October 2024
Intermediate Education Center
From the Principal's Office
Happy Fall, IEC Families!
Happy October! The crisp fall air is here, and we are excited for all the fun and learning this month brings. We hope your family has had a fantastic start to the school year! The opening weeks of the academic year have been filled with wonderful moments, and we’re so proud of all the hard work our students and staff have already put in.
The first few weeks at IEC have focused on school safety. Our students and staff have participated in several fire drills, bus safety drills, and our first lockdown drill with the Lewiston Police Department. These are important practices to ensure that our school is a safe place for all. We will continue to practice our drill throughout the school year.
At the Intermediate Education Center, we are committed to our mission: One Purpose. Your Pathway. Our Promise. As we begin this new school year, we look forward to working hand in hand with all families to give our children the best possible learning experience. Our goal is to ensure that when students leave Lewiston-Porter, they will be confident in themselves and their abilities. During their time here, they will be challenged to grow and discover their personal best because we promise to give them our best.
This year’s school theme is 1Dr. Seuss. Each day is a new opportunity for every IEC student to showcase their unique gifts and talents. We believe all our students are leaders, creating their own pathways toward success. This year, we will focus on growing academically, behaviorally, and socially as we work toward becoming stronger and smarter every day.
Our school’s leadership focus encourages students to take responsibility for their actions. As IEC leaders, students are reminded to:
I follow adult directions.
I communicate with respect.
I keep hands, feet, and objects to themselves.
I am prepared and ready to learn.
I follow the technology expectations.
As Dr. Seuss reminds us, "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." We encourage all of our students to embrace their potential and take charge of their learning this month!
As the month comes to a close, we’re looking forward to celebrating Halloween! Each classroom will plan its own “spook-tacular” activities, so please keep an eye out for details from your child’s teacher. A letter from me with additional guidelines and information will also be sent home later this month.
We are asking for your participation in our Leader in Me (LIM) MRA Survey. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us set building goals and identify areas of focus for the school year. The survey results allow us to continuously improve and grow, so please take a moment to share your thoughts using the link sent out. Thank you in advance for your input!
As Dr. Seuss would say, "You're off to great places, today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!" We’re looking forward to a month filled with growth, fun, and learning.
Thank you for your continued support, and here’s to a fantastic October!
Mrs. Rodriguez
Mark the Calendar!
Monday 9/30- Friday 10/4 Spirit Week!
Tuesday, October 1st -4th grade field trip 9:15am-1:30pm
Wednesday, October 2nd- National School Custodian Appreciation Day
Fire Prevention Week- October 6th- 12th
Wednesday, October 9th- National Stop Bullying Day (2nd Wednesday in October)
Friday, October 11th- Wear PINK for breast cancer Awareness
Monday, October 14th- Indigenous People's Day/ Columbus Day- No School
Tuesday October 15th- Early Release Day- dismissal 2:25pm
Saturday, October 19th- Making Strides Against Breast Cancer - 10am Buffalo Outer Harbor
Thursday October 31st- Halloween
During Spirit Week, please bring in donations of Mac n Cheese
to support the Care n Share Food Pantry!
Currently the donations are down and the needs are high. The pantry is in need of supplies and we were hoping that Lewiston - Porter Schools can help! We are running a "challenge" during "Spirit Week," with each building having a different item to collect;
PEC - Soup
IEC - Mac & Cheese
MS - pasta, HS - Cereal.
Having each grade level compete to collect the most items- a fun way to show the "Spirit" of giving back to the community.
Orange shirt day Monday 9/30
Decades Day
Favorite Sports Day
Pajama Day!
Green & White Day
Mac n Cheese Food Drive for the Care n Share Pantry
Mac and Cheese Mania was off the charts! The Multiage Service Learning classes led the IEC in this community driven event where students came together to make a difference by donating boxes of macaroni and cheese to the Care n Share food pantry. The spirit of generosity within the school community was high, gathering 180 boxes for donation in just one week. The effort not only provided essential food supplies, but also faster a sense of unity and compassion among all participants.
