Knoxville High School
August 23, 2024 Newsletter

KHS Info
District Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/knoxvillecusd202/
Important Upcoming Dates
- September 2 - No School (Labor Day)
- September 6 - Lockdown Drill
- September 20 - 11:15 AM Dismissal - HOMECOMING
- October 11 - 11:15 AM Dismissal - SIP & End of 1st Quarter
- October 14 - No School (Columbus Day)
- October 25 - No School (Parent Teacher Conferences)
- November 4 - No School
- November 5 - No School (Election Day)
- November 11 - No School (Veterans Day)
- November 27-29 - No School (Thanksgiving Break)
- December 20 - 1 Hr. Early Dismissal (End of 2nd Quarter)
- December 23 - January 3 - No School (Winter Break)
- May 18 - Graduation
Great Start to the School Year!
We have had a great start to the 2024-25 school year! Our staff has put in a lot of time preparing for this year and our school was ready to go on the first day. Our students were able to move right back into their routine and have done an excellent job overall following the expectations. Thank you to everyone for making the beginning of the school year successful. It takes a team working together to make this a successful school community. Also, thank you to all of you who attended Freshman Orientation and Open House, the turnout was great!
School Picture Day August 29
Please see the attachment below to order school pictures online.
KHS Office Staff
Not sure who to contact at KHS? See below to see who you need to contact, depending on your needs.
Principal: Adam Mize amize@bluebullets.org
Assistant Principal/Athletic Director: Brad Weedman bweedman@bluebullets.org
Principal's Secretary: Sandy Pemberton sandy.pemberton@bluebullets.org
Athletics/Activities Secretary: Sonya Jones sjones@bluebullets.org
District Nurse: Jessica Lenz jessicalenz@bluebullets.org
Nurse: Christy Dunn cdunn@bluebullets.org
Student Expectations
Click here to view our Student Expectations Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1gITiPfOPhjZFTBd0G3o6JCAgDDKMo5BVJNCGuLnti8g/edit?usp=sharing
Athletics & Activities
- August 23 - Meet the Bullets at 6 PM at the Football Field
- August 24 - Boys Golf at 2 PM at Bunker Links
- August 26 - Girls Golf at 1 PM at Gibson Woods
- August 26 - Cross Country at 4 PM at Farmington
- August 26 - Volleyball at 6 PM at Rockridge
- August 28 - Boys/Girls Golf at 1 PM
- August 29 - Volleyball Home at 6 PM vs. Farmington
- August 30 - Football Home vs. Elmwood
**Please check the high school website for any updates for these events.
Athletics Registration:
Beginning with the 2024-25 school year, Knoxville CUSD #202 is moving to a paperless registration system for extracurricular activities and athletics. Once you click on the link below, you will need to click on the registration tab. First time users will need to create an account. Please note, you can only register one participant at a time. In order to register another child, you will have to complete registration for one child, then go back to step 6 and register additional children.
Here is the link for athletics registration: schools.snap.app/khsbluebullets
Volleyball Scrimmage Recap:
On Friday, August 23rd the Lady Bullets volleyball program gave fans a preview of this year's teams as they held their annual scrimmage. The teams have worked hard in practice and it showed in the scrimmage with plenty of great hustle. The scrimmage was also used as a food drive for the local food pantry. Thank you to all of the fans that donated a non-perishable food item.
Counseling Corner
On the Right Path:
I hope that our students are settling into their classes and have gotten familiar with their schedules and lockers. The start of the year can feel overwhelming for everyone. I am here to support your student any way that I can. Please encourage them to come to me if they need help with anything. Parents/guardians are also welcome to reach out to me with questions via email bnolan@bluebullets.org or phone 309-289-2324.
I want to share some numbers that I am really excited about! While most of these opportunities won’t be available until Junior or Senior year; my hope is that it gives the underclassmen something to look forward to. We strive to have something for every student and I think this shows how we support the work force, vocations and trades, and college bound students. At KHS; there are MANY paths to success!!
Noteworthy Numbers:
- We welcomed 11 new students to KHS
- We have 18 students attending the Galesburg Area Vocational Center and 6 more will join them at the semester
- We have a combined 29 students participating in two different Work Co-Op programs
- We have 13 students taking Advanced Placement (AP) classes
- We have 24 students taking at least one Dual Credit course through Carl Sandburg and another 25 taking a Dual Credit course through Black Hawk College
- VFW Voice of Democracy
- Open to grades 9-12
- 3 separate scholarships: 3 Dimensional Art, 2 Dimensional Art, and Audio Essay
- Due October 30th, 2024
- See Mrs. Nolan for applications
College Information:
Monmouth College will host an event: Sunday, September 8th from 1-4 pm to learn more about Division III athletics.