Cecilton Elementary Update
September 8, 2024
First Week of School @ Cecilton Elementary School
We had a wonderful first week at Cecilton Elementary School as the students met their new classmates, started their new AVID binders and learned their new daily routines. In this newsletter, we will share weekly updates of happenings at our school. Another great way to remain connected is to join our school Facebook page HERE. On our Facebook page, we send out regular reminders for events and lots of pictures of our students and teachers in action. Don't miss out!
IMPORTANT ~ Student SAFETY Concern for Transportation
Please do NOT email changes to your child's transportation home during the school day. Please CALL the main office at 410-275-1000 and speak to someone directly. We cannot guarantee that someone has seen an email. All transportation changes are communicated to classrooms at 2:45 p.m. so all changes should be made before that time.
Student Emergency Cards
CCPS has moved to an online emergency card system. These cards will be emailed from Bonnie Jester, our lead secretary, to the first contact early this week. Please make sure that all information, especially emergency phone numbers, are up to date. Each child that you have enrolled in the school will generate a separate email. Please be sure to check all emergency cards. Thank you!
Fall Picture Day is Tomorrow! ~ Monday, September 9th
Picture day materials were sent home with students last week. A Blackboard Communicate call was sent to all families as well to the first contact listed on the school contact list. If you did not receive the call, please contact and believe that you should, please call the main office.
PBIS Family Breakfast
Has your child been talking about Tiger Pride, Power Paws, and Passport Points at home? Please join us at 8:15 a.m. on Wednesday, September 25th for a light breakfast. You will learn about our school wide PBIS program, how it is used in school and ways to incorporate the program at home.
Please RSVP by Friday, September 13th by completing and returning the form. Forms will be sent home on Monday, September 9th.
New to Cecilton Elementary School
This week, let's meet a new member of our Judy Center and our newest special education teacher:
Judy Center Family Service Coordinator: Mrs. Tucker
Hi! I am Malissa Tucker, a Family Service Coordinator for the Judy Center. I have been with CCPS for the past 5 years and I'm looking forward to beginning my 6th year working in the Cecilton community. It is my goal to provide assistance with school and child care needs to families who have children ages 5 and younger. This is going to be a great year of new adventures, let the journey begin!
Hi! My name is Marina Cover and I am a special education teacher. I attended Cecilton Elementary School as a child and came back to help make education accessible to everyone. I am excited for the school year!
At Cecilton Elementary School, we are looking forward to working with Ms. Tucker and Ms. Cover to help increase our student achievement.
Volunteers Wanted
As a staff, we are looking for ways to increase our parent presence in our classrooms and this is a wonderful way to do so. By considering volunteer training, parents and family members are able to complete all training requirements for being in classrooms as well as for chaperoning, field trips, becoming homeroom sponsors, and more.
At CES, we are in dire need of Spanish speaking volunteers. If you speak Spanish and want to help at school, please contact us. We have a range of opportunities, both in the building and work from home, that can help support our students. Once the google form is completed, our Community School Advisor, Mrs. Morris, will contact you. Please reach out with any questions!
Opportunity for All PreK Families
Cecil County Public Schools is working in partnership with the Johns Hopkins University are seeking preK parents in a research study to understand how school-based programs support parents and their
children’s school success. PreK families who participate by completing several surveys throughout the school year can earn up to $180 for active participation - by simplying giving your opinion! If you are the parent of a preK student and are interested, please see the flyer below and register.
Introducing BrightPath, a New Resource for Families
Upper Bay Counseling & Support Services, Inc. (UBCSS), in partnership with Greenspace Health, is proud to offer a new and innovative way to ensure that students and their parents/caregivers can easily find and access high-quality mental health information, support, and resources using a digital platform called BrightPath. The funding for this program has been provided by the Blueprint for Education at no cost to you or Cecil County Public Schools.
BrightPath will act as a virtual doorway to high-quality mental health information and services for students and parents/caregivers at select schools in Cecil County. The platform includes access to self-guided resources and content aimed at helping children better understand their emotional well-being. Elementary students will not access the platform directly; rather, their parents/caregivers will access BrightPath in order to find appropriate, high-quality mental health information, resources and services. Interested parents/caregivers of elementary school children can access the platform through Brightpathcecil.com or via the QR code at the bottom of this letter. Parents/caregivers may access the platform 24/7; however, the platform will not be monitored 24/7. UBCSS staff will monitor the platform Monday-Friday, 8:00-5:00.
When a parent/caregiver navigates to the platform, they will reach a landing page that informs them of many different mental health resources that are available. If any parents/caregiver decides to register for the platform, they will have access to a series of mental health inventories to help determine which resources may be most helpful for their child and to determine if their child needs further mental health support. These inventories include RCADS 25 and WSAS-Y.
UBCSS will monitor the platform, Monday-Friday 8:00-5:00, and offer support for any parents/caregivers who have registered for the platform and have had their child(ren) take inventories and present with significant mental health challenges. In addition, UBCSS will provide the option of free brief virtual psychoeducation groups. For those children who need further services, UBCSS will then refer parents/caregivers to information about community mental health services available to them.
To access the platform, please head to: Brightpathcecil.com or scan the QR code below
Please reach out to Kristen Lehr, CCPS Coordinator of Behavior and Mental Health Services, at kblehr@ccps.org or 410-996-5401 Ext. 50407, with any questions.
Cecil County Health Department Resources
The Cecil County Health Department has a large number of resources for families including crisis services, mental health services, housing and emergency food support, and much more. Open the link below for contact information for any type of assistance you may need.
Calendar of Events ~ September 2024
Click the link below the calendar to read detailed information as it becomes available. Google translated materials are available at the link.
Attention Families of Students with IEP's
Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee: New Year, New Topics! Please join us for our first SECAC meeting of the year on September 26, 2024, from 6:00-7:30 pm at the Administrative Services Building 900 North East Road. We want to hear from you!