The Pinnacle Periodical
Volume 1, Issue 6
August 22, 2024
Buckle Up! Our School is about to Zoom into Overdrive!
Our first three weeks of easing into the school year are over! We have so much stuff happening and information parents need to know. Please be sure to check out the important reminders, news, and flyers in this newsletter.
To report a scholar absence, please call 623-537-3535 by 9:00 a.m. Letting your scholar's teacher know is much appreciated; however, it does not replace contacting our front office directly. Calling after 9:00 a.m. may result in an automatic system phone call.
Thursday, August 29th is Dollar for Duds
We love seeing our scholars express themselves through their creative clothing. Please remember to adhere to the Heritage Academy standard of modesty. All tops should be long enough to reach the waistband when standing, sitting, or leaning over.
PTO email: heritagepinnaclePTO@gmail.com
Plan to join us for our next meeting on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.
July Founder- George Washington
President and General George Washington teaches us to be courageous.
August Founder- Abraham Lincoln
President and Captain Abraham Lincoln teaches us to be honest.
Be sure to notice our founding hero wall!
Scholastic Book Fair and Reading Week
Book Fair is Right Around the Corner
Monday, August 26-Thursday, August 29, 2024 is reading week and our Scholastic Book Fair.
Monday, 8/26- book fair preview days
Tuesday & Wednesday, 8/27 & 8/28- class purchase days
Thursday, 8/29 8:30-11:30 a.m. only- parent purchase days
The book fair can only happen with help from our parents. We need a couple parents to monitor the book fair and run the register all four days. NOTE: all volunteers must have a current fingerprint clearance card to volunteer on campus.
If you are interested and available, please email Ms. Lenhart
CLICK on or SCAN the QR code to set up your scholar's eWallet for easier purchases. We are HIGHLY recommending that parents choose the eWallet option for payment as it expedites check out and prevents issues with lost money.
Look out for your scholar(s)'' specific date and time to preview and visit the book fair from specific teachers. Parents are welcome to come to campus on Thursday, Aug. 29th between 8:30-11:30 a.m. to make purchases in the book fair directly.
Storybook Character Dress Up Day
Wednesday, Aug. 28th is Storybook Character Dress Up day.
Scholars can come to school dressed up as their favorite character from a story for free.
- All outfits must adhere to the Heritage standard of modesty.
- Masks, hats, or head pieces are prohibited.
- Scholars should not bring any props to accompany their outfit.
Click here if you need some ideas,
Say Cheese!
Picture Day is Tuesday, September 3rd
LifeTouch Photography will be on campus Tuesday, September 3, 2024 to take individual and class photos.
Scholars must be in uniform for the fall pictures. Picture order forms went home this week; however, you can click HERE and use code: EVTQHGCCZ to order your pictures online.
PowerSchool School Messenger SMS Text Opt-In
Hearing and Vision Screening
We need some parent help!
If you are available on Thursday, Sept. 19th between 8:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. please call 623-573-3535 or email Ms. Lenhart.
Field Trips are Coming!
We have some exciting field trips either planned or in the works for all of our scholars this year. Look out for communication from your scholar(s)' teachers. Our K-6 scholars will participate in at least one field trip experience in Maricopa County. Our 7th and 8th grade scholars will have TWO different Heritage Academy tour opportunities- Fine Arts retreat in Payson, AZ February 27-March 1, 2025 and the Southern Arizona history tour in April.
7/8 parents should have received an email from Miss Perez who will be your point-of-contact for the JH Fine Arts tour. You can reach out to her directly at p.perez@heritageacademyaz.com
We WILL need volunteers
We are planning MANY events this year (both during and after school). We always need and love parent volunteers. If you think you might or know you want to volunteer on our campus or chaperone a field trip, please note that you are required to have a fingerprint clearance card. Chaperones who will be alone with scholars must have the IVP fingerprint clearance card.
The process can take several weeks, we encourage you to start now so you are ready when opportunities arise.
