Important Dates & Consultation
Term 4 - 30 October 2024
2024 Community Consultation
Kia ora e te whānau,
We are currently collecting our community's voice to reflect on how we are going against our community focused goals in our 2024 annual plan, to inform our planning for 2025. This window of opportunity is a short one - two weeks - to provide time to use the responses for 2025 planning.
It is important to us that we capture the voices of our Bellevue School whānau in this process. With this in mind, we have created this short Google Form.
We encourage honesty and are open to hearing all of your thoughts. Please answer these questions from a personal point of view. Some questions are multiple choice, others are a scale from 'Strongly Disagree' to 'Strongly Agree', and some allow space for longer answers.
Thank you for taking the time to reflect on our school's strengths and next steps.
Please complete this form by Friday 15 November at 5pm.
Ngā mihi nui,
The Bellevue School Team
Link to the form:
Halloween - An Outside School Event
We know many of our students are very excited about Halloween tomorrow and the dress ups and fun to be had by those who celebrate this.
We are a wonderfully diverse school with many cultures, faiths and varied viewpoints.
In order to show Aroha to our entire community and maintain a safe, settled school day for our students we request that families support us by keeping the Halloween celebrations for outside of school.
Thank you for your support.
The Bellevue Team
Important Dates
Please note there are some new dates since the last newsletter.
Wednesday 30 October
Meeting for parents attending Year 6 camp - 6pm in Staffroom
Monday 4 November
Northern Zone Athletic Championships (pp Mon 11 Nov)
Thursday 7 November
Board Meeting 6:30pm (Online - please email the office if you’d like the link to join)
Friday 8 November
Opening of the Senior Playground - Phase 1
Wednesday 13 to Friday 15 November
Year 6 Camp - Brookfields
Tuesday 19 November
IZ Athletics (pp Thur 21 Nov)
Friday 22 November
NIS Orientation Morning
Thursday 28 November
FUNdraiser Meeting 6:15 - 7:15pm in staffroom followed by FUNdraisers Wine and Cheese Information Evening - 7:15pm in the Staffroom
*The following dates have now been confirmed*
Friday 29 November
Year 3-6 Aroha Achievements due to teachers by this date
Thursday 5 December
Board Meeting - 6:30pm in staffroom
Friday 6 December
Whole School FUNrun! (pp Friday 13 Dec)
Pizza Day
Wednesday 11 December
End of Year PDF of Seesaw reporting sent home
Years 4 - 6 Presentation Assembly, 2pm-3pm in school hall. Families welcome.
Three way conferences 3:15pm - 8:15pm
Thursday 12 December
Three way conferences 3:15pm - 6:15pm
Friday 13 December
2025 Class placement and stationery list sent home
End of Year Bake Sale
Monday 16 December
Year 6 Leavers event - time TBC
Tuesday 17 December
Final Assembly - Year 6 Families Only
Final day of Term 4 - School ends at 12:30.
Username bellevue-newlands, password 'grow'
This is our platform to publish great writing from students across the school.
Please pop onto our website here to view a collection of great writing from our students.
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Email: office@bellevue-newlands.school.nz
Phone: 04 4787037