Hall's Corner
November 8, 2024
Schools will be Closed Monday, November 11 for Veterans' Day
Today was the end of the first quarter.
Report cards will be available on Parent Portal on Tuesday, November 19th and sent home via email. If you wish to have a paper copy mailed home, please reach out to the Registrar's Office, Charlotte_Kimberly-Haag@bcsd.org or Gwendolyn_Parks@bcsd.org .
Veterans’ Day Message Shared with Students Today
Monday, we will celebrate Veterans’ Day. As we think about Veterans’ Day, we give RESPECT as we honor the men and women who have sacrificed so much so that we can maintain our freedoms and all of the things we do each and every day.
The military veterans of the past and present have sacrificed so that we may all enjoy a democracy like no other. Veterans will continue to sacrifice into the future.
Here at BHS, we would also like to recognize and thank our very own Brighton High School Staff who are Military Veterans:
· Mr. Randy Hilliard, Security Guard – Served in the Army for 7 years
· Ms. Teresa Mosher, Director of Safety and Security – Served in the Army for 8 years
· Mr. Randy Reimondo, Security Guard – Served in the Army for 8.5 years
· Mr. Rich Sidoti, Security Guard – Served in the Army from 2 years
· Mr. Harvey Westbrooks, Security Guard – Served in the Army for 4 years
THANK YOU for your service.
Students and Faculty/Staff, PLEASE don’t forget to
thank a veteran for their service!
BHS Presents “Black Coffee” Nov. 8 and 9!
Brighton High School is presenting Agatha Christie’s “Black Coffee” at 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 8 and Saturday, Nov. 9 in the BHS Auditorium. Tickets are $5 at the door, cash only.
In “Black Coffee,” accomplished physicist Sir Claud Amory has constructed a workable formula for one of the most deadly weapons known to man: the atom bomb. After the formula is mysteriously stolen and Sir Claud is callously murdered, Hercule Poirot arrives to solve the mystery with the help of Captain Hastings and Inspector Japp. A superbly crafted whodunit with endless red herrings, subplots of infamous spies, and an astonishingly prophetic storyline about weapons created through “bombarding the atom,” “Black Coffee” is one of Christie’s most gripping country house murder mysteries.
The cast includes: Colby Rinella as Tredwell (the butler); Syesha Zinyama as Lucia Amory (Richard’s wife); Sophie Pincus as Miss Caroline Amory (Sir Claud Amory’s sister); Henry Ager as Richard Amory (his son); Casey Howe as Barbara Amory (his niece); Jamie Ryder as Edward Raynor (his secretary); Cypher Eris-Lynne McNulty as Dr. Carelli; Itai Weinstein as Sir Claud Amory; Sophie Miller as Hercule Poirot; Ana Bansal as Captain Arthur Hastings, O.B.E.; Daniel Gasparino as Dr. Graham and Johnson (a constable); and Sage Rinella as Inspector Japp.
Colleen Parent is the Director; MeMe Mikols is the Student Assistant Director; Jack Witmer is the Technical Director; Peggy Zorn is the Costumer; Jamie Ryder designed the poster; Nadine Dykes is the Photographer; Hudson Sloane is the Stage Manager; Rhys McLendon is on sound; Lauchlan Presley is on lighting; Jordan Inzinna is the Board Operator; Hannah Meltzer is on special effects; Arwen Hull and Teja Jensen are Deck Leads; and Ronin Sellix is on Decks.
BRIGHTON YOUR WARDROBE will be holding this year's Second Pop-Up in the main lobby of BHS on Wednesday, November 13, from 9:00AM until 1:00PM. They will have winter clothing available. Be sure to stop by to se
Students in the News
Congratulations to the Brighton Model United Nations team.
Eighty-seven BHS & TCMS students attended the 45th annual Hilton Model UN Conference, and each of them learned more about significant issues facing our world, and many of them even attempted to solve a few of them!
Special congratulations go to the following students for winning "Outstanding Delegate"
Drew Sienkowski
Isabella Mamo
Tejus Reddy
Timothy Chen
Noah Biedenkopf
Asher Clar
Yuvraj Singh
And finally, for the first time ever, a middle school page has won an award. Congrats goes to Noah Levitsky for winning "Best Page" and having an award named after him for future Rochester area conferences. His chairpersons were so impressed by his energy and helpfulness that they recognized his efforts during the closing ceremonies and created a brand new award from this conference on!
AP Students, Register NOW for Exams
Counseling Department
ATTENTION 9th Grade and New Families
November 21st, 6:30 PM
Join us to learn more about NYS graduation requirements, the BHS course selection timeline and more!
BHS is hosting the second of two FINANCIAL AID Information Nights for families of seniors. If you missed our last presentation, please save the date!
FINANCIAL AID Information Night
Tuesday, December 3rd, 6:30 PM, in BHS room 262
Join MCC Financial Aid Expert, Jerome St. Croix, for an overview of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) forms, program, and financial aid process. There will be plenty of time for questions.
Senior Newsletter
Senior newsletter 10/31:https://secure.smore.com/n/4bgst
- College Rep Visits have begun. Visit the Web to see the weekly updates. https://bhs.bcsd.org/46742_3
- SUNY FREE APPLICATION WEEK is October 23-November 3
November Counseling Corner
June Exam weeks draft schedule is here! Please get the dates on your calendars!
