Art Newsletter
Updates from Lowell Artists & Ms. Chroneos
September 2024
September Learning Goals
Kindergarten: Lines Challenge
I can draw and paint many kinds of lines.
I can identify many kinds of lines.
I can learn what oil pastel resist is.
First & Second Grade: Giant Collaborative Line Painting
I can collaborate on a giant painting.
I can paint many kinds of lines.
I can identify the qualities of abstract art.
Third Grade: Wild Thing Puppets
I can create implied texture with a variety of marks and lines.
I can use proper watercolor procedures to
paint my wild thing puppet.
I can study the implied textures in
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak.
I can use expression in my work.
Fourth Grade: Imaginative Landscapes
I can include a foreground, middle ground, and background in a landscape drawing.
I can include patterns in my landscape drawing.
I can include contrast in my drawing.
I can refine and complete my work.
I can learn about an artist, CJ Henry.
Fifth Grade: Personal Object Still Life
I can create a value scale.
I can study objects and draw them from observation.
I can identify values from dark to light on my object.
I can learn about a variety of still life artists and artworks from historical to contemporary.
September Artist of the Month: Betances Mural
Contact Information
Meet Ms. Chroneos
My name is Sofija Chroneos and I am the art teacher at Lowell School. A little about me, I have been teaching art for three years. Outside of teaching, I work on ceramics, jewelry-making, and gardening projects. I also enjoy staying active with running and weight training. I come from a proud Greek-Croatian first generation immigrant family. If you ever have any questions about art classes or just want to say hello, please never hesitate to reach out.
Contact Information
Email: sofija.chroneos@watertown.k12.ma.us
Website: https://www.instagram.com/ms.chroneos_artclass/