BHS Newsletter
February 15, 2025
Class of 2025 Commencement
Thursday, May 22, 2025 at 7 p.m.
Help Support After Prom by Getting a Ticket, See QR Code at the Bottom!
Drawing March 22, 2025!
Principal's Message
BHS Parents and Guardians,
Student attendance plays a crucial role in academic success. Regular attendance ensures that students are engaged in the learning process, stay on track with their studies, and develop important habits of responsibility.
When students miss school or arrive late, they lose valuable instruction time, which can significantly impact their academic progress. Each lesson is designed to support your child’s learning and success. Missing even small portions of class can make it harder for students to catch up with the material. Over time, this can accumulate, affecting their grades, missing assignments, understanding of key concepts, and overall academic achievement.
I encourage you to help your child establish routines that support consistent attendance and punctuality. Classroom instruction starts at 7:25 am, students need to enter the building by 7:20 am to make it to class on time each morning. With the weather impacting the road, plan ahead by leaving home a few minutes early. If they are stopping to get coffee and that is causing them to be late, set the alarm earlier! This will not only benefit their learning but will also foster important skills like responsibility and time management that will serve them throughout their lives.
If your child is experiencing challenges that impact their attendance or timeliness, please don't hesitate to reach out to the school counselors or grade level administration. We are here to support your family and work together to ensure all students have the opportunity to thrive.
Thank you,
Mr. Keith Merrill
Brunswick High School
330-273-0495 option 8
Brunswick City Schools 2024-2025 School Calendar
BHS Plan Ahead: 2025-2026 Brunswick City Schools Calendar
CCP Deadline April 1st!
Current CCP Student Information
11th Grade Scheduling 2/24-2/27
2025-2026 Scheduling Process
The scheduling process has begun for the 2025-2026 school year. Students in grades 9, 10, and 11 watched the scheduling presentation and received their scheduling sheets. Each grade has specific course options and each are described in our Program of Studies.
Scheduling Process:
- Scheduling sheets- circle courses in pencil you are selecting for next year
- Scheduling sheets need to be signed by student and parent/guardian
- Scheduling sheets will be turned in their ELA teacher. If they do not have an ELA class at BHS, they turn in their scheduling sheet to the guidance office.
- Guidance Website for all course options, programs, information, and deadlines.
- Scheduling sheets are due by Thursday, 1/30
Why This Process Is Important:
It is essential that parents engage in discussions with their child about the courses they want and need to take for the next year. You know your child best, and your input is crucial in selecting courses that are both appropriate and challenging. This is an opportunity to encourage your child to push themselves while also considering their strengths, interests, and post-graduation goals.
Final Exam Exemptions May 2025
Brunswick High School Students, Parents, and Guardians,
The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce releases students' scores on the Ohio State Test (OST) End of Course Assessments (EOC).. This year, the results of Algebra 1, Geometry, Biology, American History and American Government will be provided to the district on May 13, 2025; the English Language Arts 2 End of Course Assessment results will be provided to the district on May 21, 2025.
Since we will have this information before the end of the school year, the following practice will be in place that could exempt students from taking certain final exams based on their performance on the End of Course Exams. Here are the details for exemptions:
Students who earn a competency score (684 or higher) on the Algebra 1 or English Language Arts 2 End of Course Exams will be exempt from the final exams for those specific courses.
Students who earn the proficiency score (700 or higher) on the Biology, Geometry, American History or American Government End of Course Exams will be exempt from the final exams for those specific courses.
Regardless of their scores, if a student needs to take the final exam to pass the class, the exemption will not be an option.
Seniors will have the opportunity to be exempt from final exams for ALL courses if they receive a 70% or higher for both the 3rd and 4th quarters, no cut slips AND have fewer than 11 tardies, sign-ins, sign-outs, and absences combined starting January 22, 2025. Seniors will be required to take an exam if it is needed to pass the class for the year. Seniors who have not completed their credit recovery courses, failed a course, or have not met graduation requirements must finalize all credits and coursework to be eligible to participate in the graduation ceremony. The deadline for completion is Monday, May 19, 2025, at 9:00 AM.
Students will have the option to forgo the exemption and take the final exam if they wish to improve their grade for the year. Students who participate in the exemption will not receive a final exam grade and their second semester grades will be calculated using their third and fourth-quarter grades only.
Thank you,
Mr. Keith Merrill
BHS taking down an opponent! Congrats!
Mr. Neidermeyer with the BHS Bowling Team!
BHS Teachers PD on Relationships & Engagement!
LET'S GO BLUE! Athletic Information!
Brunswick High School Athletic Events
BHS Dual in the School- BHS Girls and Boys Wrestling team competed with their classmates cheering them on. Great seeing all of the support from Bluey, BHS Dance Team, BHS Cheer Team, Students, Parents, and Staff! It was a great event for our student athletes.
Mr. Jim Kovi
Athletic Director
Phone: 330-273-0496
Email: jkovi@bcsoh.org
Ms. Athena Fleming
Athletic Secretary
Phone 330.273.0496
Email: afleming@bcsoh.org
Parking & Additional Athletic Entrance for Winter Season
The winter athletic season underway, additional parking for athletics events in the East Gym will be located in the back West Parking Lot.
