This Week at BLE
Important Details for the Week of 10/31-11/4
School Schedule
Late Start Mondays: 10:35 am - 3:45 pm.
School starts at 10:35 am on Mondays. Please drop your students off no earlier than 10:20 am on Mondays. Bus routes run 90 minutes later on Mondays.
Tuesday through Friday Schedule: 9:00 am - 3:45 pm.
Classes begin at 9:00 am. Please drop your students off no earlier than 8:45 am.
If you are Running Late
If you are dropping your student off and it is after 9:00 am, you need to park in the front lot and walk your student into the front office. It is critical you do not drop your student off in the back loop or front lot after 9:00 am. There is no exterior supervision on campus after 9:00 am, attendance has already been taken, and all of our exterior doors are locked.
Please take the time to park and walk your student in. Thank you for your attention to this expectation.
Spirit Days
- On Mondays we wear College or Local High School Spirit Wear
- On Fridays we wear Viking or Blue Spirit Gear
Character Trait of the Month for November
November Dates to Remember
2 PTA General Membership Meeting
6 Daylight Savings Ends: Fall Back
8 Family Night Out: MOD Pizza
11 Veterans Day: No School
14 Pastries with Peeps
14-18 Book Fair
15 Family Night Out: Panda Express
16-18 Elementary Conferences: 1/2 Day Early Dismissal
22 Elementary Conferences: 1/2 Day Early Dismissal
23-25 Thanksgiving Break: No School
DSHS Mobile Community Services Office
Ready! for Kindergarten
The Weather Has Changed
Please remember to send your student to school with proper coats and shoes. Outdoor recess is only cancelled if there are severe weather concerns such as high winds or thunder and lightning.
Please consider writing your student’s name inside their coat in case it is left out at recess. This helps us return it to the correct student.
Lost and Found
We have an abundance of lost and found items. Please remind your student to check the lost and found in the 200 pod.
During Conference Week we will place the lost and found outside for families to look through.
A Note From the Health Room
Common Health Conditions
The common cold is a viral upper-respiratory infection that inflames the lining of the nose and throat. Symptoms include runny or stuffy nose, watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, congestion, mild aches, pains, and occasionally fever. Nasal discharge is usually watery and clear at the onset but may become thick and discolored within a few days. Colds are caused by viruses, not by drafts or failure to dress warmly. Most people recover within about 7-10 days. However, people with weakened immune systems, asthma, or conditions that affect the lungs and breathing passages may develop serious illness, such as pneumonia. Common colds are the main reason that children miss school and adults miss work. Each year in the United States, millions of people get the common cold. Adults have an average of 2-3 colds per year, and children have even more.
How to control the spread:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water. Wash them for at least 20 seconds, and help young children do the same. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Viruses that cause colds can stay on your hands, and regular hand washing can help protect you from getting sick.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Viruses that cause colds can enter your body this way and make you sick.
- Stay away from people who are sick. Sick people can spread viruses that cause the common cold through close contact with others.
- Disinfect frequently touched surfaces, including objects such as toys and doorknobs.
References: OSPI and CDC.gov
PTA Update
The last general membership meeting will be held in the Library on Wednesday, November 2nd from 5:30-6:30 pm. Pizza will be served.
Upcoming Events
November 2: General Membership Meeting 5:30-6:30 pm
November 8: Family Night Out at MOD Pizza- All Day Event
November 14: Pastries with Peeps 8:45-10:00 am
November 14-18: Book Fair
November 15: Family Night Out at Panda Express