Call for Entries! Be on the lookout for more information about our “Create Art” Day.
We will have two after school days to create art to be entered into the Reflections Art program. The days will be Tuesday, October 8th from 2:25-3:25 and Tuesday, October 15th from 2:25-3:25. Space is limited, so please sign up via the link for one day only: Reflections Create Art Day
“Accepting Imperfection” is the theme for the 2024-25 Reflections Art Program, which has been bringing the arts to life for more than 10 million students since 1969. California State PTA and its members, families and kids are on the forefront of this amazing program, which increases community awareness of the importance of arts in education.
Reflections encourages students of all ages to:
Unleash creative talents and be inspired
Express themselves imaginatively in their artwork
Experience the fun and joy of making art
Tap into critical thinking skills to create art inspired by the annual theme
Receive positive recognition for their original works of art.
Community Liaison
New Communication Tool - ParentSquare!
We are excited to announce that we adopted a new form of school-to-home communication at Vista Unified School District called ParentSquare for the 2024-2025 school year. (This replaces Remind) This unified communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection.
ParentSquare Resumen - Espanol
Please download the App here to make sure you're connected to Lake:
- iOS App - Apple Store
Android App - Google Play Store
Have questions? Click the question mark in the top right corner of the desktop version or the Help tab on the app (tap the triple bar icon at the top left) to find answers to most of your questions or contact the IT Department at 760-726-2170 ext. 92500.
2024-2025 UPDATED Bell Schedule
Our bell schedule has changed - please mark the new dismissal times. On Monday, dismissal is at 12:58 p.m. On Tuesday-Friday, dismissal is at 2:18 p.m.
Updated Data Registration Needed!
Please update your data at the Aeries Parent Portal - follow the steps above.
Lake Logistics
- CAR RIDER LINE: Families picking up and dropping off, PLEASE help our line move efficiently by NOT getting out of your vehicles while still in the car line. Please train your children to buckle or train them to sit safely while you find a safe place to pull over and make the needed adjustments for the ride home. THANK YOU!
- At dismissal, please utilize both lanes for pickup and be prepared with your child's name, grade and teacher.
Lake Student and Parent Handbook
The purpose of our Student and Parent Handbook is to assist our students and families with important information regarding school policies, procedures, and agreements we have set us up for us to have an enjoyable, successful, and safe school year.
Click on the link above to review the handbook. It is expected that each family reads through our Family Handbook. We appreciate your support and involvement as we work in partnership to provide a nurturing, inspiring, and rigorous educational program for each of our Dolphins.
Let's Stay in Touch!
Family Newsletter: Every Sunday afternoon you will receive an email from Lake with updates and important information. Please take the time each week to review this information.
Social Media: Stay up to date on the learning occurring on campus and the events happening at school by following us on Instagram @lakedolphins.
District Communication: Please make sure your email address is correct in Aeries so that you receive all school and district communications. You will receive message
Lake Elementary
Location: 4950 Lake Blvd, Oceanside, CA 92056, USA
Phone: 7609455300
Twitter: @lakeelementary