Fire Prevention Week
Fire Prevention Week is
October 6-12, 2024
This year’s FPW campaign,
“Smoke alarms: Make them work for you!™”
strives to educate everyone about the importance
of having working smoke alarms in the home.
Install- Install smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside each separate sleeping area (like a hallway), and on each level (including the basement) of the home.
Test- Test smoke alarms at least once a month by pushing the test button.
Replace- Replace all smoke alarms when they are 10 years old or stop responding when tested.
Coat Drive 10/7-10/25
Student Arrival/ Dismissal Procedures
Parent Drop Off/Pick-Up and Late Arrivals
Doors will open at 8:40 a.m.; early drop-off will not be available.
Enter the campus via the High School entrance and turn left on the campus road parallel to Creek Road. (See Map Below)
You will turn right into the Middle School parking lot and drive along the front of the building through to the Intermediate Education Center main entrance. Do NOT cut through the middle school parking lot- it is very important that vehicles STAY in LINE.
At 8:40 a.m., a staff member will direct cars to move forward for drop off.
For safety reasons, do not attempt to go around the car in front of you. This will be strictly enforced.
Exit the campus at the driveway next to the police station.
Arrival of students after 9:00 a.m., the parent must enter late arrival in pickup patrol app. Upon arrival ring the door buzzer to the right of the main entrance. A staff member will open the main door for the child and escort the child into the school. The driver must remain with the child until a staff member has opened the door.
All dismissal information must be entered into PICKUP PATROL.
Parents/guardians who wish to pick up their child from school at the end of the day MUST put the request through Pickup Patrol. If someone other than you will be picking up the child(ren), please indicate the name of that person on the pickup patrol app prior to 2pm. (They must bring ID)
Parents/Guardians should enter campus at the high school Daryl Johnson Way, go past the high school, in front of the middle school building, (DO NOT cut through the parking lot, it is very important that vehicles stay in line) and pass in front of the intermediate education building main entrance with their school issued pickup patrol sign with child(ren)’s name displayed OR ID ready to be shown to staff if no sign is available.
Child(ren) will be sent out to vehicles, do NOT go around other vehicles for the safety of all
Parents/guardians who wish to pick up students early from school must enter this information into PICKUP PATROL, stating the reason for the early release, the time the child will be picked up, and the name of the person to whom the child is being released. For safety reasons, and not to interrupt instruction, we ask that you come to the door, use the intercom to notify the office of your arrival/ who you’re picking up and wait for the student to be called down. We will escort the student to you once your ID has been verified. Thank you for your continued collaboration and partnership!
Have you returned the IEC free/ reduced lunch form?
The Lewiston Porter School District
is asking ALL families to fill out & return the free/ reduced lunch forms-
even if you do not think you'll qualify.
If you have not returned the form to your classroom teacher,
Please do so as soon as possible.
If you need another form- you can find them on the website
Click the menu page, look on the left side for the form
Thank you!
Order your IEC Yearbook now!
Use order code 91112Y
Pickup Patrol Reminder
you should enter all
dismissal plan changes/ absences/ late arrivals/ early dismissals
in the Pickup Patrol App before 2pm
You do NOT need to call the office OR send in notes if information is in Pickup Patrol
If your child stays afterschool for clubs
(drama, Chinese, Spanish, etc)
Please choose the "Pickup after club meeting" option for plan changes in Pick up patrol
IEC is a Leader in Me Lighthouse School
At the IEC, we have created a plan that will help prepare every child to be successful for the demands of the 21st Century. Our plan includes using the Leader in Me program. This plan allows students to develop leadership skills that they can use in everyday life. The Leader in Me program uses the Seven Habits of Happy Kids in order to help students become “leaders of their own learning.” Students participate in these initiatives throughout each day as skills are embedded in all content areas. However, they have a specific time that allows them to Drop Everything And Lead (D.E.A.L). D.E.A.L is a 20 minute block that students get to explore and use their 7 habits/leadership skills. The habits are described below.
The Seven Habits
Habit 1: Be Proactive
I am a responsible person. I make good choices. I hold myself accountable. I take initiative. I am respectful.
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
I plan ahead and set goals. I do things that have purpose and make a difference.
Habit 3: Put First Things First
I spend my time on things that are most important. I set priorities, make a schedule, and follow my plan. I am organized.
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
I compromise with others. I make deposits in others’ Emotional Bank Accounts. When conflicts arise, I look for alternatives.
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
I listen before I talk. I try to see things from other viewpoints.
Habit 6: Synergize
I cooperate. I value other people’s opinions. I work well in groups. I seek out other people’s ideas to solve problems because I know that by teaming with others we can create better solutions than any one of us alone.
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
I take care of my body by eating right, exercising, and getting sleep. I spend time with family and friends.
In the month of September and October, we will be learning about Habit 1.
Welcome Fall -September 22nd
Mrs. Broughman’s class welcomed fall with a listening and drawing activity to create a fall scene. Everyone did an amazing job!
We Appreciate our IEC Custodians!
National Custodian Appreciation Day is on Wednesday October 2nd. The day recognizes the important role that custodians play in keeping schools and other public spaces clean, safe, and functional.
Give our hardworking, kind, helpful, amazing IEC Custodians a smile!
Mrs. Wilson
Mrs. Stockinger
Mr. Minor
Mr. Duckett
Mrs. Brown
Mr. Newsome
Mrs. Broughman’a 3rd grade, celebrated National Custodian’s Day on October 1st. They made cards and a poster to acknowledge our wonderful custodians.
2024-25 IEC Morning Intramurals
Session 1: Outdoor Flag Football/Soccer
September 25th - November 21st (EXCLUDING HALLOWEEN WEEK.)
Dear Parents,
Session 1 will be OUTDOOR flag football/soccer with a focus on fundamentals and small sided games. We will be outdoors when the weather permits. The grass WILL BE wet, so please have your child pack an extra pair of shoes.
We have a SIGN UP LINK BELOW and will take the first 20 participants from EACH grade. Please be sure to sign up under the correct grade level for your son/daughter.
Drop off students no earlier than 8:00 at the IEC Main Entrance. Please stay with students in your vehicle until the door opens- do not leave students.
Sneakers and water bottle are required to participate.
You may drop students off and allow them to walk in as long as a P.E. teacher is visible and present at the door.
Session 1 Dates: September 25th- November 21st (EXCLUDING 10/30 & 10/31)
Time: 8:00-8:40 am
Daily Schedule (by grade level):
3rd Grade: Wednesdays
4th Grade: Assigned Wednesday or Thursday after sign ups
5th Grade: Thursdays
**Please sign up for the Remind Text Message group when signing your child up. We will communicate important announcements regarding intramurals through this.
Use this link:
Send a Text to: 81010 - Text this message: @iecint
*Any questions please reach out to Jason Lesh via email jlesh@lew-port.com
Join the Girl Scouts!
Great new friendships, leadership skills, and tons of fun are just outside your comfort zone.
Whether you’ve always wanted to build your own robot, create the perfect s’more over a campfire, plant a tree in your community, or film your own movie—your dreams will take flight as a Girl Scout!
If you’re ready to try fun new things, make lasting memories, discover your hidden talents, have real-world learning experiences, and—most importantly—find a safe space to be your unique self…we want you in our crew!
Sign up for our $25! Financial aid is available. Click here to learn more.
*Girl Scout membership must be renewed annually. Membership year is October 1–September 30.
Please Consider Making a Donation to Heart, Love & Soul
Spanish Club Registration
Registration is now OPEN for the Spanish For The Elementary Years enrichment class offered after school at Lew Port Intermediate on Thursdays. Spanish Club classes meet from 3:30 – 4:10p.m. There are only a limited number of spots available in the class. The unique six-week curriculum features Spanish foundation vocabulary introduced through games, singing and hands-on activities!
Register on-line at www.TheEnrichmentCompany.com.
Click here for a short informational video about the class - Spanish Club.
October is National Physical Therapy Month
Every October we celebrate National Physical Therapy Month to raise awareness with consumers about the many benefits of physical therapy. It's also a great opportunity to appreciate what PTs, PTAs, and students do to transform lives.
K Kids at the Peach Festival!
This year’s Peach Festival Fish Bowl game was extra special, thanks to the enthusiastic help of Kkids and multiage students! They assisted with setting up the game, cheering on participants, and handing out fun prizes. Their energy and smiles, made the event even more enjoyable for everyone!
#StopBullyingDay Wednesday October 9th
National Stop Bullying Day on the second Wednesday in October brings together students, faculty, and parents to end bullying.
This annual designation promotes standing up against and put an end to bullying. No child should be afraid to ride a bus or go to school because a classmate threatens them. Children who have been bullied should also feel they can report the incident without repercussions.
Bullying comes in many forms. It occurs repeatedly and is a way for the perpetrator to show their power. Whether the bullying is verbal, physical, relational, or cyberbullying, the results are detrimental.
- Verbal bullying involves spoken words. The person may threaten or call names. They may use disrespectful language toward family, friends, or specifically aimed at their target.
- Physical bullying is aggression in the form of hitting, kicking, pushing, or any unwanted touch.
- Relational bullying involves purposely excluding someone from activities, groups, or events through social tactics.
- Cyberbullying includes using social media, texts, and the internet to spread rumors, lies, or mean messages about a person.
Each type of bullying may have similar effects on the targeted person. They may withdraw even from their family or become mysteriously ill often. It's essential to keep an open line of communication with children and students. Encourage students to participate in activities outside the home, too. Teach children the appropriate use of the internet, social media, and text. While having daily discussions with family members about their day, share information on setting boundaries. Teach them the behavior you expect them to display, how to treat others, and provide a role model of the same.
Using Restorative Practices at Home
Alzheimers Awareness Spirit Day Sept 20th
Miss Yager's Class
wearing PURPLE for Alzheimers Awarenss Day
Multi- Age/ Service Learning Beach Sweep
Multi-age students and families headed out to the Fort Niagara beach to clean up the shoreline. We collected litter and learned about the importance of conservation of our community areas. Everyone was excited to make a positive impact on our local environment.
Celebrating our Summer Readers!
Fourteen students were recently recognized for participating in our Elementary Summer reading challenge. These students visited our local libraries over the summer checking out books and participating in the special programs our libraries offered throughout the summer. They posted pictures of themselves enjoying their summer reading adventures on our Padlet. Congratulations to the following students: Fifth graders Camden Wilczek, Armen Hurtgam, Lauren Leven and Luci Cruz; Fourth graders Aylah Williams, Torin Burnett and Andrew Bagovic: and Third graders Tessa Timmerman, Adalyn Timmerman, Ainsley Burnett, Brodie Hedges, Brayden Cheff, Alina Hurtgam and Sophia Bandinelli. Well done! Keep reading! Some of our participants are pictured here.
By: Mrs. Kazulak
Reading in Spanish
The students in Mrs. Jaruszewski's, Ms. Lester's, and Miss Dallavia's classes had a fantastic opportunity to learn how to read in Spanish. While reading Esperanza Rising and learning about immigration, they listened to the chapters in Spanish as well. They followed along, asked questions, and learned the pronunciation of many vocabulary words as Senor Mango's students read the chapters to us in Spanish. Our 5th graders were not only engaged, but respectful and appreciative for this learning opportunity and we thank Senor Mango and his students for working collaboratively with us.