Please email Andrea Lenhart a.lenhart@heritageacademyaz.com if you want to be added to our volunteer list.
In Search of a Refrigerator
Are you looking to get rid of your refrigerator? If so, we would love if you'd consider donating it to Pinnacle. We have a couple mini-fridges in our teacher's lounge but we would love to acquire a full-size refrigerator. If you are getting rid of yours, let us know!
Staff Birthday Spot Light!
Please join us in wishing Mrs. Roberts, our special education resource teacher a happy birthday on Wednesday, August 28th.
Please check out the Pinnacle staff list of favorites any time you want remind a teacher or staff member how much they mean to you!
8/26-8/29- Book Fair/Reading Week
8/28- Storybook Character Dress up Day
8/29- Dollar for Duds
9/2- Labor Day No School
9/3- Fall School Pictures
9/3- Happy Birthday Ms. Shaw and Ms. Lenhart!
9/11- Patriot Day
9/12- Coffee with the Principal
9/17-9/19- Constitution Week
9/18- PTO Meeting 6:00 p.m.
9/19- Hearing & Vision Screening for Kinder, 1st, 3rd, 5th, & 7th grades
Coffee with the Principal
Would you like enjoy a cup of coffee and chat with Mrs. Jenks? Sign up for an hour to sit down and share your ideas or ask questions in an informal setting. Please note- this event includes multiple guests, we will not be able to discuss individuals concerns addressing scholars or staff members.
Click HERE to sign up!
Driveline Procedures
Morning driveline begins at 7:30 a.m.
Afternoon driveline is 3:15-3:30 p.m.
Have your car tags displayed in your windshield or from your visor. Cars without a visible car tag will be asked to proceed through driveline, park, and go to the front office to show identification. This ensures the safety of our scholars and increases the efficiency of our driveline.
Please follow these guidelines for a safe and efficient pick up:
- Pull up to the furthest cone possible.
- If you need to buckle your child, pull forward and off to the side.
- Eyes up, phone down please!
- Show citizenship, patience, and courtesy to other parents & drivers- YOU are setting an example for all of our scholars.
IMPORTANT NOTICE- Student Pick-up Time Limit
After school, scholars should be picked up by 3:30 p.m.
Scholars who are still on campus after 3:30 (and parents are not actively waiting in driveline) will be walked to Hero Club and parents will be charged a $20 non-registration fee plus $2/minute past 3:45 p.m. After two occurrences, your scholar will be enrolled in Hero Club at the monthly fee.
If you know you will frequently arrive later than 3:15, please register your scholar for Hero Club.
Heritage Academy Dress Code
One of the most valued objectives at Heritage Academy is to help scholars learn to make responsible choices and thereby be prepared to govern themselves. Our dress code is based on principles of maintaining modesty, cleanliness, and professionalism in your dress.
Read the ENTIRE Dress Code policy HERE
Highlights to note:
- All Heritage tops MUST be a polo purchased from one of our four vendors.
- Check those shorts and skirts' lengths! Skirts MUST touch the top of the knee (front and back). Shorts CANNOT be shorter than 4" above the middle of the knee cap.
- PROHIBITED- sweat pants, track pants, athletic wear, slippers, flip flops.
- Jewelry- Girls are permitted to wear ONE earring in each lobe only. Boys are not allowed to wear earrings.
- Shoes- All shoes must have a back strap. Sneakers must be worn on Tuesdays/Thursdays (for P.E.). Crocs (with the back strap) are okay on Mondays and Wednesdays only.
Sign Up for Lunch
We are excited to partner with my MyHotLunchBox again this year. Click HERE to log in or create an account.
Monday- Jimmy Johns
Tuesday- Red Robin
Wednesday- Streets of New York
Thursday- Cane's
Heritage Academy Pinnacle Information
6754 W Pinnacle Peak Rd
Glendale, AZ 85310
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 7:30 am – 4:00 pm
Summer Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 9:00 am – 12:00 pm