News from CCSD15 Board of Education
May 12, 2021
Board Recognition
After a wonderful surprise announcement in front of all Winston Campus staff and students on Wednesday afternoon, the Board of Education was excited to celebrate Martín Da Costa, principal of Winston Campus Jr. High School, who was selected as one of the winners of the highly competitive Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Leadership.
The Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Leadership honors exemplary performance in school leadership by a principal or head of school who has had a significant and sustained positive impact on the school, created a culture of inclusivity, and delivered dramatic student growth.
Teacher Appreciation
Dr. Heinz and members of the Board of Education thanked our wonderful teaching staff for its dedication and commitment to students -- especially during the increased challenges this year presented.
COVID-19 Update
A monthly COVID update including data and metrics was provided to the Board of Education.
District 15 is partnering with District 211 and Osco Pharmacy to host a COVID-19 vaccination clinic for our students ages 12 and older. Interested families can access the vaccination link here.
2021-22 Enrollment Survey
District 15 needs to hear from all families regarding their learning preference for the 2021-22 school year -- in-person or virtual. If you have completed the survey, thank you. If not, please contact your school so we can section students, create schedules, and finalize staffing assignments. Again, this data is critical for the District as they move forward with planning for the next school year.
Beyond Just Boundaries
Superintendent Laurie Heinz and members of her leadership team provided the Board with a recap of the Beyond Just Boundaries proposal presented at the April Committee of the Whole meeting. Doing so was to help ensure the Board understood the depth of what was presented, allowing time for questions and answers, and to share any information Board members may be receiving from stakeholders throughout our communities.
Upcoming Meeting Dates:
June 9, 2021: Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
June 23, 2021: Committee of the Whole - Funding Sources of the Beyond Just Boundaries
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER)
District 15 has received or is slated to receive federal funding through three different sources:
2020 Federal Relief for COVID 19: CARES Act - $1.6 million to District 15
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief II (ESSER II) - $5.9 million and,
American Rescue Plan (ARP) ESSER - $13.3 million
Dr. Heinz and members of her leadership team provided the Board with an overview of District 15’s ESSER II Spending Plan. ESSER II funding priority areas include:
Academic Supports, Learning Loss, Learning Acceleration, and Recovery. Items include but are not limited to: Tier 1 (Core) Curricular Materials, Interventionists, and a Spanish Bilingual Curriculum Writer.
Family and Community Connections. Items include but are not limited to: Translation Services and a Community School Supervisor.
School Safety and Social-Emotional Well-being of the “Whole Student” and of Our Schools. Items include but are not limited to: Trauma-Informed Coordinator, Second Step Instructional Materials, additional Safety and Sanitation Supplies, and Protected Health Space personnel.
Remote Learning, Staff Development, and the Digital Divide. Items include but are not limited to: Chromebooks, professional development opportunities for staff, and additional wifi hotspots.
Themes for spending include supporting students in order to accelerate learning loss and recovery efforts created by the ongoing nature of the pandemic.
Board Equity Committee Sub-Group
Over the last school year, the expanded Board Equity Committee began learning more about equity and what having an equity lens means to District 15 using the Alliance for Resource Equity Framework. Equity committee sub-groups include Student Support, Learning and Environment, Teachers and Leaders, and Funding and Facilities.
Work will continue next year and help inform the Strategic Plan that will be written next year and implemented during the 2022-23 school year.
Illinois Elementary School Association (IESA)
The Illinois Elementary School Association (IESA) is a statewide athletics and activities association serving elementary and middle schools in the State of Illinois. The District administration and the Classroom Teachers’ Council (CTC) came to an agreement to pilot participation at Winston Campus Junior High for the upcoming IESA Cross Country and Track seasons. The pilot is a one-time non-precedent setting which will be used to gather additional information regarding the partnership.
2021-2022 Revised Official School Calendar
As part of ongoing efforts to keep our schools safe and limit unnecessary visitors, the 2021-2022 school calendar was amended so that students are not in session on March 15, 2022, due to the Gubernatorial Primary Election.
Please click here for the official public version posted on our website.
Committee Reports
Education Research Development (ED-RED) Organization
The Illinois Associate of School Boards (IASB) sends regular state and federal legislative updates when issues impacting education are being discussed. ED-RED Committee Member, Frank Annerino, shared these updates with the Board and administration.
Please click this link to view the IASB legislative updates.
one-five Foundation
New member Jim Taylor reported that the popular Staff Tribute card fundraiser was a big success raising just under $3,000! Thank you to those that supported the efforts of the foundation.
Finance Committee of the Board
Finance Committee of the Board members, Wenda Hunt and Anthony Wang, met with CSBO Diana McCluskey and Superintendent Heinz on Monday, May 10, to discuss financing options for the Beyond Just Boundaries proposal. A special Committee of the Whole is scheduled for Wednesday, June 23.
Action Items
9.1 Approval for Additional Summer Help - Technology Department - Approved
9.2 Approval for Additional Technology Support Specialist, Level 1 - Technology Department - Approved
9.3 Personnel Report: Administration, Certified, and Non-Certified - Approved
9.4 Approval to Purchase: NWEA MAP and FastBridge AssessmentAnnual Subscription - Approved
9.5 Approval for Renewal of ELLevation Data Management and Strategy Training Platforms - Approved
9.6 Illustrative Mathematics Purchase - Grade 6 - Approved
9.7 Approval of Purchase of Spanish Shared Reading Materials for Core Literacy in K-2 Spanish Bilingual Classrooms - Approved
9.8 Approval to Purchase Project Lead the Way (PLTW) V5 Gateway Custom Upgrade Kit - Approved
9.9 Resolution - Authorize the Notice of Publication of Public Hearing on the Adoption of the FY22 Tentative Budget - Approved
9.10 Raymond James Municipal Advisor Agreement - Approved
9.11 Bid Award #21-012 Fresh Produce - Approved
9.12 Bid Award #21-013 Cafeteria Packaging - Approved
9.13 Bid Award #21-014 Milk - Approved
9.14 Spring 2021 CLA Asbestos Abatement - Old Cafeteria - Approved
9.15 E-Rate Bid for Refresh of the District Network - Approved
9.16 RFQ-Administrative Desktop & Laptop Replacement - Approved
9.17 Renewal for GoGuardian Suite - Approved
9.18 Approval to Purchase Fountas and Pinnell Classroom Materials - Approved
9.19 Approval to Purchase Spanish Independent Reading Materials to Support Language Acquisition - Children's Plus Inc. - Approved
Community Consolidated School District 15 Board of Education
Location: 580 North 1st Bank Drive, Palatine, IL, USA
Phone: 847-963-3000
Twitter: @D15Schools