Principal Message
September 6, 2024
Dear Roadrunner Families ~
Highlights from the week include:
- Welcoming our newest Roadrunners - our Ready-K and Kindergarten students!
- Learning students' strengths and areas of growth through various assessments
- Continuing to review Renton Park Expectations (Be Safe, Show Respect, Be Responsible
Question to ask your student this week: What did you notice this week at school that other people probably didn't notice?
Below are a few important dates/info to tuck away as we begin the year:
Important Upcoming Dates:
- September 12: PTA Meeting (in-person and Zoom)
- September 19: Curriculum Night - more info to come
Dogs on Campus
Friendly reminder that our campus has a no-dog policy during school hours of 7:30 - 3:30. Please refrain from bringing dogs onto campus, even on a leash. I know...that's "ruff"
Meet Our Staff
- Admin Team: Pamela Washington (Principal), Kelly Bruno (Assistant Principal)
- Office Support: Jesenia Fernandez (Office Manager), Jeff Day (Office Assistant/Attendance)
- Health Room: Keri Franklin (Nurse), Elise Callies (Health Services Assistant)
- ILC K-2: Teresa Culley (Teacher); Colleen Huff and Amber Lewark (Para-Educators)
- ILC 3-5: Catalina Narvaja (Teacher); Tara Cline and Rebecca Burrows (Para-Educators)
- Ready K Team: Sara Barbee (Teacher) and Haley Brotherton (Para-Educator)
- Kindergarten Team: Monica Jimenez, Olivia Murphy and Pennye Brown
- Grade 1: Stephane Eliason, Taylor Morrell and Linda Warmenhoven
- Grade 2: Roslyn Lucas, Jessica Jou and Cherie Weaver
- Grade 3: Katie Cerna, Emily Choe and Melinda Van De Sompele
- Grade 4: Shaleila Moore and Erick Schug
- Grade 5: Dave Bussey and Siena Ciarrocchi
- Specialists: Dave Burrows (PE), Eric Munson (PE Itinerant), Megan Howell (Music), Shayla Hetletvedt (Music Itinerant), Lise Lindfors (Library)
- Student Support: Loura Williams (Counselor), Alice Reiff (SEL Coach), ThaiEscia Ellis and Johnathan Codiga (Behavior Interventionist)
- SPED: Perlina Fugate and Amanda Scofield (RLC Teacher), Lavenus Lee (SPED Para-Educator), Emily Kramer & Elena Mendoza (SLP), Paul Campbell (OT), Brianne Lefferts (PT), Yasmin Xarayath (Psychologist), Erica Brehm (Clerical)
- Instructional Facilitator: Jessica Steinle
- Multi-Language Team: Adrienne Wicklund (Teacher) and Lucy Uribe-Gonzalez (Para-Educator)
- Reading Teacher: Kaci Aguilar
- Title/LAP Para-Educators: Mary Nelson, Elizabeth Shively, Annie Barrett, Asha Ahmed, Brandace Spangler
- Nutrition Services: Maureen Kosir and Liliya Yarmaliuk
- Custodial Engineer Team: Thu Nguyen and Dung Luong
- Community In Schools Family Liaison: Juliana Moreno
- Family Engagement: Kimber Prince
Class Placement Adjustments
Every Spring our school teams come together to create balanced classes (numbers, academic needs, etc.) at each level. Over the summer there are situations where adjustments need to be made to classes due to various reasons (ex. students moving out or into our attendance area).
In the coming weeks, we'll be taking a closer look at classes to ensure they are as balanced as possible. At that time there may be class placement shifts for a few students. If this happens you will hear directly from me about the transition plan.
Join the PTA! Become a Member! (Meeting attendance not required)
Click here to sign up: https://www.rentonparkpta.org/pta-store
Need help with the cost of membership? PTA received a grant to boost membership and cover the member fee if it's not in your budget.
Send a brief email to 4thestudents@rentonparkpta.org with questions or to get the coupon code to enter at membership check out!
PTA Meeting 9.12.2024
Join us for our first Renton Park PTA meeting of the year!
Where: Renton Park Teacher Lounge or on ZOOM
When: 12-Sep-2024 @ 7PM
Zoom info: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7264496471?pwd=aXhlK0MyYTNNZFZqcnNqLzd1OUZPdz09
Meeting ID: 726 449 6471
Passcode: rentonpta
Arrival and Dismissal Reminders
Walkers: Main front entrance doors open at 8:10am for breakfast. At 8:20am all doors are open and students are invited to enter the building for "Books Before the Bell" where they are invited to sit quietly with peers and talk or read.
**Note: 1st - 5th Families are welcome to enter the building and walk students to their class on Wednesday, August 30th. After that, please plan to say your goodbyes at the front door.
Car Riders: To ensure our process moves quickly and smoothly we're asking all students be ready to exit the vehicle.
- For safety reasons, traffic posts will be used to separate lanes.
- Morning drop off is only available using lane closest to sidewalk (right lane). Left lane drivers will be directed to park and not be able to merge into drop off lane.
- Once students have exited the car, families should continue to pull forward.
Bus Riders: Students exiting the bus will be ushered into the building and go directly to the cafe for breakfast. At 8:20 students will be dismissed from the cafe to join peers for Books Before the Bell.
- K-4 students will be released to the playground at dismissal.
- 5th Grade students will be released through the front main entrance.
Walkers: Students walking home will exit the campus and report directly to their respective destinations.
Bus Riders: Students riding the bus will be released to the playground area and report directly to the bus area where they will board the bus.
Car Riders: Car riders can either meet their family in the car pick-up lane in front or in the playground area. *NOTE: Families MUST park their cars in a designated parking spot if picking their child up from the playground. No parking in the pick up lane.
Daily Bell Schedule: Monday - Thursday
Daily Bell Schedule: Friday
School Supplies
Renton Schools provides school supplies for all elementary and middle school students in classrooms at the start of the school year. Families pay a low, one-time fee of $30 ($10 for families on free/reduced lunch) for enough school supplies for the entire school year (backpacks and lunchboxes not included). Families who wish can continue to bring their own school supplies. High school students will continue to provide their own school supplies.
Cost for school supplies for the full year is only $30 ($10 for families free/reduced lunch). Families can pay the one-time fee through their Online Payment account or at their school.
Transportation Information
Families eligible for school bus transportation will soon receive an email with bus route and stop locations. For more information about school bus routes please email Transportation.Routing@rentonschools.us.
School Breakfast/Lunch Meals FREE
Thanks to a state and federal funding, Renton School District will again provide breakfast and lunch meals free to most students this school year. All students can eat school breakfast and lunches free except at Risdon Middle School, Hazen High and the H.O.M.E. program. Unfortunately, the federal Community Eligibility Provision formula left us unable to include these schools.
Important note: While not required for free school meals, families are strongly encouraged to complete this Child Nutrition and Education Benefit form to help students and families receive important resources like: before and after school academic and enrichment programs; resources for classrooms; guidance and college counselors; health and wellness services; state summer grocery debit cards (SunBucks), and more. Submit your completed form to RSD.mealform@rentonschools.us or drop off at your school.
September Lunch Menu
REMINDER: Please complete the Meal Application! It is available at https://www.rentonschools.us/ departments/nutrition-services-warehouse/meal-applications. All students at our elementary schools receive one free breakfast and lunch each day. However we ask for you to complete a meal application in order to ensure your child's school qualifies for federal and state funding that is determined by parent income levels. You may also be eligible for other benefits such as reduced fees for programs and activities.
Tech Update - New Skyward
During the summer, we transitioned to the newest version of Skyward. The link to log into New Skyward Family Access can be easily found on the district website and on each school’s webpage. Family members, if you already have a username and password for Skyward Family Access from last year, those credentials will work in New Skyward. If you are new to Family Access, you can use the “Forgot password” link to set a new password, with your email as the username. Additionally, families should access the new site through our website linked in this message and delete previous bookmarks to the old site to ensure access to the correct site.
News from the PTA
Get involved and share your ideas - Join the Renton Park PTA!
- Support your teachers and students
- help us with planning events, fundraising, enrichment and other fun events
- Members are not required to attend meetings
- Next meeting: 12-Sep @ 7PM
Click here to sign up and become a member: https://www.rentonparkpta.org/pta-store
We have grants available to offset membership costs.
Contact email: 4thestudents@rentonparkpta.org with questions or for more information!