Bobcat Bulletin
September 8, 2024
Weekly Announcements & Reminders
Athletics games are coming soon! See the schedules below to support our Soccer & Volleyball teams.
- Looking for more Elementary Soccer players! Girls or boys in grades 4-6 are invited to play. Please talk to Mrs Suess or Coach Hopkins asap if you'd like to join!
- Dropoff/Pickup - please respect our line up procedures and pull your car into the pickup line. I promise it looks longer than it will actually take. Only under emergency exceptions should you park and walk up to the gym to pickup your student out of order.
- Dress Code Policy (see handbook for full policy) - All clothes must be the appropriate size. Length of jumpers, shorts, skirts, and skorts must be modest, close to knee length and in keeping with Christian principles of dress.
- Jewelry Policy - The students should not wear rings, chains, earrings or studs, necklaces, bracelets, or similar jewelry. Medical IDs may be worn. BAS allows one religious themed silicone bracelet.
BAS Theme Shirts! "Praise Him" Psalms 148:13
Order Today!
Order Forms will be sent home with your student and are available in the office!
$12 Theme Shirt - used for field trips and can wear on Fridays.
$12 School Spirit Shirts - can wear on Fridays.
$12 Athletic Shirts - can wear on Fridays.
$25 Hoodies - can wear anytime.
$5 BAS Throwback Shirts - older theme shirts/athletic shirts/etc. Can also wear on Fridays.
Order by Friday, September 13, 2024
School Spirit Shirt $12
Grey, Blue, or Pink
Athletic Shirt $15
Long Sleeves
BAS Hoody $25
Grey, Blue, or Pink
Still looking for volunteers to fill out our hot lunch program! office@bas4u.org
Games this Week!
Sep 10 - JH Volleyball vs Holy Cross - Away Game at 5:30 pm
Sep 12 - JH Soccer vs Besthesda Christian - Away Game at 5:00 pm
Sep 12 - JH Volleyball vs Cornerstone Grandbury - Away Game at 6:00 pm