Ansel Adams Email Template
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Sept. 16-20, 2024 ( Wednesday MINI DAY ) and haWiian Wear Friday!
Principal's Message
One of my favorite days of the school year includes Lunch on the Lawn where I get to visit with families at their picnic blanket and get to know the Cubs' family members. Thank you to all the families who were able to join us. Thank you to everyone else who was hard at work; Mr. Gary and his kids for keeping the courtyard area clean, Ms. Jennifer and Ms. Gina helping with the check in and out, Ms. Jennifer's mom for selling t-shirts, the staff for keeping an eye on everyone's safety and well-being, and to Ms. Davis for operating the Book Fair! Special thanks to the following parents for volunteering their efforts with the Fair; Maria Sandoval, Stacey Browning, Breanna Orth, Danika Aviles, and Aunt Jeanette.
Parents may continue shopping online until Sept. 22, and Ansel will earn 25% of every online purchase!
Parent Information
( repeat ) October Break - Extended Learning Sept. 30-Oct. 4
At Sutherland School for all TK-6 gr students!
English Flier: https://out.smore.com/e/fmdxu/j5silC?__$u__
Spanish Flier: https://out.smore.com/e/fmdxu/fPOEB8?__$u__
Suicide Awareness Month - LUSD Message
September is #SuicidePreventionMonth. Help us support suicide prevention by learning the warning signs and risk factors for suicide. If you, or someone you know needs support, call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org. Additional resources can be found on our website.
Click on the link below for the suicide warning signs for adults (English):
Click on the link below for the suicide warning signs for youth (English):
Septiembre es el #MesdelaPrevencióndelSuicidio. Ayúdenos a apoyar la prevención del suicidio conociendo las señales de advertencia y los factores de riesgo del suicidio. Si usted o alguien que conoce necesita ayuda, llame o envíe un mensaje de texto al 988 o chatee con 988lifeline.org. Puede encontrar recursos adicionales en nuestro sitio: bit.ly/LodiUSDMentalHealthResources
Click on the link below for the suicide warning signs for adults (Spanish):
Click on the link below for the suicide warning signs for youth (Spanish):
Student Recognition
Passing the CAASPP ( state test )
Students in grades 4-6 who passed last year's state test in Language and/or Math will be recognized THIS Friday at 9:30! Our goal is to have 5% increase in those who pass when we take it this coming April!
Our School Counselor, Ms. Sandra Flores
We let Cubs know they can come to the office if they want to talk about concerns. There's a number of us in various roles, but one key staff member trained in supporting our students is our school counselor, Ms. Flores. Counseling service ends each year, so if you want to have counseling service continue please reach out so we can obtain another parent-consent signature. Let your Cubs know we are here for them!
Minimum Days
Sept. 18, 24-27
haWaiian Wear Day
Sept. 20, as Summer officially ends on Sept. 22. Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall!
Parent Conferences
Sept. 24-27
Last Day of 1st Quarter
Sept. 27
Fall Break
Saturday Sept. 28- Sunday, Oct. 13. First day of Q2 is Oct. 14
Picture Re-Take ( Did you miss the first one!? )
Oct. 16