** Math Updated 10/10**
ATTENTION BHS Families and Students
June 11 & June 17 – June 25
Students with scheduled exams are expected to be there for ALL EXAMS!
BHS Winter Musical
ROCGirl Hacks 2024
ROCGirl Hacks 2024 is a free Hackathon for girls in grades 6-12 hosted by Women in Computing at the Rochester Institute of Technology. This is an amazing opportunity for girls to design and build their own project. No experience is required. The event is from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 16 at the B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences at Rochester Institute of Technology, 20 Lomb Memorial Dr. Register on their website (must register to attend).
2024 NYSSBA Exhibit is NOW LIVE!
Grand Opening!
NYSSBA Exhibit
2024 NYSSBA Conference Show October 20-22, 2024
Online on the NYSATA Website Through June, 1, 2024
The 2024 New York State School Boards Association (NYSSBA) Show is now live!
You can view and share the link with your students, families, colleagues and friends. Please use the QR code below or CLICK HERE to access. A big thank you to our membership for setting a new record and submitting 610 pieces of artwork representing 94 school districts throughout New York state.
Special recognition goes to Gabriella Murphy (grade 10) from Spackenkill Union-Free School District and Savlon Chauncey (grade 5) from Levittown, School District. These young artists' work were selected for our NYSATA/NYSSBA show cards presented to over 1500 attendees at this year's conference.
CLICK HERE to visit the
2023 NYSSSBA Show
School Pictures
ATTENTION CLASS OF 2025! The Senior Panorama HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED for 11:20 on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18th, in the NEW Main Gym.
Absentee/Retake day was Oct 17 2024.If your child(ren) was photographed on Absentee/Retake day and you would like toorder a picture package from the absentee picture day, please see the online order info below.
Please call the Inter-State office with any questions regarding this. (585)310-7781.
Website: www.inter-state.com/order
Order Code: 89170M (retakes/absentee in October)
September picture's orders can be located by going to Website: https://inter-state.com/order Order Code: 89120QA (September dates). IDs and pictures from the September photo days that were not picked up yet are available in the Main Office.
Senior Information
Now is the Time for Ordering Cap & Gown, Stationary, Gifts etc.
The October 28 deadline is being extended through the week!
Please get online and order the cap and gown now if you haven't already done so!!
Orders can be made, no money down and pay later, by calling or email Jostens scott.fitch@jostens.com, (585)377-4778.
Use this link to view your senior's grad packets!
This is when they'll get the chance to preview everything they need to take on their final year of high school.
Here is a quick link to the Basic cap and gown unit that is needed for the graduation ceremony. A standard tassel is included with this package.
PTSA Support Fund is available through your counselor.
Class of 2025, we have a GRADUATION date!
Graduation will be held on the Turf Field on June 24, 2025 at 7 p.m., with a rain date June 25, 2025. Graduation rehearsal will be at 10 a.m. on the day of graduation.
Become a host family and make a global connection!
Hey Brighton!
Are you interested in hosting our French intern for just a few months? Emmy has arrived! She is very excited to be here, loves to try new foods and experiences and our students already love her! See her bio below! We still have a need for one or two host families for Emmy from January-June. You can host for the whole semester or a just a few months! Hosting will truly enrich your life and is a unique opportunity we have proudly supported for over 30 years in the Brighton community.
If you are interested in hosting Emmy, please reach out to Laura Hernandez as soon as possible.
Brighton Community Education News!
The SAT and ACT Exam Boot Camp class is being held at BHS on Saturday, November 16th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:0 p.m. in Room 158. The SAT/ACT Boot Camp thoroughly reviews the essential reading, writing, math, and test-taking skills and strategies for the most current versions of both exams. We’ll also outline the additional content and action steps needed for greater progress toward the highest test scores. The next sessions after this one are February 1st and March 1st.
Register for these classes (and more!) at https://brightonschools.revtrak.net Questions? Contact the Brighton Community Education Office at mona_zamiarski@bcsd.org or 585-242-5200 ext. 5595.
Financial assistance may be available through the BCSD Student & Family Support Fund. Contact Ms. Ingle the BHS Counseling Center for more information.
The next session of the New York State Driver Education Course starts in January 2025. Registration for the class will begin on Tuesday, December 10th. All information about the course is available through the Brighton Community Education website. You do not have to be a Brighton student to register. However, BHS students are enrolled and assigned to cars first. The class fee is $640. This class fills quickly; make sure you review the class information before registration opens so you can reserve your spot as soon as registration opens!
Calendar of Upcoming Events at BHS
File Resources
Administrator and Counselor Information
School Tool/Parent Portal Link Changes
We would like to remind you that the link to access School Tool/Parent Portal has changed, and is now: https://monroeoneric01.schooltool.com/BCSD
For some of you who may have had the old web address bookmarked or saved to your password "keychain" on your devices, you may need to log into School Tool via this new weblink and reset SchoolTool in your devices or bookmarks/favorites to this new web address.
If you have forgotten your password, there is a password reset link right on the new login page.
Summer Back to School Information
Course Supply List - please see Resources at the bottom of this Hall's Corner to see a printable PDF.
Military Opt- Out, Photo Opt -Out, Supplies List, OTC Forms, etc. Click Here.