KCSOS Accreditation
Supporting Documentation
The Kern County Superintendent of Schools (KCSOS) office, under the leadership of John G Mendiburu, Ed.D, Superintendent, serves the 46 school districts located within Kern County. This area of services spans 8163 square miles within the San Joaquin Valley, Sierra Nevada mountain range and the Mojave Desert. The region is diverse, with agriculture and oil being the largest economic drivers in the valley and with 2 military bases (Edwards Air Force Base & China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station), and the Mojave Air & Spaceport in the desert region. The mountain region provides a variety of recreational opportunities for local residents and visitors alike. The communities and schools served by KCSOS are as varied and diverse as the large area and variety of industries would suggest.
The KCSOS motto, “Advocates for Children,” clearly guides the vision and serves as the foundation of the approved KCSOS Credentialing Programs. The mission of each program is to promote student learning by supporting teachers and administrators; enhancing their knowledge and skills through an individualized, job-embedded mentoring, structured support, reflective practice, and high quality, appropriate professional learning opportunities.
KCSOS Teacher Induction Program
The Kern County Superintendent of Schools Teacher Induction Program (formerly known as BTSA) serves 44 school districts, the KCSOS educational programs, and private and charter schools located within Kern County. The program supports teachers with California Preliminary Credentials through a structured induction experience; the program is designed to extend each teacher’s pedagogical knowledge and skills in order to advance student learning. After successful completion of the Induction Program, candidates are recommended to receive a Clear Teaching Credential.
KCSOS Clear Administrative Service Credential (CASC) Program
The Kern County Superintendent of Schools Clear Administrative Services Credential (CASC) Induction Program serves the 46 school districts, KCSOS educational programs, private and charter schools located within Kern County, as well as three districts beyond the Kern County limits. The program supports administrators who hold a California Preliminary Administrative Credential and are employed in an administrative position. The program is designed to extend each administrators' leadership knowledge and skills in order to support staff and programs in advancing student learning and development. After successful completion of this job-embedded and individualized Induction Program, candidates are recommended to receive a Clear Administrative Services Credential.
2024 Submission
IPR- Designated Subjects- Career Technical Education Credential Program (4/2024)
Proposed KCSOS Designated Subjects CTE Credential Program
Upon program approval, the Kern County Superintendent of Schools Career Technical Education Program will serve the 46 school districts across Kern County. The program supports newly credentialed CTE teachers with the process of applying for the Preliminary CTE credential and completing the coursework and requirements to clear their CTE Credential. Upon completion of coursework requirements, candidates are recommended for a clear credential.
The IPR proposal components submitted April 2024, are below:
IPR Proposal
A. Preconditions
B. Common Standards
C. Program Standards Required Exhibits and Elements
Future required accreditation documents