Lenski Weekly Update
August 5th, 2024
From the Principal's Desk
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
We hope that you all had a wonderful summer and were able to relax and recharge with your families. We are excited to roll out the red carpet and welcome our Superstars back to school!
Please take a moment to read through this summer update, as it provides a lot of important information to help you prepare for the school year. As always, please feel free to give us a call if you have any questions.
With Lenski Love,
From the Office
School Hours
The school day will start at: 7:50AM
The school day will end at: 2:45PM
Wednesday Late Start (every Wednesday): 8:50AM-2:45PM
Lenski promotes a “soft start” which allows students to enter the building at 7:35am (8:35am on Wednesdays). Students should be in their classroom and ready to learn at 7:50AM (8:50AM).
Breakfast & Lunch: Lenski provides FREE lunch and breakfast to all students.
Drop-Off Procedures
Please take a moment to look at the map below for our morning and aftenoon pick up routes. It is our goal to provide a safe and speedy drop-off and pick-up system. Your cooperation and patience is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or comments, please contact the school office at 303-347-4575.
Annual Family Check-In
It is time to complete the LPS Annual Family Check-In!
Every year parents are asked to review and update the information the district has for their student, family, or household.The link can be found in the Campus Parent portal on the left side under “MORE”. Click on Annual Family Check-In. This needs to be completed prior to the first day of school.
Student Fees
Student fees are due on or before Tuesday, September 3rd. You may pay your fees online through your Infinite Campus Family Portal account. You may also pay by check using this form.
Room Parent Volunteers Needed
There a few classrooms with openings for room parent volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering as a room parent, please sign up here.
New Gym Floor!
Our new floor is almost complete! We are grateful for the contributions of the Lenski community in helping us replace the flooring in the gym.
Lenski Open House
If you are unable to attend the Open House on Monday, August 12th, please feel free to bring your school supplies on the first day of school.
Mrs. Capps' Class
Mrs. Capps will be at a training during the Meet and Greet, please come and say hi to her and drop off your supplies later in the day. Mrs. Capps will be available from 1:00-2:00pm on Monday, August 12th.
New This Year
Technology Update: All K-8 students to leave phones turned off in their backpacks during the school day. If you need to get in touch with your student, please call the main office. Smart watches can be worn during the day but students should not use their watches to text or play games.
Please note that we are not allowing the following at Lenski.
-No tails
-No hats
-gum per teacher preference
Thank you for your support in allowing us to focus on teaching and learning at school.
Welcome New Staff!
Marian O'Rourke, 5th Grade Teacher
Julie Barry, Special Education Teacher
Liz Mognos, OT
Heather Horowitz, Special Education Paraprofessional
Mark Fischer, Building Facilitator
Important Dates
August 12th: Open House/Teacher Meet & Greet for Grades 1-5
August 13th: First day of school for grades 1-5
Early Release at 11:50
August 15th: First day of school for Kindergarten
August 22nd: Back to School Night
K-2: 4:30-5:15
3-5: 5:15-6:00
September 2nd: Labor Day-No school
September 20th: LENSKI FUN RUN!
September 27th: Non Student Day- Enjoy the long weekend!