The Bobcat Bulletin
Founders Memorial School News: November 15, 2024
From the Principal
Dear FMS Families,
We have so enjoyed connecting with our families these past few weeks during parent-teacher conferences. This is a time we get to share all of the wonderful things your children have learned at school so far this year, and also talk about ways we can work together to continue to help your children grow.
This has been a busy few weeks with schoolwide events! On Monday, we held a special assembly to honor Veterans in our community. After some shared learning about Veterans’ Day last week, students were an amazing audience for both Phil Bourn and Misha Pemble-Belkin as they talked about their experiences serving in the military and why they choose to serve. We ended our assembly by thanking our Veterans and watching a slideshow that shows our students with family members who have served. Thank you to all for sending in photos to honor this important support in our world!
Today, we will end our day with a special concert by a traditional music group from Montreal called Bon Debarras. In music class this week students have learned about the traditional music style and also how to be a great concert audience. It will be a great way to end our day!
Sara Jablonski
FMS Principal
Seeking Volunteers
We are seeking volunteers to help with a few different upcoming events and experiences.
Literacy Support
We are looking for a parent volunteer to support our literacy interventionist with running reading fluency practice during small-group instruction. This takes place from 8:30-9:30 on M, W and F. It doesn't have to be the same person each day. Training would be provided! Please contact Jan Thabault at if you are interested.
Student Council Project - Sandbox!
Our third grade student council is making plans to install a sandbox on the FMS playground. We are looking for:
Sandbox construction materials
Sandbox building expertise
If you can provide either of these things, please contact Sara Jablonski at
Schoolwide Celebration
We have an upcoming schoolwide celebration during the week of 11/14. If you have morning availability to help run a fun activity on 11/22, please reach out to Angela Mack at
PBIS Updates
Our school uses a framework called PBIS - Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. One important component of our behavior system is communication with families. Next week, your child will bring a packet of materials home. We will send a follow up email with a link to these items so you can also access them online. You can expect to see:
A copy of our schoolwide behavior expectations
Our procedure for responding to student behavior
A technology agreement that needs to be signed and returned to school
A copy of a paper communication form that goes home with students when there is a behavior incident at school.
We ask that you review these materials with your student prior to returning to school from the fall break, so we can have a successful week after break, and beyond.
Our goal is to have open communication with families about how we are teaching positive behaviors and how we respond to misbehavior at school. Please reach out if you have any questions!
Safety Drill Update
Over the next few weeks, we will practice a relocation drill. This drill involves our school community evacuating the building and walking to an off-site location (Essex Middle School). Our students learned about all the different types of drills we will practice at the beginning of the year. This is a chance to put our learning into practice.
From the Health Office
Strep Throat
Please be advised that we have seen an increase in cases of Strep Throat at FMS this week.
Only a small portion of sore throats are the result of strep throat. However, it is important to identify this bacterial infection and get treatment. The bacteria that causes strep throat responds quickly to antibiotics, and treatment stops the infection from spreading to other people.
Strep throat is most common in children between the ages of 5 and 15, but it affects people of all ages. In addition to throat soreness, signs and symptoms typically include a fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, swollen glands, and in some cases a rash. Younger children may also complain of abdominal pain.
If your student exhibits these symptoms, please contact their physician. Please contact the nurses office at 802-857-6304 if your student is diagnosed with a strep infection. If diagnosed, the student should remain out of school until antibiotics have been given for 24 hours and the student is fever-free for 24 hours.
EWSD Illness Guidelines
When to stay home: In an effort to maintain a healthy environment for students and staff, please reference the following list of symptoms to help determine whether your child needs to be kept home:
Fever, 100.4 F or above, currently or within the previous 24 hours
Diarrhea, currently or within the previous 24 hours
vomiting, currently or within the previous 24 hours
Persistent sore throat with fever or enlarged tonsils/glands
Undetermined rash
Severe persistent cough
When to return to school: Students can return to school when they have been free of the above symptoms, without fever reducing medications for at least 24 hours and are feeling better.
All students taking an antibiotic for a contagious condition must have been on the medication for a full 24 hours before returning to school (e.g. strep throat, pink eye, etc.).
***Please Inform the school of any contagious diagnosis (e.g. strep throat, flu, covid 19) for the health maintenance of the classroom and school community.
Library News
The Vermont Golden Dome Book Award is Here at FMS!
This month, we kicked off the Vermont Golden Dome Book Award Program for our 4th and 5th graders, and the books are flying off the shelves!
Every school year, the Vermont Department of Libraries releases a fresh list of Golden Dome nominees for middle-grade readers (grades 4-8). Students read and vote for their favorite in this Kids’ Choice Book Award. The winner will be announced in the spring, chosen by the voices of readers like ours! To vote, students are required to read at least five books from the list—but many dive into even more.
Here’s how we’re making it special at FMS:
• We’ve stocked up with 19 of the 25 titles on this year’s list, thoughtfully chosen for our library.
• Students track each book they read on a Google form and can earn fun incentives, such as an invitation to the infamous Golden Dome Ice Cream Party in the spring!
Ask your student about their reading goal this year, and cheer them on!
And don’t forget—your local public library is also part of the program. Stop by and discover more Golden Dome nominees!
For the full list of books and more information on the program, visit the state website:
Happy Reading!
-Mrs. Biggs & Mrs. PIke
PTO Updates
To stay on top of all important PTO happenings, please check the PTO Website.
Community News
For the third year in a row The Vermont Agency of Transportation invited schools across the state to participate in their "Name a Plow" program. On Thursday, November 7, Founders students had the exciting opportunity to see their plow named "Frost Hawk." Keep an eye out for "Frost Hawk" this winter!
Important Dates for your Calendars
Dates for your Calendars
November 25-November 29: Fall Break
December 23-January 1: Winter Break
Monday January 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day, No School for Students
FMS Mission🌏
FMS is a caring, inclusive and connected community.
We foster critical thinkers by providing diverse and equitable learning opportunities.
Together, we work to ensure growth for all.
Founders Memorial School
Location: 33 Founders Road, Essex Junction, VT, USA
Phone: 802-879-6326