The Friday Flyer
October 11, 2019
Have a great, relaxing, fun-filled Fall Break!
Same Same But Different
Surprise Parcel
You can still donate.
The Jog-A-Thon is a fundraiser where 100% of the proceeds raised stay at Boone Meadow for students and the school community.
Other important items:
- Our goals is to obtain a $50 pledge/student for a school-wide goal of $22,000
It's not too late to donate!
· Please make checks payable to Boone Meadow PTO. We also accept cash payments, or credit card via SchoolPay.
Donation Link will not close any time soon:
The fall Book Fair was a success!
Save the date for our Veterans Day Celebration
The Boone Meadow students and staff look forward to celebrating our American heroes on Monday, November 11, 2019. (More details to come soon)
- Our honored Veterans have the option to participate a reception which will include light treats and drinks. We hope you will be able to join us!
- All guests will need to pre-register using the link below.
***Note: Visitor Check-In for Veterans Day Celebration (Required for guests)
On the date of our program, we expect to have a high volume of visitors. To keep our students safe but also manage our visitor check-in system promptly, please make note of the following items:
#1 - Signing in is necessary at front desk if you plan to attend our program.
#2 - Click here to do a pre-registration check-in. It's quick and easy!
· Page 1: Select the green “Next Step” button.
· Page 2: Enter your name & birthday when prompted. When it asks for "Building" select Boone Meadow Elementary. Select the green “Next Step” button.
· Page 3: When prompted for “Person Visiting” use the student’s name, then type “Veterans Day” when it asks for your “Reason for Visit.”
· It will then ask for the date of the visit. Please use the date of the actual event, November 11, 2019.
· Disregard the “If you’d like to notify anyone portion…” on this page and hit Next
Mark your calendar for our Student Conferences – November 13th & 14th
Sharing information about student progress is an important focus area for us, especially for our youngest learners. Our annual student/teacher conferences are held in the fall of each school year.
All ZCS elementary school conference days (elementary schools only) will occur on the afternoon of November 13th (2:30-3:30PM) and throughout the day on November 14th from 11:10AM to 7:00PM. Please note: In exactly the same way we use e-days in the event of snow or other school cancellation make-up days, we will have an elementary school e-day on Thursday, November 14.
Assignments posted (on our learning management system CANVAS) will be released by the morning of Thursday, November 14th, and your child will have approximately one week to complete. This time delay in turning in the assignments accommodates those who have difficulty with home access to the online content.
November 14th - GROW Programming/Childcare
Dear parents/guardians:
We are looking forward to our upcoming elementary conferences and spending time with you to focus on your child’s goals and educational journey here in ZCS.
While conferences are taking place on November 14th, students are offsite spending the day doing their coursework at home, a friend or relative’s house, or a variety of other locations parents have chosen. Some students will also be participating in conferences with their parents as communicated by the classroom teachers. For parents who may be experiencing some difficulty in making arrangements for their child to participate in E-Day away from school as designed during the conferences, each school will have some availability for child care. In order to take advantage of the opportunity, you must register by Monday, November 11th.
Hours of operation:
8:00 am – 2:30 pm on Thursday, November 14th
- Transportation is to be provided by the family. Drop-off/pick-up logistics will be communicated by GROW to participating families in the days leading up to Elementary E-day.
- Students will need to bring a sack lunch.
- Please note that since E-Day schoolwork is not due for one week, access to the computer lab/machines at each school site will be limited. Please contact your child’s teacher for additional access time if your family has needs for a device or does not have access to WiFi at home.
To register for the November 14th E-day/childcare, please click on the link below:
Current BAC/Bridge participants: log into your EZChildTrack account and look for November 14th E-day on the left hand side.
New GROW participants choose “New Parents Open Account” then choose November 14th E-day.
For questions contact the GROW office at or call 317-733-4847.
ZEF Announces 2019 Fall Classroom Grants
On October 8th, the Zionsville Education Foundation (ZEF) announced thirteen 2019 ZEF Fall Classroom Grant awards totaling $28,068.11. The thirteen grants fund innovative ideas from Zionsville Community Schools (ZCS) teachers and administrators across multiple areas including literacy, STEM, creative technology use for the classroom, social and emotional learning, and cultural understandings. This year’s Fall Classroom Grants cycle was powered by a generous $25,000 donation from the Duke Energy Foundation.
Please join us in celebrating Boone Meadow Elementary teachers Kim Gray and Jonann Lamaster for their grant Reading the World. This project will teach global concepts of change, interdependence, culture, scarcity and power to younger learners. The materials purchased will create multiple experiences for children to build their own understandings of our global community. Boone Meadow Elementary also received funding for quality diverse books for classroom libraries from the grant, Promoting Cultural Understandings Through Literature.
For a complete list of the 2019 ZEF Fall Classroom Grants click here [link: ]
Lunch Choice on October 25th
Boone Meadow 2nd Grade Students have spoken and their votes have been tallied for Student Choice Lunch on Friday, October 25th.
