Our Lady of the Cape Primary School
Newsletter - 16th May 2024
This Sunday is the Church Feast of Pentecost.
When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.
They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. (Acts 2:1-4)
Pentecost by Mark Wiggin
Gifts of the Holy Spirit: the permanent willingness, given to us by the Holy Spirit, that makes it possible for us to do what God asks of us. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are drawn from Isaiah 11:1-3. They include wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, and fear of the Lord. Church tradition has added piety to make a total of seven.
By being open to the Holy Spirit, we can find out how God wants us to live out our faith
and show Jesus' love to others
Dear Parents and Community Members,
Mother's Day Thank you
Thank you to our Year 3 class for presenting a beautiful Mother’s Day Prayer Assembly.
A special thanks to our P&F for arranging for a fabulous Mother’s Day Raffle and beautiful flowers. Some classes treated their Mum's to lovely cards and gifts. Others invited their Mum's to a pamper session in their classrooms.
P&F Update
Congratulations to our Mother’s Day Raffle Winners!
1st prize: Shantelle Brierty
2nd Prize: Catherine Saayman
3rd Prize: Sarah Davies
Last Friday the lucky winners were drawn at assembly and took home some beautiful prizes filled with flowers, vouchers, wine and sweet treats from some of our favourite local businesses. A big thankyou to everyone who purchased a ticket and to all local businesses who contributed to our raffle prizes.
Mother’s Day flower’s were also collected Friday afternoon and they looked absolutely gorgeous. A very special thank you to La’Myrtle Style House for putting together such stunning flower bouquets!
The next P&F executive meeting is being held on Tuesday 11th June at 9.00am in the school staffroom. All are welcome!
Unwell Students
Recently, we have had many staff and students away due to sickness. It seems like the start of winter brings lots of illness. If students are unwell, they need to stay home. Not only are students miserable at school when they are sick, they take longer to recover when they are at school unwell, and they spread their sickness around to other students. They find it difficult to learn when they are at school when sick. Thank you to parents for ensuring that students are recovered and well before returning to school.
Kindergarten 2025
I am currently conducting interviews with new families for children commencing Kindergarten next year. I always ask them what brings them to our school to seek enrolment. It is encouraging to hear people say that they have heard good things about our school or know people who have children attending and they speak very highly of our school. Interviews will be completed shortly for our Kindy class 2025. Enrolments will be organised for Pre-Kindy 2025 later this term. Please spread the word if you know of anyone who is interested in exploring enrolment at our school. There are limited places in some year levels.
Cross Country and Winter Carnival
The Cross Country will be held on Thursday 13 June for students in Years 1-6. Our Cross Country run helps determine the Years 3-6 interschool Cross Country team, who will travel to Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School to compete in Term 3.
The Winter Carnival will be held on Thursday 30 May at Hay Park in Bunbury from 10am to 1.30pm. All students from Years 5 and 6 will compete in football, soccer and netball against students from other schools. Please see Mrs Sinclair if you have any questions.
Students in Years 1-6 are expected to wear the correct school uniform, which consists of a formal uniform several days per week, and sports uniform on designated days. Kindy students have their own t-shirt and Pre-primary students wear their sports uniform every day. The purpose of a school uniform is to:
· Promote pride and loyalty in the school
· Remove competition in dress
· Develop neat grooming habits
· Instil a sense of belonging.
Uniforms are purchased from Perm-A-Pleat to ensure uniformity of colour and style. White school socks are part of our school uniform and are to be worn by boys and girls on sport days. With the formal uniform, boys wear grey socks and girls wear the white school socks or black tights, with the school dress. If girls wear the grey school trousers, they need to wear grey school socks with the trousers.
Please note that sports shoes should be white or black. Formal uniform is worn with all black shoes, no white soles. Rugby tops are only worn with the sports uniforms. Sports uniform is to be worn on the class allocated sports days. If hair is touching the collar it needs to be tied up. Thank you for your ongoing support ensuring that our students wear their uniform with pride.
School Photos
School photos will be held in Week 7, Monday and Tuesday 27/28 May. Please note that students from Years 1-6 will be wearing formal uniform for photos. Formal jumpers are not needed for the photos Kindy and Pre-primary students wear their usual sports uniform (not the Faction Shirt). Please make sure your child wears the correct uniform on photo day.
Pre-Primary Cultural Incursion to the Lighthouse
Last Thursday, the Pre-Primary classes visited the Lighthouse as part of their cultural learning program. This is a valuable part of their learning, and as an added bonus, the bus trip was a highlight, too!
Student Free Day
This Friday 17 May is a Student Free Day. Staff will be continuing their learning about ways to ‘Make Jesus Real’. It is an important part of our professional practice that we continue to up-skill, learn and grow. Students do not attend school on this day, thank you.
Canteen - Volunteers Needed Urgently!
We are in urgent need of volunteers for our canteen. Nearly every canteen day has no volunteers for the remainder of term. Please click on the link and help where you can to enable our canteen to operate. Thank you. https://volunteersignup.org/EXH4F
A Message from the Year 6 Eco Warriors:
“We would like to collect the metal tops off drink cans. They can be recycled to support making wheelchairs for children in need. Please bring them to school and leave them in Year 6 or the office and we can make a difference for a child who needs a wheelchair. Thank you.”
Donations of Old Winter Pinafores/Skirts
Winter Pinafores / Skirts
As previously advised, the winter pinafores and skirts will no longer be required for girls. One of our resourceful parents, Kelly Sweet has found a wonderful organisation, Uniform Rescue, which collects and donates uniforms from schools around WA to schools and communities overseas who can give the uniforms a second life. A collection box will be provided outside the office, please place your clean items there.
Have a wonderful week.
May God bless you
Angela Hegney
Community News
More about us
Email: admin@ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Website: www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Location: 245 Cape Naturaliste Road, Dunsborough WA, Australia
Phone: 9781 3200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OLCDunsborough/