Fisher Family Update
February 28, 2025

Good Afternoon Fisher Families,
I hope you all had a wonderful February vacation! It has been great to welcome our students back this week and hear all about their adventures—whether they traveled north to enjoy the snow, headed south for some sunshine, or spent quality time at home with family and friends. Everyone has returned rested, recharged, and ready to get back to work!
With a long stretch of uninterrupted teaching and learning ahead of us before April vacation, we look forward to making the most of this time. Please be sure to check your child’s backpack and your email regularly for updates from their teacher, the main office, and the Fisher PAC. Our school website and app are also great resources for important news and upcoming events.
As always, if you have any questions or need anything, don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher, a school counselor, or me. We’re here to support you and your student!
Have a great weekend,
Upcoming Dates and Events
11 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 5-7pm
13 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 5-7pm
14 - Glow Dance - Information below
14 - Early Release, Dismissal at 12:25/Parent/Teacher Conferences 1:15-3:15pm
19 - 4th Grade to Norfolk Agricultural School for Maple Syrup demonstration
19 - PAC Meeting 7pm
28 - Early Release, Dismissal at 12:25
1 - Gr. 3 ELA MCAS Session 1
2 - Gr. 3 ELA MCAS Session 2
3 - Gr. 4 ELA MCAS Session 1
4 - Gr. 4 ELA MCAS Session 2
8 - Gr. 5 ELA MCAS Session 1
9 - Gr. 5 ELA MCAS Session 2
16 - PAC Meeting 7pm
21 - 25 April Vacation
28 - Classes Resume
29 - Gr. 3 Math MCAS Session 1
30 - Gr. 3 Math MCAS Session 2
1 - Gr. 4 Math MCAS Session 1
2 - Gr. 4 Math MCAS Session 2
6 - Gr. 5 Math MCAS Session 1
7 - Gr. 5 Math MCAS Session 2
7 - District Wide Art Show - 6pm-8pm Walpole Public Library
8 - Fisher (Incoming) Kindergarten Orientation 6pm
14 - Gr. 5 Science MCAS Session 1
15 - Gr. 5 Science MCAS Session 1
16 - Early Release, Dismissal at 12:25
21 - PAC Meeting 7pm
26 - Memorial Day NO SCHOOL
Docent News
Orientation is coming:
Join us in the Docent volunteer program ‒ a great way to get into the classroom, engage with kids in grades 1-7, open their eyes to art, and have some fun!
No experience is necessary
We will teach you what you need to know, and hand you all the materials. Classroom visits take about an hour, and often include games or crafts. The commitment is a few hours a couple of times a year. We are recruiting now for the Matisse unit in 1st grade for this year ‒ or next year all other grades!
About Docent:
This PAC sponsored fun and unique program has been a part of Walpole schools for more than 40 years. Together we explore different artists, art styles, time periods, cultures and types of art - and the kids love it! Every classroom has room for multiple docents (the more the merrier!) and the teachers are great about working with your schedules - so you can set up your classroom visits at times that work for you. We currently have 50 volunteers (parents and grandparents). If you would like to volunteer, please let us know. Everyone is welcome.
Schedule by Grade:
Check the link to the full program for this school year 2024-2025:
DOCENT Schedule 2024-25
Contact Information:
For more information or to sign up, contact the Docent Coordinator-Lidia Panfilova at fisherdocent@gmail.com
Join us as we show our school spirit and celebrate our love for books!
Books bring us together!
Show your school spirit by wearing our school colors or school gear!
Books make us laugh!
Wear your favorite pair of silly socks
Books ARE #1
Wear your favorite sports gear!
Books Give Us Character
Dress as your favorite book character!
Books are relaxing!
Wear your pajamas
Special Request - Boxes of Cereal
All Fisher students (K-5) will be participating in a special team building activity in March. We kindly request donations of unopened, regular size boxes of cereal. We need approximately 500 boxes since we are looking for enough to line our halls to make a "domino formation". After our team building activity, the cereal boxes will be donated to the Walpole Food Pantry. Thank you!
**We are still looking for cereal**
Extended Day - Pilot Summer Program
We are excited to announce that Extended Day will be running a Pilot Summer Program this upcoming summer and registration is now live. We are anticipating registration to fill quickly and will do our best to enroll as many waitlisted students as possible.
This year, the camp will run for 4 weeks at Fisher Elementary and offer an Extended Day PM option for families. Registration will be open for incoming first-sixth graders. Registration will be available for individual weeks and families will have the option to register for all 4 weeks at a discounted rate.
Please see the attached PDF regarding Summer Camp Information and Registration Information for the Summer of 2025 and reach out to Dan Santangelo (dsantangelo@walpole.k12.ma.us) or Evan Storlazzi (estorlazzi@walpole.k12.ma.us) with any questions.
Fisher Scene!
Save the date for the Annual Fisher Scene! A fun Parents’ Night Out event! Leave the kids at home and join us for a fun filled evening while you enjoy a well-deserved break. Friday, March 28th, 2025, at the Walpole Country Club, 233 Baker Street, Walpole, MA. Information to purchase tickets to follow, and tickets will be $55 per person.
Scenes from Fisher!
Ms. Drs' class finds out how long 1,000 chain links is in math class!
Beginning of the School Year Information
Main Office Information
Absences: If your student is going to be absent or tardy, please call the absence line and let us know in advance. You may call this line at anytime and leave a message. The telephone number is 508-660-7234 and then press 1
Dismissals: Please send a hand written note with your student in the morning or fill out this form with at least 2 hours advance notice.
Afterschool dismissal changes: If your student is changing their typical way of leaving Fisher at 3:25pm, please send a note into school with the plan that morning.
We understand that there are unavoidable last minute changes, however, please be mindful that we must call the classroom and upset time on leaning with each change.
Please feel free to email the front office: fisher-secretaries@walpole.k12.ma.us
Start and End Times 2024-2025
School Day Begins at 8:55am
Dismissal is at 3:25pm
Early Release Days - Dismissal is at 12:25pm
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Click HERE to view our arrival and dismissal procedures