Highlights & Insights

February 28, 2025 (Volume 2, Edition 7)
Ask your Rep. to Vote No on Reconsidering SB 208
Senate Bill 208, which requires an election for any bond or capital outlay certificate agreement, was defeated on the House Floor on a 31-39 vote on Thursday (2/27). However, Representatives will vote to reconsider the bill on Monday (3/3), which means the proposal has a second chance at passing, reaching the Governor’s Desk and becoming law.
ASBSD opposes SB 208 because of the unnecessary requirement it imposes on school boards to hold an election for any bond or capital outlay certificate agreement.
With the vote to reconsider SB 208 on Monday (3/3) it’s imperative your Representatives hear from you and your points of opposition to the bill.
Please share the following speaking points with your Representatives in opposition to SB 208:
- School boards make fiscally sound decisions when deciding to pass a bond or capital outlay certificate agreement.
- It forces an election when a school board can already refer this voluntarily to their voters.
- Will cost a district unnecessary dollars to hold an election their voters may not refer for a vote.
- Adds an undue step in a process that is already safeguarded with multiple steps in state law.
Please respectfully email your Representative member and share the speaking points above. Click here to find the email address of your Representative and click here to find which Representative is from your district.
If you have questions about the information provided, the Legislative Action Network or legislative session, please contact Executive Director Heath Larson at hlarson@asbsd.org or 605-773-2503 or Director of Communications Tyler Pickner at tpickner@asbsd.org or 605-773-8382.
SDSSA now accepting superintendent award nominations
We have outstanding educational leaders in South Dakota.
Please join the South Dakota School Superintendent Association in celebrating our public school superintendents by submitting nominations for the following awards:
Outstanding Superintendent of the Year
The SDSSA Executive Board honors an “Outstanding Superintendent of the Year” Award to honor a superintendent who has made significant contributions to Leadership for Learning, Communication, Professionalism, and Community Involvement.
Download the nomination form here.
Community Leader of the Year
The SDSSA Executive Board has instituted a “Community Leader” Award to honor a superintendent who has made an investment in his/her community above and beyond the scope of the school district’s responsibilities.
Download the nomination form here.
Innovator of the Year
The SDSSA Executive Board has instituted an “Innovator of the Year” Award to honor a superintendent who has exhibited exemplary leadership ability in creating new programs or concepts that have a positive impact on staff development, recruitment, or retention, or creating new programming that directly impacts student learning, student achievement, or student educational experiences.
Download the nomination form here.
Rookie of the Year
The SDSSA Executive Board has instituted a “Rookie of the Year” Award to honor a superintendent in their first three years in the profession who has exhibited exemplary leadership ability in making a difference in their school district through new programs or concepts that have a positive impact on the dynamics of the district.
Download the nomination form here.
Distinguished Service Award
The SDSSA Executive Committee has instituted a Distinguished Service Award to honor retired or retiring superintendents who have exhibited exemplary leadership ability and have enhanced the school's superintendency in South Dakota.
Download the nomination form here.
All individuals nominated for Outstanding Superintendent will be automatically nominated for Community Leader and Innovator of the Year. Individuals may submit specific nominations for Innovator and Community Leader of the Year.
Please complete the components associated with the nomination. All nominations should include the basic data and overview sheet.
Nominations are due by March 28.
ASBSD Negotiations/Collective Bargaining Webinars
Wednesday, Jan 29, 2025, 12:00 PM
Submit your 2025 ASBSD-SASD Breakout Session proposal
The premier learning event for South Dakota school board members and administrators is seeking people to share their expertise and knowledge with the large contingent of school leaders who will attend the 2025 ASBSD-SASD Convention.
The ASBSD-SASD Convention is scheduled to be held at the Sioux Falls Convention Center on Thursday and Friday, August 7-8.
Download the Breakout Session proposal form here and submit it by Friday, April 11 to kara.brandlee@sasd.org.
ASBSD and SASD will review submitted proposals and contact the applicant(s) of proposals at a date in the future.
If you have questions, about breakout session proposals or Convention, please contact Kara Brandlee with SASD at kara.brandlee@sasd.org.
ASBSD/COSA All School Law Webinars Package
Monday, Jun 30, 2025, 05:00 PM
2025 Cracker Barrel list
Legislative Cracker Barrels in your area offer access to your local legislators, as well as the chance to hear their answers on a variety of legislative topics.
Below you will find a list of dates and locations of legislative cracker barrels being held throughout South Dakota that have been posted thus far.
Please send any dates and locations of legislative cracker barrels in your area that are not listed below to Tyler at tpickner@asbsd.org and we will add them to the list, which is still being and will be updated throughout session.
In the Deadwood Gulch Resort in the Creek Side Convention Center beginning at 10 a.m.
- Saturday, March 1
In the Gettysburg Mini Mall beginning at 2:30 p.m.
- To be Determined
At the Gregory Auditorium beginning at 1 p.m.
- Saturday, March 1
At City Hall from 9 to 10 a.m.
- Saturday, March 8
At Lennox Legion Hall beginning at 9 a.m.
- Saturday, March 1
At 44 Pizza Plus beginning at 4 p.m.
- Saturday, March 1
Rapid City:
In the Event Center at the Western Dakota Tech Event Center from 9 to 11 a.m.
- Saturday, March 8
At the Erskine Building from 9 to 11 a.m.
- Saturday, March 1
At City Hall from 9 to 11 a.m.
- Saturday, March 1
At Community Connections beginning at 10 a.m.
- Saturday, March 1
In the City Commission Room at the CMTEA building beginning at 10 a.m.
- Saturday, March 15