Student Choice Lunch will be as listed below for the Friday following Fall Break:
Spaghetti with Meatballs
Mashed Potatoes
Fruit Juice Slushies
Our next vote goes to 1st Grade for Student Choice Lunch on Friday, November 15th!
Barn Bash 2019 is Almost Here!
Kick up your heels in support of ZCS teachers, classrooms, and students at the 2019 ZEF Barn Bash on Saturday, November 9th. Patron Tickets are $75 before 10/25 ($85 after 10/25) with doors opening at 6:30pm. VIP Tickets are $125/per person and give you access to the VIP and Sponsor Reception from 5:30-6:30pm where you will enjoy exclusive appetizers, entertainment from professional mind reader Chad Collyer, and an open bar throughout the evening. All tickets include dinner, dancing to the band Big Rosco and the Hammers, a live and silent auction, trips of a lifetime, and wine and gift card pull. Reserve your tickets today at
ZCS Food Service offering NEW STARTING PAY
ZCS Food Service Associate positions available at several of our cafeterias with a NEW starting pay of $13.00-$13.25/hour! Click here to apply directly and call 317-733-4804 with any questions!
Come join our team and meet us via this awesome (one click) video!
Texts from SchoolMessenger
From time to time Boone Meadow uses SchoolMessenger to send a text to all of the families. If you haven't been receiving texts from us, you may need to opt-in by sending YES to the SchoolMessenger short code of 68453. Contact Beth Kiel in the front office if you have any questions
Important Dates
October 14-18 - Fall Break
October 23rd - Blood Drive 2:30-6:00 (Cafe)
October 28th - PTO Meeting @ 7:00 (Cafe)
November 11 - Veterans Day Program
November 13 & 14 - Student Conferences
- Student conferences held after school on 11/13 & throughout the day on 11/14
- Student e-day on the 14th
November 18th - PTO Meeting @ 7:00 (Cafe)
November 27-29 - Thanksgiving Break
December 12th - Boone Meadow Voices Concert
December 23-January 3 - Winter Break
January 20 - MLK Jr. Day (no school)
January 23 - STEM Night
February 5 - Global School Play Day
February 6 - PTO Meeting @ 7:00 (Cafe)
February 17 - Presidents Day (no school)
February 18 - Staff Professional Development Day (no school for students)
March 4 - PTO Meeting @ 7:00 (Cafe)
March 18 - Wellness Night
March 20 - Boone Meadow Mixer (evening social for adults @ Golf Club of Indiana)
March 25 - Kindergarten Round-Up
March 27-April 3 - Spring Break
April 13 - PTO Meeting @ 7:00 (Cafe)
May 6 - PTO Meeting @ 7:00 (Cafe)
May 22 - Last Day of School
For Food Services monthly newsletter and information, click on link below
Nutrition Nuggets publication is focused on elementary aged students, while the Teen Food & Fitness edition is geared towards secondary students.
Community Events See the link to learn more about local events:
Volunteers and Visitor Background Checks
We value partnerships with our families and welcome parents and guardians to serve as volunteers in our schools. Each ZCS building offers a wide variety of volunteer opportunities.
Examples include:
- Field Trip Chaperones
- Out of Town/Overnight Chaperones
- Tutors
- Volunteer Coaches
- Classroom Helpers (PTO parties/room parents)
- Library Helpers
- After Prom Workers
- Field Day/Jog-A-Thon Volunteers
- Book Fair Sales/Athletic Ticket Sales
During the school day, all volunteers are expected to sign in at the front office. Prior to the volunteer opportunity, all volunteers must sign a Non-disclosure Acknowledgement Form and have successfully completed a Full Criminal History Background Check. Necessary background check paperwork is available on the ZCS website at the Volunteers/BRAVO link and should be submitted at least 10 days prior to the intended volunteer date. Volunteers must also view the state mandated confidentiality/bullying video, provided on the Volunteer/BRAVO website. The volunteer will pay the fee* for the full background check which will expire after 5 years. The link to apply for the full background check can be accessed on the Volunteers/BRAVO link on the ZCS main webpage. For more information, contact the Volunteer/BRAVO Coordinator.
During the school day, all visitors must enter via the front door and sign-in at the front office. Visitors need to be prepared to present a government issued photo ID which will be scanned against the National Sex Offender Registry. All visitors will be issued a visitor badge/tag to be worn inside the building at all times.
Examples Include:
- Lunch Guests
- Classroom Guest Speakers
- Classroom Special Events (Grandparent Day/Famous Hoosiers/etc.)
- Parent/Teacher Conferences
We ask that all visitors schedule an appointment to meet with teachers, counselors, administrators and all other staff members so that we may best serve everyone. Visitors other than parents/guardians must be prearranged and organized through the main office.
*ZCS thanks all volunteers for generous support of our youth and schools. Thank you, too, for supporting assurance of student and staff safety by completing and paying for a volunteer background check.
Contact Us
Location: 5555 S Main St, Whitestown, IN, United States
Phone: 3178732226
Twitter: @ZCSBoone_Meadow