Berry Middle School
Weekly Newsletter | September 11, 2020
Dr. Chris Robbins, Principal
Mrs. Dana Ricks, Assistant Principal, 6th grade
Mr. Ted Flannery, Assistant Principal, 7th grade
Ms. Kari Tibbs, Assistant Principal, 8th grade
A Message from Dr. Robbins - "The Next Big Thing...."
General Information
Meet Your Student's Teachers....over the weekend?!?
If you have not yet done so, please participate in the 2020-2021 Berry Virtual Open House. Click on this link to view an introductory video by Dr. Robbins, as well as videos from your student's teachers. Very informative and you may be surprised at what you learn!
Berry Health and Wellness Guidelines
- Masks / facial coverings are expected to be worn by all students and staff. Students may remove their masks when eating, as well as at other teacher-designated "breaks" (when in an open area and spaced appropriately).
- Students will maintain 6 feet of social distance at all times.
- At this time, lockers will only be used before school, at lunch, and after school.
- Students are expected to use hand sanitizer throughout the day, especially when entering / leaving a classroom and PE, before and after lunch, and before and after using the restroom. Hand sanitizer is available in all classrooms and common areas.
- Students are expected to note and follow the restroom capacity notices on the outside of the school restrooms. They may have to wait for one student to leave before they can enter.
- Students are not to gather in groups in the hallways - they will need to move quickly but properly distanced to their next destination.
These procedures are in place to keep our students, families, and teachers safe and healthy. We are learning together, so we promise to show patience and grace to one another as we navigate this transition as a family.
Dropped-off Items Information
Also, think of our big picture goal - if parents drop off a forgotten homework assignment, Chromebook, or lunch, the student is MUCH MORE LIKELY to forget it again in the future and expect you to bring it up to them again. We promise to back you up when you say, "Dr. Robbins said I can't bring it up, sorry." We also promise they will eat lunch and they will survive the day without their forgotten item -- all the while learning valuable life lessons. Berry is in the business of fostering responsibility in our young people, so let's work on this together!
September is Attendance Awareness Month!
Yes - virtual students can be marked absent! If they are a no-show for their face to face GoogleMeets and are unresponsive to their teachers, they WILL BE marked absent for the day. Please be sure your virtual students are engaged with their teachers daily as assigned.
Need a laugh? Check out these "Top Ten Reasons...." kids should be in school!
Top Ten Reasons Students Should Attend School Every Day!
Top Ten Reasons Students Should Attend School Every Day!
Top Ten Reasons Students Should Attend School Every Day!
Berry Attendance Procedures
New Procedure for Excuse Notes
Hoover City Schools prefer to collect excuses for attendance via email.
The email must be a PICTURE of scan of the excuse, not a composed email, so that a SIGNATURE can be received.
Doctor’s notes must also include a signature.
Email all excuses to: bmsattendance@hoover.k12.al.us
What hasn’t changed:
Excuses are due within three days of a student’s absence
Excuses must contain the student’s whole name, date of absence, and reason for absence.
Student Check In/Check Out Our Goal - no shared touches! Adult is required @ check in or check out No check in slips issued by office; teachers can access attendance info Driver’s license required for check out
School Supplies
It's time for students to bring in items from the school supply list!
If they ordered a pre-packaged supply pack back in the spring / summer, they should have received it this week on their team. If your student is a virtual student, your virtual team teachers will be reaching out to you shortly with a plan to pick up your student's prepackaged school supply pack.
For your reference, here are the supply lists for each grade level.
Rocky Ridge Yearbooks
Free and Reduced Meal Application is available online!
Library Book Return
Berry Transportation Information
Bus Route Information
For current bus information, please visit the Hoover City Schools website (www.hoovercityschools.net).
Click Departments at the top of the page, and then click Transportation. You will see a link to the Edulog Web Query Page; once you click on that link you will be directed to a page that looks like the image below.
Enter your address as well as your student’s grade level and then click Go.
Helpful Tips:
It is likely that bus routes will be modified up until a day or two before school starts.
Arrive at the bus stop 15-20 minutes before the scheduled stop for the first few days of school.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Transportation Department directly at 205-439-1120 or by completing the Transportation Request Form on their webpage.
Carpool Information
Please click on the images below for specific information about carpool procedures at Berry.
Athletic Information
Athletic Tryout Requirements - PLEASE READ
Berry Basketball Tryouts - Girls and Boys
Spain Park Girls Soccer Tryouts - NEW DATE!
A Letter from Dr. Robbins to all Athletic Spectators
Dear Berry Family,
In compliance with Alabama’s most recent health order regarding youth athletic events, it is critical to for all of us to understand the specific expectations of spectators at all Berry athletic events:
TICKETING: All ticketing is contactless and are to be purchased through GoFan. All event venues will sell tickets at up to 50% capacity. We are not able to accept cash at the gate.
SOCIAL DISTANCING: Spectators are expected to properly socially distance (6 feet) while seated in the stands as marked (except for same-household family members).
FACIAL COVERINGS: Facial coverings are required for all spectators. Facial coverings are required at all times per AHSAA.
STAYING SEATED: All spectators must remain seated in designated stands areas. Spectators may not leave the seating areas to walk around / play in the open areas of the stadium. Please show patience as you exit the event, always maintaining proper distance from other spectators.
CONCESSIONS: Concessions are available on a limited basis and features prepackaged / items that can be easily contained and sealed.
