8th Grade Update
December 08, 2024
12/10 - Unit 4 Mid Unit Assessment (3rd hour)
12/10 - Unit 4 Assessment (6th hour)
12/13- Assessment 3 (Science)
12/16- STEM Assessment
12/17 Q2 Rewards to Skyzone
12/18- STEM iFLY Field trip
12/18- Q2 Grades Due
12/19-STEM Potluck (Information to follow)
12/19- Holiday Gift Exchange (Science-Information to follow)
Winter Break :12/23- 01/06
Winter Spirit Week
Grace on Grading & Responding to Emails
As we continue working together to support your child’s educational journey, the 8th grade team wanted to take a moment to thank you for your continued partnership in supporting your child’s education. Your involvement and communication are invaluable as we work together to ensure their success.
- Grading is a significant part of our esponsibility, and it requires time to ensure that every assignment is carefully evaluated and meaningful feedback is provided. While we strive to communicate progress in a timely manner, the process may occasionally take a bit longer than anticipated, especially when managing multiple classes and assignments.
- Additionally, please understand that when we are actively teaching or supervising students, we may not be able to respond to emails immediately. Our priority during the school day is ensuring that your children are receiving the attention, guidance, and support they need in the classroom. Emails sent during teaching hours will be addressed as soon as possible, typically before or after school hours.
We kindly ask for your patience and grace in both of these areas. Rest assured, we are fully committed to your child's growth and are working diligently to meet their needs.
Promotion Information
Dear Parents and Guardians,
A packet (blue) regarding the 8th Grade Promotion Party was sent home with your child on Friday 12/06. Please also find the information attached to this email for your convenience.
It is important to review the packet thoroughly as it includes details about:
-Due dates for the promotion pictures needed for the ceremony and party slideshows.
-Registration and payment information for the party.
-The Code of Conduct form must be signed and returned.
This event is proudly sponsored by the parents of Sonoran Foothills. If you have any questions regarding the Promotion Party, don't hesitate to get in touch with the Promotion Parent Committee at SFCLASS25@gmail.com.
Yearbook Pre-Sale
To order please visit: https://www.buytheyearbook.com/en/bty/findmyschool
Price will increase to $35 after the deadline.
Sucessful Arcade in STEM
STEM ~ Mrs. Cawley
This week, students will learn about the history of Christmas trees, the life cycle of conifers, and how these trees adapt to their environment. They will also identify different types of conifers, explore what it’s like to work on a Christmas tree farm, and examine the ecological importance of these trees. As a fun activity, students will design their own holiday tree using edible items.
Next week, we’ll end our STEM activities with a festive potluck celebration. More details about the potluck will be shared in a separate email later this week.
Science ~Mrs. Cawley
As we conclude our Life Science unit, students will focus on the scientific theory of evolution, exploring key concepts such as natural selection and the diversity of organisms. Here's what they'll be exploring throughout the week:
Genetic Variation and Environmental Factors:
Students will examine how these elements work together to drive evolution through natural selection.
They will also explore how these processes lead to the diversity of life on Earth.
The Four Steps of Natural Selection:
Students will learn the key steps of natural selection and how they influence evolutionary patterns in species.
Survival and Extinction:
Students will investigate how favorable traits improve a species' chances of survival, while unfavorable traits may lead to extinction. In the end, this lesson will provide an opportunity for students to tie together the main ideas from the unit, deepening their understanding of how natural selection drives adaptation and evolution. Through engaging activities, they’ll gain valuable insights into the processes shaping the diversity of life on Earth.
Note: Students are actively using their Agendas in class to keep track of daily lessons. Reviewing your child’s Agenda regularly will help you stay informed about their current lessons and assignments, providing valuable insight into their coursework.
Genetics Party
ELA ~Mrs. Jensen
This week, our 8th-grade ELA classes are diving into a new unit centered around the text "The Day I Saved a Life" by Thomas Ponce. Throughout this unit, students will explore two key questions: Can standing up for what you believe in feel risky? and How can understanding context clues and technical language help me understand a passage?
We’ll focus on these key skills:
Identifying the central idea and analyzing its development over the text.
Finding and explaining supporting details that reinforce the central idea.
Writing an objective summary of a passage.
To wrap up this unit, students will craft an informative paragraph that demonstrates their learning.
Important Dates:
ELA Students: 2-Pager Project on their independent reading book is due December 12 (100 points). This is a major project, so please remind your student to stay on track.
Advanced ELA Students: Two assignments are due on December 12:
A Character Analysis for Something Wicked This Way Comes.
Four Found Poems inspired by their reading of the novel.
I'm excited to see your students grow as thoughtful readers and writers through this unit. Thank you for your continued support!
Math~Miss. Kindell
Happy end of the quarter! Most of my classes have gotten halfway through the equations model and will continue moving into the next portion. 3rd - 5th hour will spend the next two weeks learning how to solve and write systems of equations. My 6th hour is finishing systems of equations and will spend the next two weeks working on a project.
After the mid-unit assessment (3rd - 5th hour) and the unit 4 assessment (6th hour), there will be no new assignments for the quarter. All assessment retakes must be completed by 12/17 during RTI or lunch. All missing assignments must be submitted by Friday 12/13.
Upcoming Assessments:
12/10 - Unit 4 Mid Unit Assessment (3rd hour)
12/10 - Unit 4 Assessment (6th hour)
Social Studies~ Mr. Rowhling
We are at the end of the quarter and ready for Winter Break and grades are closing soon. We have been going over the Bill of Rights, the first Ten Amendments of our Constitution and breaking down our individual Rights. Now we are moving on to the remaining seventeen (11-27) Amendments. Most importantly we have the Civics Test this Thursday. They have known this date for months, and we have been reviewing daily. I sent each student a Study Guide to take home.
Gifted Information
Registration for Gifted Testing is now open! Parents/Guardians can visit the gifted website to register. Follow these directions:
1. Visit the gifted website at https://www.dvusd.org/Page/65819
2. Scroll down while looking at the right margin for 2024-25 Spring Gifted Testing.
3. Click Register Here.
Testing will take place in February. The results will be used for placement for NEXT school year. The registration window closes January 10, 2025.
If you have questions, please contact the Gifted Specialist, Kim Johnson, at kimberly.johnson@dvusd.org.
Each quarter, all middle school students will receive a TRACKS card and are expected to have it in their possession during the school day. TRACKS cards represent a structured behavior program designed for most students. Each teacher/administrator has the right to use his/her professional judgment to modify this plan for individual students as needed.
Students are expected to take their TRACKS card to every class and leave it on their desk. Throughout the class period, teachers can give students positive feedback on one side and infractions for behavior on the other. Students will typically receive warnings before earning infractions in class. If students do not meet expectations after receiving warnings, they will earn an infraction. Parents are strongly encouraged to review their child’s TRACKS card daily. Physical or verbal aggression, theft, vandalism, threatening acts, fighting, or any infraction listed in the DVUSD Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook will warrant immediate consequences in the form of an office referral.
Softball Camp Invitation
Amazon Wish List
Mrs. Cawley ~https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1DH6U8TUJDDFO?ref_=wl_share
Mrs. Jensen ~https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/30EPCE31BW1J6?ref_=wl_share
Miss. Kindell ~https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/93M8CR9VWDXW?ref_=wl_share
Important Links
Monitor your student's grades.
Grades are updated on weekends.
8th Grade Team
Math ~ robyn.kindell@dvusd.org
Social Studies ~cody.rohlwing@dvusd.org
8th Grade Website: https://www.dvusd.org/Domain/5737