Mesa Weekly News
August 18, 2024
Principal's News
Hello Mesa Families!
Throughout last week, we were able to see teachers back in action! We've seen amazing morning meetings, clear rules and expectations, student input on classroom practices, and students already responding to systems teachers are putting in place! As we continue to move through this month and get to know our students even more, teachers will be reaching out to families to continue to grow their knowledge of each student. This could mean asking parents for additional information on students' 'favorites' and providing families with pictures of activities and learning experiences. Please also continue to watch for weekly newsletters from each grade level team.
Throughout the month of August, our teachers will be working on helping students build meaningful relationships, as well as their self-awareness and self-management. Building a strong foundation for students' social-emotional success will allow us to then build their academics and address any learning needs. If you are looking for ideas or information on how to help students with their social needs, the following blog is a site for parents actively supporting kids' social emotional development:
Beginning Monday, Aug 19, 2024 , the crosswalk at Fountain Mesa Road will be staffed from 7am- 7:25am and again from 2:20-2:40 each school day. Due to the speed at which cars travel this road, we strongly encourage you to ask your students to leave the house no earlier than 7am to ensure there is crosswalk support and then supervision once they arrive at school. Supervision at school begins at 7:05am when the doors open. Thank you for your support in keeping our kids safe!
Please look over the car drop-off/pick-up information below. Staff members will be present at the start and finish of each day to assist at cars. We will be using two lanes for pick-up after school (only one lane is open for drop-off due to limited staff presence). Officer Geri will be present and working to ensure a smooth flow of traffic. If you would like to walk your student up to the building, please park to do so. Students riding the bus will need to be registered with FFC8 transportation. If you plan for your student to ride the bus to/from school, registration must be completed. Please use this link to register. Our bus drop-off/pick-up is located in our west parking lot. Students who walk to Mesa will be able to enter the building using the main entry, from the east playground, or by accessing the same entry as bus students on the west side of the building. Crossing guards will be located at Fountain Mesa as well as directly in front of the building (on Camino Del Rey). Parents are welcome to walk students to the entry at any time. We will continue to monitor our arrival/dismissal practices throughout the first few weeks and make adjustments as needed. Thank you in advance for your patience with this process as we work to maintain the safety of all of our students as they arrive to and leave from school each day.
Throughout this week, students will have opportunities to practice PRIDE (persevere, show respect, be independent, be dedicated to keeping Mesa safe, and empathize with others) expectations throughout the building. Our emphasis for the month of August will focus on perseverance, greeting others, and working well with peers and teachers. This includes practicing our essential skill of self-awareness. Please feel free to share the ways you and your family are practicing perseverance, working well with others, and self-awareness with your student's teacher. We love to hear from you and to see our Mesa students practicing these skills outside of school. Throughout the week, we give 'shout outs' to students who exemplify these characteristics in their actions across the building and with one another.
Please be sure to contact us with any needs or questions. We look forward to the start of this school year and the opportunity to work with each of you to help our students to Dream BIG, Work Hard and Make it Happen!!
Megan Oleson
PrincipalContent Area Specialization (CAS)
Drop-Off/Pick-Up Information 2024-2025
**Car rider tags for your visor will be sent out this week. Please use these if you use the car line to pick up students after school.**
***Please let your son/daughter's teacher know your plan for after school pick-up.***
Car Riders (drop-off/pick-up)
Car drop-off/pick-up will take place in the north parking lot in front of our main entry doors. The west lot is not a drop-off/pick-up option for car riders. We ask that parents keep traffic moving as quickly as possible by remaining in their vehicles while students exit. If there is a need for a parent to assist with a student exiting, please park in a visitor spot in the north lot. In the AM, parents should pull as far east (closest to the gym) as possible in the lot. Mesa staff members will be there to open doors and welcome students. Students will then enter the building. In the PM, students will be with their grade level (as indicated in the photo). Parents should still pull as far east as possible. A staff member will check in with you as you pull through the line and will call for your student(s) to come to your vehicle.
If you are using Monterey Way and turning onto Camino Del Rey, please be mindful to not block the entry/exit to the west parking lot (on Monterey Way) as buses will be using this lot and will need enough space to get in and out of the parking lot.
Please reference the photo below for guidance on our drop-off/pick-up procedures this year.
Any students who are walking home with a parent will meet on the east playground. Students will be separated by grade level. Parents may approach teachers to pick-up their student(s). Students are also able to walk home without being picked up by a parent. Students walking alone and needing to head west out of the building will be allowed to leave in this direction with the grade-level staff member walking kids out in that direction. Students heading east at the end of the day will be able to access the paved walkway out to Camino Del Rey to then head east towards Fountain Mesa.
Front Office Access:
Our main office is located on the north side of the building. Parents needing to enter the building should do so at our main-entry located at the north doors with a large Mesa paw print.
Special Moments This Week
This Week at Mesa
Essential Skill Focus: Self-awareness; recognizing/naming our emotions and the emotions of others
Aug. 19: PTO meeting at 3:00 in the cafeteria
Save the Date:
Aug. 29: Mesa Family Night 4:30-6:00 - come to Mesa to spend some time in classrooms and explore learning materials with your student
Aug. 30: No school for students - District professional development day for teachers
Lunch Info
All students have access to free breakfast and lunch at Mesa. (Students pick-up breakfast and return to their classrooms to eat when they arrive.) Only if students request a second helping of breakfast and/or lunch will their account be charged.
About Us
Location: 400 Camino Del Rey, Fountain, CO, USA
Phone: 719-382-1370
Twitter: @MesaElemFFC8