SIDELINES / FIELD ACCESS: Only essential personnel and participants may enter the track, field, or area of play. Spectators are not permitted on the field of play before/during/after the contest.
If the Jaguar community desires to continue to provide athletic opportunities for our students, as well as allow spectators to continue to attend our athletic events, I am asking that each of us comply with all aspects of this health order. Our Jaguar student athletes have sacrificed much to prepare for and continue their respective seasons, and now each of us must do our part as spectators to ensure the health and safety of every member of the Jaguar family.
Dr. Chris Robbins, Principal
Berry Middle School
Berry Football Schedule, 2020
Berry Volleyball Schedule, 2020
GoFan Ticket Purchasing Information
Technology Support
Chromebook Care
Chromebook Information
Troubleshooting advice from Mrs. Ricks:
Troubleshooting advice from SPHS:
Try a different charger if you have one. Sometimes the problem is with the charger, not the device.
Try power-washing the device to reset it to factory settings:
- Press escape, refresh, and power at the same time. A yellow exclamation point is displayed.
- Press control + D to begin developer mode, then enter. A red exclamation point is displayed.
- The chromebook deletes its local data returning to its initial state.
- When the transition completes, press the spacebar, then press enter to return to verified mode.
- Connect to your home wifi. Make sure you set the settings to: PEAP, MS-CHAP, DO NOT CHECK. You also have to scroll down a little here inside the box and add your username (196#) and password (1hC$).
Support for our Berry Families
Requests for Counselor Assistance
Your school counselors are available via email and phone and most have links to request assistance. HCS has also created a virtual platform (Google Form) that is located under Quick Links on the district and school websites where a parent, guardian, and/or student can request to speak to a counselor.
Some reasons for making this request include anxiety regarding returning to school, difficulty coping with stress, support with grief or loss, concerns regarding drug and alcohol use, feelings of sadness or depression, or any other issue that is affecting the social-emotional well-being of your student.
The Berry Counselors are available to help you!
The COVID 19 pandemic is having a tremendous impact on our daily lives. The Berry Middle School counselors are available to assist you and have assembled a few resources that may be helpful for your family.
Berry Counselors:
6th grade - Kathy Hartwiger khartwiger@hoover.k12.al.us
7th grade - Ericka Leonard eleonard@hoover.k12.al.us
8th grade - John Aufdemorte jaufdemo@hoover.k12.al.us
If you have a medical emergency and need immediate assistance, please call 911 or go directly to the nearest emergency room.
- Children’s Hospital Psychiatric Intake Response Center - 205-638-PIRC (7472)
- The Crisis Center, 205-323-7777 (24 hrs), TEXT 205-328-5465
- Teen Link, 205-328-LINK (5465)
- Kids Line, 205-328-KIDS (5437) available 3-10pm
- Jeffco DHR, 205-423-4900
- Domestic Violence Hotline, 1-800-799-7233
- Shelby Co DHR, 205-669-3000
- The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800 273-TALK (8255) OR text TALK to 741741
Engaged Learning at Home: Tips for Families
Telecounseling Resources for Parents
*Please be advised that Hoover City Schools DOES NOT advocate or endorse any of these agencies over other providers. It is the parent(s)/guardian(s)’ responsibility to investigate the appropriateness of services. Hoover City Schools are merely providing information to families.*
Pathways 1-866-991-6864 https://www.pathwaysprofessional.org/
Payment options: private pay, sliding scale available, Most counselors do accept some insurances including Blue Cross Blue Shield, TriCare, Viva, and many Employee Assistance Program
Grayson and Associates (205) 871-6926 www.graysonmentalhealth.com
Payment Options: Private pay, insurance
A Journey for Change Counseling Center (205) 267-4463 info@ajourneyforchange.com
Payment options: Medicaid, AllKids, BC/BS, Tricare
IMPACT Family Counseling (205) 916-0123 https://impactal.org/index.html
Payment options: Sliding scale based on income
Covenant Counseling (205) 879-7500 https://www.covenantcounsel.com/
Payment options: Private pay only, no insurance accepted
Birmingham Anxiety & Trauma Therapy (205) 807-5372 https://therapistsbirmingham.com/
Payment options: private pay, call for insurance options
Choices of Alabama (205) 639-1334 https://choicesofalabama.com/
Payment Options: Medicaid, Call for other options
Insight Therapeutic Services (205) 936-2356 https://insightbirmingham.com/
Payment options: Private pay, sliding scale, and most major insurance providers
Integrative Health Services (205) 644-1166 http://ihealthservices.org/
Payment options: AllKids, American Behavioral, Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Choice, Behavioral Health Systems, Viva, PEEHIP, BCBS, Federal Blue Cross, New Directions, United Health Care, Medicare, Blue Advantage, Private Pay
Alabama Counseling and Therapy Services (ACTS) (205) 529-1285 https://www.actscounseling.com/about-us - Spanish speaking therapist available
Call for payment options
Alabama Child and Adolescent Counseling (205) 530-8743
Contact for payment options
*This is not a comprehensive list of providers. Many providers have moved to telecounseling. We will add to this list as we contact additional providers.*
Learn More about Neighborhood Bridges
About Us
7th grade office: 205-439-2065
8th grade office: 205-439-2000
Website: https://www.hoovercityschools.net/berry
Location: 4500 Jaguar Drive, Birmingham, AL, USA
Phone: 205-439-2000
Facebook: facebook.com/berrymiddle
Twitter: @BerryMiddle