Berry Creek Neighborhood Newsletter
February 2019
Password: stillwater2017
February News
Thank you to everyone who came out to vote on the proposed Berry Creek Covenants and By-Laws. We needed 75% of residents to approve (approximately 150 households) in order to implement the new documents.
The voting is open until February 28 for any residents who did not have a chance to vote. Please contact a board member if you'd still like an opportunity to vote. We will finalize the votes at the March Board Meeting and share the results then! If you are interested in attending a board meeting, they are held during the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:00pm.
To contact Board members, please visit:
To read Meeting notes, please visit:
Please contact Sara Arens at with any information for the newsletter.
Berry Creek Improvements
Now that the new year us under way, we are going to begin our 2019 Capital Improvements. Thank you to all the residents who have paid their 2019 HOA dues, they make our neighborhood maintenance and improvements possible!
Keep your eyes open for these upcoming improvements:
- A new mat, coat rack and TV in the Exercise room.
- A new cable box for the clubhouse TV.
- Gutters on the clubhouse
- Interior painting of the clubhouse
- Landscaping at both entrances, and the Shiloh Creek island located at the back of the neighborhood.
Please contact the board if you are interested in helping with any projects, and visit the website to see a complete list of all 2019 Capital Improvements
For information on all Berry Creek budget items, including monthly bank statements, please visit Berry Creek Financials
Calling All Berry Creek Helpers!
We are still in need of volunteers to help with neighborhood events, small repair projects, and other committees. Please add your name to the Sign-Up Genius if you'd like to help!
Please use the link on this page to sign-up for a committee:
Thank You!
Upcoming Dates and Events
- March 1: $50 late fee assessed on unpaid HOA dues
- March 11 at 6:00pm: HOA Board Meeting at the Clubhouse
- March 18-22: SPS and OSU Spring Break
- April 27 from 8am-noon: Neighborhood Spring Garage Sale
For a full list of neighborhood events, please visit