The Patriot Update (1.4)
A Revere High School Community Newsletter

Sunday October 30th, 2022
Volume 1, Issue 4
Happy Sunday, Patriots!
This is the last week for Quarter 1, as grades close Friday 11/4. Teachers' grades are due on Wednesday 11/9 and Quarter 1 Report Cards will be sent home on Thursday 11/10. This is an important grade reporting deadline for our seniors, as colleges use these grades as part of their admissions decisions. Good luck to everyone finishing up Quarter 1!
This week's memo features the following sections:
- Looking Ahead the Next Two Weeks
- RHS Athletics Roundup
- The Patriot Voice
- Photos from the Week in Review
- Spotlight on RHS Drama
- Update on the New High School Building Project
- MEFA Financial Aid Information
- Thanksgiving Food Drive
- Important Links
- RHS Paraprofessional Opportunities
Please reach out with feedback on what you'd like to see included in this weekly memo!
Christopher T. Bowen, Principal
Looking Ahead the Next Two Weeks: 10/31-11/11
- Early Release Day: Wednesday 11/2 will be an Early Release Day for students, with dismissal at 12:00pm. Students will receive a grab-and-go lunch. All Faculty will participate in the second "Principal's Meeting" of the year for Professional Development.
- End of Quarter 1: Quarter one ends on Friday 11/4. Teachers grades will be due Wednesday 11/9 by 8pm. Report Cards will be sent home on Thursday 11/10 via e-mail. Families without emails will receive copies in the mail.
- No School for Students: Tuesday 11/8 will be a no-school day for students, as faculty/staff will be in professional development. Friday 11/11 will also be a no-school day for students and adults in observance of the Veterans' Day Holiday.
- Guardian-Teacher Conferences. Save the date!! Teacher conference night will be on Wednesday 11/16 from 5-7 at Revere High School. This event will be in-person this year. Report cards will have gone home on Thursday 11/10, so this night will give guardians the chance to meet one-on-one with their students' teacher. At this event, we are looking to get a group of teachers and guardians together to talk and help us understand how we can work together to improve home-school communication. If you are a teacher and/or a family member interested in being part of this group, please e-mail our family liaison Sandra Figueroa <> to let her know. We will reach out with more information.
- MCAS November Retest. The November Retest will occur on November 9th and 10th for ELA and November 15th and 16th for Mathematics. Students who need to sit for the retest have already received communication about this important step towards meeting this graduation requirement. Please reach out to your students guidance counselor if you have questions!
Revere Athletics Round Up
- Come support fellow RHS Patriots this week at Upcoming Athletic Events
- Follow RHS Athletic Director Frank Shea on Twitter @ADReverePats to stay up-to-date on wins from the week
- Athletic Eligibility for Winter Sports is based on students' Quarter 1 Grades on the Report Card. Quarter 1 Grades close on Friday 11/4, but Academic Eligibility for Athletics take effect the day report cards are sent home. This date will be Thursday 11/10. Students must pass (D- or higher) at least three classes to remain eligible to compete. Students who fail exactly two classes may be eligible if they participate in an academic intervention program for student athletes. Students who fail 3 or 4 classes are completely ineligible to play effective Thursday 11/10. Please reach out to your coach or assistant principal with questions.
- RHS Girls Volley Ball held their Senior Night Game this past Friday 10/28 at the RHS Field House. They had a 3-2 victory over Brockton High School and completed an undefeated season! Congratulations to them and their coach, Lianne O'Hara
The Week In Review 10/24-10/30
Week in Review
Advisory Pumpkin Decorating Contest
Thank you Mr. Fergus, advisory teachers and students for organizing/participating in the annual Advisory Pumpkin Decorating Contest. Winners will be selected next for the categories of Most Original, Most Frightening, Best Character, and Most School Spirit.
Student Activities Fair
Thank you to Mr. Walker, the JROTC Cadets, Club Advisors and Members for supporting our Student Activities Fair this week during advisory. Clubs set up and were able to talk to RHS students about their activities!
