Wednesday Whistle
Emerson Parent & Community Newsletter (February 28, 2024)
Tuesday was full of excitement at our Spirit Awards Assembly, where students were recognized for their great work. Our top sellers for the fall fundraiser enjoyed spraying me with silly string at our assembly. I truly enjoyed the fun and laughter it brought to our students. Check out our Emerson Instagram page for pictures. Don't forget, tonight is family night out at Mama's. (Details below)
With respect and admiration,
Mrs. Dominguez, Principal
Please see the attached link for construction updates at Emerson: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14tsaZJ8ZrYSeStAyAjk9JASyOcbpMcyG/view?usp=sharing
Dates to Remember
Feb. 28th Family Night Out (Mama's) (see flyer below)
Mar. 1st First Day of Women's History Month
Mar. 4th-8th Read Across America Week (Details Below)
Mar. 5th PTA Association Mtg.
Mar. 5th & 7th St. Patrick's Day Gram sales (see details below)
Mar. 6th Field trip - 5th Grade to LB Museum of Art
Mar. 8th Design Logo Contest for students ends
Mar. 10th Daylight Saving Time starts
Mar. 11th Field Trip 2nd Grade to Natural History Museum
Mar. 11th-15th Scholastic Book Fair (Details Below)
Mar. 11th 5th Grade Promotional Pictures (more details to come at a later date)
Mar. 22nd Spring Pictures
Mar. 19th Minimum Day Dismissal at 2pm
Mar. 26th-27th Minimum Day Dismissal at 2pm (Parent Conferences)
Mar. 29th No School-Admission Day
Apr. 1st–5th Spring Break
Emerson Uniform Policy
Pet Reminder
- Pets are not allowed on campus in the walkways leading to gates and beyond
- Please do not allow students to pet your pet
- Please clean up after your pet.
PLEASE READ - Safety Concerns: Pick Up / Drop off
Safety concern: Student should never be crossing the street outside of the crosswalk, through other cars, in the middle of the street. Please don't ask your students to run across, through cars, as this is extremely unsafe. Near the gate on Willow, more parents are driving the wrong way on the one way street off of Willow, please adhere to all parking and directional signs at all times. Cars that are being left unattended in the middle of the street can cause traffic to back up and possible accidents. Please do not park in the bus loading zone or in red zone, or turn your hazards on and leave your car double parked and unattended with/without other children inside. Safety is our utmost concern, and we thank you in advance for making sure we keep everyone safe and ticket free. Our school neighbors have kindly asked that we remind parents to NOT block their driveways when dropping off and picking up, OR, leave any children in their cars unattended while walking to drop off other siblings to the school campus.
TK/Kinder Drop off Reminder
TK/Kinder Families - Students being dropped off in the morning before the classroom opens must be accompanied by an adult. Older students on campus cannot be the ones responsible for walking the student to class, or taking them to breakfast. Our TK/Kinder yard is open with site supervision every day before school starting at 8:30am if an adult is not able to stay with them until the bell rings. These students must remain in the yard with our staff, so if they need to eat, an adult must stay to walk with and sit with them while they eat, and then bring them back to the yard after they are done.
We understand that there are times when it is raining, that it is more convenient to send your TK or Kinder student with the their older sibling, however, due to the young age of our TK/Kinder students, we require them to be with an adult at all times before/after school if they are not being supervised in our TK or Kinder yard by Emerson staff members.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
St. Patrick's Day Grams Sale 🍀
Family Science Night Coming Soon
Spirit Wear Design Contest!
Family Night Out: Mama’s Wed, 2/28 8:30am-9:00pm, up to 30% goes back to Emerson. Please present flyer when dining in or picking up.
Fund Photos: 3 Spring dates and locations available for your convenience. Perfect for Mother's Day! Sessions are $50 and include 2 digital images. $50 goes back to Emerson for every session booked.
Bell Schedule
TK & K 9:00 - 3:00
1st - 3rd 9:00 – 3:05
4th & 5th 9:00 – 3:10
EVERY THURSDAY TK – 5th Grade 2:30 dismissal
School Wellness & Prevention Lessons
Ms. Lang our school counselor will facilitate these lessons and send communications prior to the start of the lessons.