What's Happening this Christmas
Thursday 28th November
HPPA Festive Children’s Shopping Event
Children will select two presents for their grown ups with the help of some special elves during the school day. Helpers have been hard at work gathering gifts for the children to buy, and we are sure the children will have a wonderful time doing their Festive shopping.
We kindly ask for a payment of £3.00 per child on ClassList, and each child will be able to select two gifts. The deadline for payment is Wednesday 27th November.
If you do not want your child to participate please email contacthppa@gmail.com
Friday 29th November
Mufti Day
Please bring along a bottle and / or an age appropriate and complete toy you would like to donate in order to wear mufti on this day. Please no football kits, high heels, make-up or belly tops.
Saturday 30th November
HPPA Christmas Fair & Grotto at HISN 11am to 3pm
Delighted to announce the first HPPA Xmas Fair with lots of stalls, food van, DJ, crafting and of course Santa in the Grotto! You can pre-book Santa slots and tokens via Classlist.
Monday 2nd December
Christmas Post Box Opens (school office)
Please ensure the child’s full name and class is clearly written on the front of the cards otherwise they will not be able to be distributed.
Aladdin Pantomime
The children will be treated to a live pantomime today (funded by HPPA).
Friday 6th December
Christmas Carol Concert Rehearsal @ St Mary’s Church
All children to wear full school uniform (no parents)
Monday 9th December
Christmas Carol Concert @ St Mary’s Church
Years 3 & 4 – 9.30am to 10.15am (doors open to parents at 9.15am)
Years 5 & 6 - 10.45am to 11.30am (doors open to parents at 10.30am)
This event will be live streamed - https://hampton.online.church/
All children to wear full school uniform
Friday 13th December
Cocoon Christmas Wrapping Paper Amnesty
Please donate any full/half empty rolls of Christmas wrapping paper at drop off to support the Coccoon Christmas Charity (see below)
Christmas Jumper Day (full mufti)
Children to wear Christmas Jumper or Christmas themed outfit for Save the Children. Please no football kits, make-up or belly tops and children must wear sensible shoes.
Yr6 Christmas Market
Tokens to be purchased via Arbor from 25th November to 2nd December. This will be for your child to participate in raising money for the year 6 leavers party and yearbook.
Please note tokens are not available for Yr 6 children as they will be busy running the stalls.
Yr 6 children will be released at 3.30pm to allow them to clear up
Last day for clubs!
Please make sure you have signed up direct for spring term clubs
Tuesday 17th December
Years 3 & 4 Christmas Lunch
If you did not order Christmas Lunch by Monday 11th November, please provide your child with a packed lunch on this day (even if your child regularly has school dinners).
Years 5 & 6 Christmas Party
Children to wear mufti for the entire day and bring a festive packed lunch. Please no football kits, make-up or belly tops and children must wear sensible shoes. No fizzy drinks or nut products.
Please note that there will be no hot lunches provided on this day to Yrs 3 & 4 children having their Christmas Lunch. Children will need to bring in their own packed lunch on this day.
Christmas Post Box Closes at 9am
We will not accept any post after this time to ensure we have ample time to deliver it to the children
Wednesday 18th December
Years 5 & 6 Christmas Lunch
If you did not order Christmas Lunch by Monday 11th November, please provide your child with a packed lunch on this day (even if your child regularly has school dinners).
Years 3 & 4 Christmas Party
Children to wear mufti for the entire day and bring a festive packed lunch. Please no football kits, make-up or belly tops and children must wear sensible shoes. No fizzy drinks or nut products.
Please note that there will be no hot lunches provided on this day to Yrs 5 & 6 having their Christmas Lunch. Children will need to bring in their own packed lunch on this day.
Friday 20th December
Cinema Morning
End of Term - 1.30pm
On behalf of all the staff at HJS we would like to wish all our families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year