Speech and Debate Team Competition @ RHS
This Saturday 10/29, Speech and Debate Advisors Mr. Fellowes and Mr. Conway worked with their students to host a Speech and Debate Competition at RHS.
- Seidney Nicolas - Award in Declamation and Song Soliloquy
- Leah Zuniga - Award in Radio Broadcasting
- Madyson Marquardo - First Place Award in Novice Oral Interpretation.
The following High Schools participated: Acton-Boxboro, The Bancroft School, Boston Latin School, Catholic Memorial, Milton Academy, Natick High School, Needham High School, Newton South High School, The Pike School, Revere High School, Shrewsbury High School, Ursuline Academy, Walpole High School, Westborough High School and Xaverian High School.
Spotlight on RHS Drama
RHS Drama Department
Did you know that during the 2021-2022 school year, Revere High brought on Drama Teacher Ms. Kristina Menissian, who has been working hard to build the drama program at the school?
- Theater Arts. In this class, we discover what it means to hold nearly every job in the world of theater: director, actor, playwright, designer, and producer. We take on these roles with a lot of hands-on activities and group projects. We both watch and put on several short plays (and film adaptations of plays) throughout the semester. This class is for people who like to take risks and have fun-- you have a chance to try new things every day!
- Theater Arts II. This course is a continuation of Theater Arts I. In this class, we look to expand upon the elements of theater you learned about in Theater Arts I and work on putting on a full production. We need actors, set designers, lighting techs, and stage crew! See what putting on a full show is all about!
- Musical Theater. This class will teach students the art of singing Broadway show tunes as well as acting out scenes from popular works. Proper technique and standard repertoire will be covered from a variety of Broadway styles. The fundamentals of musicianship and performance will be covered, as well as a look at several famous Broadway works and artists.
In the Heights
This year, Revere High Drama is putting on its first musical production this spring? Students interested in learning about being involved in the production of Lin Manuel Miranda's In the Heights should attend an informational meeting on Thursday November 3rd @ 2:30 in the Auditorium. Please see Ms. Kristina Menissian <> with questions! You can also visit the RHS Drama website: or visit Ms. Menissian in A6/Auditorium.
Update on the New High School Project
MEFA Financial Aid Information
Families and Seniors: Here is some information on the financial aid process, with webinars you can register for to learn more about the process and get your questions answered. This webinar will provide information and clarity on the entire college financial aid application process. You'll learn about financial aid applications and types of financial aid, the factors that determine your aid eligibility, how colleges determine the amount of aid to offer, and the details of financial aid offers. Live transcription will be available. Please contact Ms. Tiffany Currie <> with questions.
Synergy Club: Advisory Thanksgiving Food Drive Competition
Synergy Club is hosting a Thanksgiving Canned/Boxed Food Drive from 11/2 to 11/16 to create Thanksgiving baskets for RHS families. We are encouraging all advisories to participate and the advisory who collects the most number of food items will get a Dunkin Donuts gift card to use as they wish!
Families and Community Members: If you would like to make a donation, please send your donation to RHS with an RHS student to give to their advisory!
Revere High School Vision of the Graduate Update
The next Vision of the Graduate Working Group will meet the week of November 14th and November 28th, on zoom. If you are interested in joining, please e-mail Ms. Goldman The "Vision of the Graduate" working group is made up of students, families, administrators and leaders. This group is working hard to listen to RHS students to hear what they want school to be, and make sure our future planning is moving in the right direction.
Important Links
- Bullying, Harassment and Bias Reporting: You can use this link to make a report of bullying, harassment or bias.
- RHS Student Activities 2022-2023: You can use this link to explore student activities and when they meet.
Revere Schools Hiring Paraprofessionals
Are you or someone you know looking for a part-time role in the educational setting? Please spread the word! Revere High School is seeking part-time paraprofessionals to work in a variety of settings working with unique populations including students with special needs. Experience working with students with special needs, challenging behaviors, and/or early reading instruction preferred. These positions are 5 days per week, 3 hours and 55 minutes per day (19.5 hours per week). There are morning and mid-day/afternoon shifts available. Interested candidates can email interest to Caitlin Reilly, Deputy Principal, at or apply online at: