CES Weekly Communicator
Issue #8: September 27, 2024
Principal Corner
Happy Friday, Chapelfield families.
We have a lot to celebrate this week. We started a new PAWS reward. When we see students going above and beyond by Being Positive, Acting Responsible, Working Hard, and Showing Respect, they could be "caught" and earn a PAWS sticker. If they earn a sticker, your child will have a note sent home to celebrate them! This is a BIG DEAL. They will also be entered into our NEW BOOK VENDING MACHINE. Talk to your child about the new PAWS STICKERS and how they can earn one.
In addition, we kicked off our first learning community that we called PACKS. We have this once a month. Every child is in a small group with a new teacher. They will have around 10-12 pack members for the year. When they hear, "We are Family," they move to their PACK location. This year our theme follows the book, I Promise, by LeBron James. Talk to your child/ren this weekend about the promise we made to one another today. When you come to conferences over the next 2 weeks, you will see the promise above classroom doors, with students' signatures. I have included a picture of our promise down below.
Finally, don't forget to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences for Thursday, October 3 or Thursday, October 10. This is an important time to meet your child's teacher and get the results of the beginning of the year testing. I hope to see you there. 5th grade will be selling yummy treats that night, too.
Have a great weekend.
Nikki Miller
Dismissal Support at K-1 playground
Please make that you pick up and/or have your child walk home at 2:45 p.m. All students need to be supervised by a parent to stay on the playground for safety reasons. If they DO NOT have a parent, they must leave immediately at 2:45 p.m. Thank you for your support.
Mental Health Team Corner
Start with Hello Week Video
School Counselor's Corner: Krysten Jasin
This week I visited first and second grade classrooms to introduce The Zones of Regulation (AKA - "The Zones"). The goal of this is to help students be able to identify what zone their body is in and also teach them the coping skills they need to move toward the green zone.
Here are some helpful tips to use when using the Zones at home:
It is important to note that everyone will experience all of the zones - the Red and Yellow zones are not the “bad” or “naughty” zones. All of the zones are expected at one time or another. “The Zones” is intended to be neutral and not communicate judgment.
Use the language and talk about the concepts of The Zones as they apply to you in a variety of environments. Make comments aloud so your child understands it's natural that we all experience different zones and use strategies to control (or regulate) ourselves. For example, “This is really frustrating me and I am in the Yellow Zone. I need to use a tool to calm down. I will take some deep breaths and then get a drink of water.”
Make sure to positively reinforce students for recognizing their zone and managing their behaviors while in it.
Help your child become comfortable using the language to communicate his/her feelings and needs by encouraging the student to share his/her zone with you.
Related Arts Spotlight
Music update from Mrs. Herrmann
Students are making lots of music in the music room! In each class, grades KG-5, students are learning to work in a large group, small groups and with a partner. Music class is designed to be fairly active. Students are moving throughout the room to various recordings, singing songs, playing games, reading and writing music and creating music with their fellow classmates. KG students are learning to “Say Hello from Head to Toe” and 1st graders are learning to follow directions when traveling around Australia on “Highway Number 1.” 2nd and 3rd graders are learning to improvise when sharing things like favorite foods, sports or hobbies. Ask your 2nd or 3rd grader to share “Up the Ladder” with you. 4th and 5th grades have begun drumming on our tubano drums. They are working on playing “Locomotor Engine” in three parts with their classmates. Ask a 4th or 5th grader to share how to make a low tone vs. a high tone on drums. Chapelfield musicians are off to a great start in music class! I am looking forward to creating music with everyone throughout this school year.
New Staff Spotlight
Jodie Andreoli- clinic/office aide
What is your favorite color?: Purple
What do you like to do for fun?: Cook, hang out with friends and family
What is your favorite subject? I really like to read so Language Arts I guess.
What was your favorite grade as a student and why?
3rd grade. I really liked my teacher and felt that I learned so much from her.
What are you looking forward to at CES?
Getting to know all the wonderful students and staff.
Julia Hawks, ELSS paraprofessional in the 2nd & 5th classroom
What is your favorite color?: Peach/lime green/and neutrals
What do you like to do for fun?: Work on restoring furniture, crafts, and traveling.
What was your favorite grade as a student and why?
3rd grade because I enjoyed my teacher and our class pet (guinea pig)!
What are you looking forward to at CES?
I'm looking forward to advocating and making a difference in the students' lives.
Sherika Edwards; ELSS paraprofessional in 2nd & 5th
What is your favorite color?: Teal
What do you like to do for fun?: Bowling
What is your favorite subject?: I loved English class.
What was your favorite grade as a student and why?
I loved 12th grade because I graduated and was ready to enter the adult world.
What are you looking forward to at CES?
I am looking forward to learning new things at CES, growing professionally, and having a successful year with students.
Title 1 Resources and Information
EMAS Due by September 30
All students MUST have their emergency cards completed by September 30th. They will not be able to have snacks or go on a field trip without it.
You can complete this on infinite campus.
Transportation changes by 2 p.m.
The front office is a busy place the last 30 minutes of school. We ask that parents NOT CALL to make transportation changes after 2:00 p.m. Please make sure students know your plan of pick up before they come to school.
PTO Updates
PTO Events
*Thursday, October 3: Mum Pick-Up: If you or your family/friends ordered mums, don’t forget to pick them up at the school on Thursday, October 3rd. Mums can be picked up from 2:15 - 6:00 pm.
We still need some volunteers to help distribute the mums. If you are interested, please sign up here:
*Thursday, October 3 & Thursday, October 10: Parent Teacher Conferences
Conferences will take place on October 3rd and October 10th from 3:00pm - 7:00pm. You should receive an email from your child’s teacher with a link to sign up for your preferred date and time.
*Parent Teacher Conferences Support: Please sign up to help with PTC dinners on October 3 here:
*Read-A–Thon: October 3-24:
Our annual Read-A-Thon is starting on October 3rd. This year we’ve combined the Read-A-Thon with our One School One Book program. These two programs will run from October 3rd through October 24th. Let’s get our kids excited to read!
*5th grade committee updates:
We still have blue Chapelfield paw print t-shirts in kid sizes (xs-l) available. They are $16 each. We will have them available at all events or you can email Andreaagan1@aol.com and she will get them to you.
*PTO Restaurant Nights:
From 9/23 - 9/29, we will have a fundraiser with Piada (any location). Whether you order online or go into Piada, just use the promo code - RLJL8T and Piada will donate 20% to Chapelfield PTO.
Community Connections
GJPS Families-
Dash & Stash!
- Dash on Sunday, 10/13 @ 11:00 a.m.
- Where: GLHS stadium
- Stash begins at 12:30 (early entry for Dashers)
- Who: ALL GJPS families and community members
- Businesses and GJPS building staff will decorate their vehicles and give away candy to the community children.
- MUST register for the Dash, www.gjef.org
- Costumes encouraged!
Come and join the fun, whether you dash, walk or run!
Come see the progress of the new GLHS!
Do you own a business or work at a business that would like to have a decorated trunk at the Stash?
If you would like more information, please contact Dianna Bessignano at bessignanod@gjps.org OR (614) 269-4262.
Thank you for your help!
Dianna and Tricia
October Important Dates
Wednesday, October 3: Parent Teacher Conferences for Hammond/Pardi's classes ONLY from 3-7 p.m.
Thursday, October 3:
*Parent Teacher Conferences from 3-7 p.m.
*5th grade committee Bake Sale 3-7 p.m.
Thursday, October 4-24: PTO Read-A-Thon & One School One Book
Monday, October 7-11: CES Book Fair
Tuesday, October 8: PTO Meeting in the library at 7 p.m.; FREE babysitting
Thursday, October 10:
*Parent Teacher Conferences from 3-7 p.m.
*5th grade committee Bake Sale 3-7 p.m.
*Family Book Fair Night 3-7 p.m.
Sunday, October 13: PTO Restaurant Night-Mod Pizza
Tuesday, October 15: 3rd grade OST testing
Wednesday, October 16:
*3rd grade OST testing
*Picture Day Make Ups
Friday, October 18:
*End of First Quarter
*PAWS Breakfast at 7:30 a.m.
Monday, October 21: NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, October 22: NO SCHOOL; Teacher Work Day
Thursday, October 24: 2nd grade Walking Field Trip to Creekside
Friday, October 25:
*Learning Communities at 8:30 a.m.
*Read-A-Thon/One School, One Book wrap up assembly
Monday, October 28: Firefighter Dave visits 2nd grade
Tuesday, October 29: Firefighter Dave visits 1st grade
Wednesday, October 30: Firefighter Dave visits Kindergarten
Friday, November 1:
*Parade at 1 p.m. outside unless it rains. If it rains, it is canceled.
*Fall Party at 1:30 p.m.
Important District Links
280 Chapelfield Road
Gahanna, OH 43230