A second athletic entrance will be open for those parking in the back West Lot, North athletic entrance. Look for signage guiding you to the North Athletic Entrance.
CCP Deadline Dates!
Student of the Month! Submit your Application!
Looking for Career Options? A Career Coach is Available!
Upcoming Events & Opportunities at BHS
Interested in the Military? Talk to a Recruiter during lunch!
Interested in French? How about Visiting France?
London's Calling! Mr. Curtis is Going to London! Interested?
If your child is going to be absent, please call the appropriate attendance line each day. You can call the attendance line anytime day or night. Attendance lines are by grade level, please see the numbers below. Consider adding the attendance line as a contact in your phone.
9th/10th Grades: (330) 273-5964
11th/12th Grades: (330) 273-5966
NURSE: 330-273-0408 - Located in the Center.
When picking up or dropping off your child: if they are coming in late or being picked up for an appointment, they MUST sign in and out at the New Attendance Office in the back West.
If you have any questions, please contact the grade level office.
If your child is sick and with the nurse, your child will be signed out at the Center Entrance Doors. For Safety reasons, never leave with your child without notifying and signing out with a grade level secretary, office or the Nurse.
Seniors, It's Scholarship Time!
Senior Baby Ads for 2025 Yearbook!
Interested in Yearbook?
BHS Information and Important Links
- BHS 2024-25 Homeroom List
- Final Forms Make sure to update contact your information, emergency contacts, etc.
- New student parking location, arrival and dismissal traffic patterns, parent drop off back west and center lot, and new one way exit on Boyer during dismissal.
- BCSD 2024-25 School Calendar
- PaySchools Parent Registration - Point of Sales Payment System for Lunch/Breakfast
- Free & Reduced Lunch Application
- Opt-In Transportation Link Complete if your family will be riding a bus to school
- Cell Phone Policy
BCSD 2024-2025 School Calendar - Plan Ahead
See Something, Hear Something, Say Something
The Brunswick City School District encourages students, teachers, staff, parents and other members of our community to report any instances of potential violence, bullying, self-harm or any other issue where our students may be at risk. Information about the SaferSchools Tip Line can be found on the Brunswick City Schools webpage. The Brunswick City School District partners with SaferSchools Ohio to provide our families with a free resource for keeping our schools safe. The anonymous tip line service helps alert local law enforcement to potential school safety crisis. By calling or texting the statewide tip line (844-SAFEROH), you can report anything that is suspicious or endangering to you, your friends or your school. The SaferSchools Tip Line accepts calls and texts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Thank you for keeping our Brunswick Community SAFE.
Upcoming dates to remember:
District & BHS Calendar of Events All Building. Quick event check to see what is happening around the district in all schools! Great one stop check for parents, guardians, and students.
*Dates, times, and locations can change. Please check newsletter for updates
2/17 President’s Day - NO SCHOOL
2/24 Family First Night
3/13 End of Third quarter
3/24-3/28 Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
4/1 CCP Deadline Participation in CCP Acknowledgement forms are Due Tuesday 4/1!
4/15 SAT All 11th Grade Students (Dismissed after testing)
4/15 ELA II EOC Part 1 all 10th Grade Students (Dismissed after testing) OST
4/16 ELA II EOC Part 2 all 10th Grade Students (Delayed Start) OST
4/23 Biology EOC Part 1 and Part 2 OST
4/24 American History and Government EOC, Part 1 and Part 2 OST
4/29 Algebra and Geometry EOC and EOC Part 1 OST
4/30 Algebra and Geometry EOC and EOC Part 2 OST
*OST Ohio State Testing
5/1 Military Enlisted Day East Gym
5/10 Prom at Encore in Strongsville from 6:00-10:30 PM
5/12 Exams - Periods 5 -8
5/13 Exams - Periods 5 - 8
5/14 Exams - Periods 1 - 4
5/15 Exams - Periods 1 - 4
5/15 Senior Awards 7:00 p.m. James J. Hayas Performing Arts Center (PAC)
5/21 Commencement Practice 10:00 AM - West Gym - Mandatory attendance
5/21 Elementary Walk-Thru at 1:30 PM
5/22 Class of 2025 Commencement Ceremony is at 7:00 p.m. at the Stadium
5/26 Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
5/27 BHS Exams
5/28 BHS Exams
5/29 BHS Exams
5/29 End of fourth quarter - Last day for students
5/30 Last day for Teachers
Questions, Visit the Brunswick City Schools Website for Information!
BHS Website
Check the Brunswick High School website for daily announcements, updates on student achievements, upcoming events including state testing, adjusted schedules and other important information. Visit www.bcsoh.org, select Brunswick High School in the pull-down menu, and look at the tabs which include BHS News, District News, Events and Resources.
Follow us online, social media etc.
X @BCSDBrunswickHS
Athletics @BHSGoBigBlue
BCSD @BrunswickCSD
Brunswick City Schools & Brunswick High School Website www.bcsoh.org