Bronco Announcements
Bella Vista High School

January 13, 2025
BVTV Video Broadcast will be back Tomorrow!
Staff Absences
David Gonzalez – sub Amy Stockett
Melanie Jaramillo – sub Michael Coleman
Wendy Carey – sub Cynthia Teresi
Zara Budenbender – sub Julie Leopold
Garrett Lane – sub Christopher Dumal
Dave Underwood – sub Sarah Glaser
Doug Grush (6) – teacher coverage
Vicki Jenks
Hannah Rudd
Student Body
- Boys Lacrosse New Player Interest Meeting is TODAY during Lunch in the Small Gym for Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors. See you there!
- Girls Lacrosse Limited Practice begins TODAY at 3:45pm on lacrosse grass field 4.
Bring water & your Gear. (loaner gear is also available)
- This week’s practices: Mon. 1/13, Tue. Jan. 1/14 & Wed. 1/15 from 3:45 - 5pm and Thursday 1/16 from 2:45 - 4pm
- Practice will continue 4 days per week until Tryouts on Feb. 3 at 3:45pm.
- Baseball on-field workouts begin TODAY from 4 - 5pm on the baseball field. Wear T-shirt/shorts, No sweatpants!
- TOMORROW (Jan. 14) there is NO Afterschool Detention or Tutoring due to a faculty meeting.
- Attention Senior Athletes: The A. Dale Lacky Scholarship is now accepting applications. This is a prestigious scholarship awarded to graduating senior athletes who have excelled in academics, athletics, and leadership. Interested students should see the athletic director, Becky Stewart, for an application. Applications DUE January 31.
Upcoming Meetings
Mon., Jan. 13: Boys Lacrosse New Player Interest Meeting at Lunch-Small Gym
Tues. Jan. 14: Afterschool Detention & Tutoring CANCELLED due to faculty meeting
Fri., Jan. 17: BV PTSA Grad Nite Dave's Hot Chicken Fundraiser 4-8pm (off Madison in F.O.)
Mon., Jan. 20: Martin Luther King Holiday - No School
Wed., Jan. 22: CASH for COLLEGE FAFSA Night 6-8pm Cafeteria.
Thurs., Jan. 23: BV Band & Dance Panera Bread Fundraiser 7am-9pm (off Greenback in C.H.)
Athletic Events
Support our Bronco Athletics at these upcoming sporting events! Free home admission with your ASB card!
- There's still time to Sign up for BV Track & Field Team! Go to the team website bvtrack.com or see Coach U during the school day. Team conditioning begins Tuesday, January 21 at 3:45pm in the stadium. Wear workout clothes.
- Students wanting to participate in any sports, including conditioning and practices, must be cleared through Sports Net and have a current sports physical on file before you can begin!
On going Reminders...
- Attention Seniors! BV is having a Cash for College Workshop January 22 from 6 - 8:00pm in the Cafeteria. Attend this FREE workshop to receive help completing the FAFSA or the CA Dream Act Application.
- The San Juan Unified Literary Magazine is currently looking for creative 9th - 12th grade students to share their voice with their writing or art. 2024-2025 theme: We are Dreamers. Students can submit their work to be published in the second edition of the San Juan Unified Literary Magazine for high school students. To access the guidelines and for submission information go to link https://bit.ly/sjusdlitmag24. Last day for submissions is January 24th.
- Pre-order a Yearbook for $70: purchase online https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/ (Use Code 6038) or purchase in the Finance Office with cash/check.
Attention Students: Courtesy reminder - You may NOT Park in Staff and/or Visitor Parking. Violations will result in parking privileges being revoked.
- Friendly Reminder: Bella Vista is a Closed Campus, and Students CANNOT Go Into the Parking Lot or Off-Campus During Break or Lunch!