Newsletter No. 23
ONEWHERO AREA SCHOOL - 3rd December 2021
Newsletter proudly sponsored by
Principals Message:
Kia ora whaanau,
2021 hasn’t quite ended the way we wanted it to. Covid has made 2021 a year of challenge, perseverance, problem solving, and an exercise on positive thinking. Despite all it’s challenges our students have done extremely well, especially those who were engaged in NCEA. They have overcome hurdles, kept their focus on their goals, and worked hard to achieve them. They go into the summer knowing they gave it their all.
At the end of 2021 OAS will say goodbye to Miriam Curnow as she heads to the South Island. Thank you for your work at OAS and we wish you all the best for your new adventure. We would also like to thank Marama Killen for stepping into the Social Sciences department to help us out in the second half of the year. It has been greatly appreciated.
Congratulations to Joanne Tapia who participated in the Korean Speech competition. Mrs Ritchie was able to present Joanne with her certificate and gift this week.
Dates for 2022 and now being put into the calendar. The calendar can be accessed through the school app or on the website. More events will be added over the summer so keep an eye on it from Mid January.
Reports for Years 7-13 will be emailed out on Friday 10th of December. Years 1-6 will be published to seesaw on the same day.
We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Enjoy the summer break and we will see everyone back in 2022.
Ngaa mihi,
Rebecca Bills
Onewhero Area School
Tena Koutou Katoa.
I wanted to provide a quick update on some movements on the OAS BOT over the last few months.
Thank you to Heidi Bland, Rereokeroa Shaw, Rima Taua and Kimberley Cruickshank who have finished their term with the BOT. I want to acknowledge the many hours spent in support of our school and the learnings we have taken away from their contributions. It has been a year of change for our school and they have all played a massive part in this.
Welcome to Clyde McCabe (Parent Rep) and Sara Bacica-Hutchison (Whanau Rep) who have both recently joined the BOT. They both bring a diverse range of skills which will be invaluable on the BOT – please have a read of their bios on our webpage for more about them. https://onewhero.school.nz/board-of-trustees/
Lastly I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season after what has been a very challenging year, may 2022 be all that you hope for and more.
Very best wishes
Owein Greaves
Board Chair
In early August, 25 students from Year 4 through to Year 12 entered the Australian Mathematics Competition. We finally received the results in November. The certificates are still in the mail and will be presented in Term One next year.
There were some very pleasing results. Well done to the following students in particular.
Distinction Award :
Robert Kerr – in the top 7% for Year Four in New Zealand
Thomas Kerr – in the top 14% for Year Eight in New Zealand
Connor Nicholson – in the top 25% for Year 12 in New Zealand
Credit Award:
Maxwell Morgan – in the top 35% for Year Five in New Zealand
Tyler Nicholson – in the top 31% for Year Eight in New Zealand
Seventeen students gained Proficiency which means they achieved a pre-set score. Three students gained Participation.
Well done to everyone who participated.
Gayle Bovill
HOD Mathematics
Just a reminder about the generous loyalty scheme with John Andrew Ford. The school receives a referral fee of $250 for every vehicle sold with our school’s name mentioned. So, if you’re in the market for a vehicle, pop in to John Andrew Ford or email Phil Phil.Saunders@johnandrew.co.nz and mention Onewhero Area School. The team there will be sure to look after you with the wonderful service they provide.
All funds received through the scheme this year will be put towards the school’s Shade and Shelter project currently being worked on. Thank you John Andrew Ford for supporting our school in this way.
Auckland Regional Dental Service:
Kia ora
For information about the Children’s Community Dental Service (Auckland Regional Dental Service) during COVID-19, please refer to our website: https://www.waitematadhb.govt.nz/home/ards/.
Our website will always contain the most up-to-date information for our service at each Alert Level.
Due on site at OAS Term 4.
Kind regards
The Children Community’s Dental Service
Computer & Network Engineer:
J & D Computer Services - Jane Young
Phone: 09 2328 007 Mobile: 021 067 1195
Email: support@jdcomputers.co.nz Web: www.jdcomputers.co.nz
We offer a wide range of services to help you get the most out out your computers...
- computer repair & upgrading
- virus removal
- business documents
- sales - new & used
- data recovery
- internet security
- networks
- tuition
Community Notices:
Christmas & Summer Holiday Programme
Looking for that stress-free Summer? KAS has got you sorted with a variety of holiday childcare options to suit your family’s needs!
Let us keep the kids entertained and busy with an array of exciting activities including Slippery Slide Fun, Wheelie Wednesday, KAS Travel Expo, Scavenger Hunt & our always popular Christmas Carnival! Teamwork is needed to make it off our Shipwreck Island and dress up & get in the groove for our Festival Vibes Day! Join us on a summer favourite Beach Trip and perhaps you can learn something new from one of our special inhouse visitors! For those 8 years & up we are off to explore Spookers – if you dare!
Open Monday to Friday 7am-6pm.
Get in quick, secure your space today!
Check out all that’s on offer & make your bookings at:
Any questions please contact our office on 09 236 4078
MSD Social Sector Level 3 Accreditation
WINZ Subsidies available for eligible families
Waikato District Council is seeking your input towards the development of the Port Waikato Local Area Blueprint. We would love to hear your thoughts on the social, economic and environmental needs and aspirations for your community.
We encourage you to share your thoughts on what is important to you as a community, so we can work together to shape the future of Port Waikato.
To have your say, check out the website below, or head to the Waikato Wharf Store and Post Centre or Sundays Café to complete the questionnaire in person before 28 January 2022.
https://shape.waikatodistrict.govt.nz/blueprintsSCHOOLS IMMUNISATION PROGRAMMES:
Lockdown restrictions have, unfortunately, interrupted this year’s school-based Boostrix and HPV immunisation programmes in Auckland.
It is important to keep all children vaccinated so that they are protected against tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough) and Human Papilloma Virus.
Please encourage your familiies to have their child vaccinated through their GP/Primary Care Provider free of charge.
• Note: GP practices have COVID-19 infection prevention control measures in place. Talk to your GP at the time of booking if you have any concerns.
See new Term 3 2021 menu below:
Download The Onewhero Area School App
Click here to download the app
Once installed, you can access the app from your phone's homescreen...
"Being The Best We Can - No Limits!"
Email: office@onewhero.school.nz
Website: www.onewhero.school.nz
Location: 29 Hall Road, Onewhero, RD2, Tuakau
Phone: 09 232 8866
Facebook: facebook.com/Onewheroareaschool