October 6, 2024 Madison Memo

Sunday, October 6, 2024
Principals' Message
We Hope to See You All This Week!
Parent & guardians,
We hope that each of our Madison families makes it a priority to attend parent-teacher conferences this week. The connection between school and home is so important! If you have not scheduled a conference yet, please call the school office at 763-506-3300. Research proves that when families are actively involved with school, their children are more engaged, make more growth annually, and ultimately achieve to their highest potential. We look forward to partnering with you toward those goals.
Mr. A & Mrs. Conlon
What is Schoolwide Title?
Madison Elementary is a Schoolwide Title building.
October 7, No School, Parent/Teacher Conferences, 12:20-8:00 PM
October 10, Parent/Teacher Conferences, 3:40-8:00 PM
October 14, PTO Meeting, 6:30-8:00 PM, Library
October 17 & 18, No School, MEA Break
October Trait of the Month
One way to define Responsibility is “taking action and understanding the impact of our choices.” Taking action can mean doing the right thing or completing the tasks you have been assigned. Understanding the impact of our choices means that our actions matter. Positive and responsible actions can help people and irresponsible actions can hurt others. Check out the Family Newsletter which includes some ways to build these skills at home, discussion starters, and fun challenges you can try with your family.
Dinner Night Out at Culver's
Enjoy Dinner, Frozen Custard - Help Madison!
Present this ticket at Culver's of Blaine on October 10, and Madison's PTO will receive 10% of your purchase as a donation.
Volunteering at Madison
September was a busy volunteer month. I want to thank all the volunteers who made all our events possible. We couldn't have done it without you!
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities:
- Book Fair on October 7 and October 10. View available volunteer shifts. Each volunteer will get a $10 gift certificate to spend at the book fair.
- Conference Meal Helpers on October 10. We are looking for volunteers to help the teachers/staff set up or clean up the conference meal. This would help the teachers out as they have limited time to eat between conferences. Sign up here.
- Click here to be a Lunchroom Helper.
If you have any questions, please reach out to me.
Lori Ngo / Volunteer Services Coordinator / Lori.Ngo@ahschools.us
PTO & Mustang-a-thon 2024
We Did It!
During our 17th annual Mustang-a-Thon event, we raised well over $10,000.00! These funds have been used in the past for upgrades such as a climbing wall, Gaga ball pit, adjustable basketball hoops, and more. The Madison Parent Teacher Organization will talk more with parents at the next PTO meeting to determine where the funds raised from this year’s event will be designated. Thank you to everyone who donated to our Mustang-a-Thon fundraiser and helped make our Mustang-a-Thon event a success!
DATE CHANGE: During the first PTO meeting of the year, the PTO board and present voting members, voted to move the remaining PTO meetings for the year to Monday nights. The next PTO meeting will be held on Monday, October 14 from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM. Please join us in the Madison library to learn more about the Mustang-a-Thon and several additional events we have planned throughout the year. Share your ideas and thoughts, and hear more from Mr. A about the Schoolwide Title plan and what it means for our Mustangs.
EMAIL CHANGE: We’ve moved to a GMail platform! This change will help us with organization and with streamlining storage of documents from our past and future events. Going forward, the best way to contact the PTO board is by contacting board@madison-pto.org. Please update contact information you have saved to this new board email.
Important Numbers and Links
Any time your child will be absent from or late to school, please report the absence by 9:15 AM.
Reporting options:
- Call the Attendance Line at 763-506-3306
- Use a web browser (view the instructions)
- Use the ParentVUE app, which is free and can be downloaded to your mobile device.
Please provide the reason for the absence. If due to illness, please give the specific symptoms, such as fever, congestion, etc. If no contact is made, the student absence will be considered unexcused. Please note, if your child is experiencing a fever, diarrhea, or vomiting, the district policy states that the student may not return to school until 24 hours after the last episode.
- Join the Madison PTO group on Facebook for the latest updates and reminders!
- Everyone is welcome to attend our monthly meetings! In person in the Madison Library or via Zoom.
Volunteer at Madison
- To start the process, please complete the Volunteer Application Form and the Criminal Record History Release Form.
- You will be contacted once the paperwork is processed. Please note some volunteer activities require additional processing, which can take up to two weeks.
- We appreciate that you share your time and talents with us. Thank you.
- Please contact Lori Ngo, Volunteer Services Coordinator (VSC), if you need assistance or have questions.
Contact Information
Main Office: 763-506-3300
Absence Line: 763-506-3306
Fax: 763-506-3303
Website: www.ahschools.us/madison
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AHMadison Elementary
Additional Resources
This e-newsletter is published by Madison Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.