Tamarack Elementary
News from the Lodge February #1
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Happy 2nd half!
Hope this finds you well and warm! A couple of quick notes:
Progress Reports will be mailed home this week. Here is a link to our district website that describes our process: https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/departments/office-for-school-performance/teaching-and-learning/curriculum/elementary-report-care
I received a few questions:
Know that we do not have GPAs in elementary school (this will begin in middle school). This progress report is simply a response to our most recent district wide assesments and in class work demonstrating if your child is able to achieve the standard without support and is on track to master the skill and beyond (Exceeds); at grade level without adult support (Meets), with some support (Nearly Meets) or is still developing skills in an area: Not yet meeting.
In the Elementary years, many standards, skills and competencies are revisited in a spiral unlike content based only courses like in middle and high school. Please reach out to your classroom teacher if you have questions.
Also, winter weather, may or may not be upon us - always hard to to tell in Oregon! In the event of snow/icy conditions, you can check our school website for information, there will be a banner across the top of the page. Additionally you will receive a message from the school district. While sometimes it may feel silly that we have a late start (2 hour delay) or no school, it is also gauged by the ability of our school busses to navigate the roads safely and staff to travel to work (kinder-12th grade). Very rarely, but it has happened, we have had to navigate an early release due to worsening conditons during the school day. Please be sure to have your emergency contact lists up to date with the folk you feel comfortable picking up your child/children, it is nice to have a trusted neighbor when possible.
& a note on Valentines Day: We will be celebrating Acts of Kindness & Service all week long and students will be creating Tootles (notes of admiration to their classmates and community members). Our Character Trait for February is Acceptance: Everyone Belongs. If you do send cards, we ask every student in their class receive a card. Please see your teacher for any treats brought on this day (due to allergies). We continue to focus on academics and community building, meaning we will not have party/(ies) on 2/14. Thank you for helping us ensure all our PreK-6th graders feel included and the day runs smoothly. We appreciate it!
Hope you all enjoy the start to a lovely February! We will see you soon:)
Black History Month is celebrated in the Month of February. It is a dedicated time to celebrate and recognize the achievements, contributions, and the powerful spirit of Black/African/African Americans throughout history, highlighting their pivotal role in shaping the United States and beyond, while also acknowledging the struggles they faced and continue to overcome. Please join us at our HSD Black History Month celebration, hosted by HSD and our BVFAC on February 20 at South Meadows Middle School from 5:30-7:00 pm
Tamarack Community Group Fundraisers!
Hi families, consider supporting the school by eating out, see the flyers below. Proceeds go straight to our community group. The Tamarack Community Group does amazing things for Tamarack kids! They bring family socials to the school but also supplies and field trips! Most recently, they were able to use fundraising dollars toward a field trip for 2nd grade to go to the Rice Museum during their geology unit! Here is a link to their website; meeting dates are below-happenign once month on Thursdays at 5:30pm
Champions Spring Break Camp!
Children's Day Celebration all are welcome!
OMSI Summer Camps open for registration soon!
Preview the Catalog & Update Your Camper Profile - Take a peek at this year’s amazing camp offerings by previewing the camps and classes catalog. And while you’re on the site, test your login and update your camper's profile as well. Everyone, even those with returning campers, must update their profiles so we have the most up-to-date information for your child's health and safety.
Buy or renew your membership - OMSI members get 10% off their registration for camps and classes. Become a member now at omsi.edu, or add a membership to your cart on registration day to get the discount. If you become a member in advance — or already are a member — make sure to register on the camps and classes site with the email associated with your membership.
Apply for Financial Aid - We want to help your child have a fun-filled summer of STEAM learning! We welcome you to apply for financial aid during camp registration if any of the following applies to your family: ● Your family receives income assistance via WIC, EBT, SNAP, TANF, Medicaid/OHP, or your student receives free or reduced lunch. ● Your financial circumstances would prevent your student from joining camp. ● Your family is impacted by systemic and historic racial oppression.
REGISTRATION OPENS FEBRUARY 11 @10AM Register at: omsi.edu/camps
Gather Your Info - Make sure you have this information handy on registration day:
Login and/or membership information ● Primary contact email, address, and phone number ● Student's name, gender, date of birth, and grade this upcoming fall ● Two emergency contacts and their phone numbers ● List of people authorized to drop off and pick up your camperDietary restrictions and allergies ● Any special accessibility or behavior considerations ● Date of last tetanus inoculation ● Insurance company and policy number ● Doctor’s name and phone number
Champions Summer Camp!
Mark your Calendar!
Hillsboro District School Calendar
3rd: No School, End of 1st semester
10: Chick-Fil- Fundraiser! 5-8pm come eat with us!
17: No School, Presidents' Day
20: Tamarack Community Group Meeting @ 5:30 Library
27: Coffee Chat w/ Mrs. Walters @ 8:05 am Front Office
13: Red Robin Night-community Fundraiser! come eat with us!
20: Tamarack Community Group Meeting @ 5:30 Library
24th-28th: No School, Spring Break!
10: Coffee Chat w/ Mrs. Walters @ 8:05 am Front Office
11: No School, End of 3rd Quarter Prep Day
17: Tamarack STEM Night @5:30-7pm
18: Día del niño*Children's Day! -all are welcome @ 5pm HilHi
24: Tamarack Community Group Meeting @ 5:30 Library
5-9th: Tamarack Staff Appreciation Week!
15: Tamarack Community Group Meeting @ 5:30 Library
26: No School, Memorial Day
29: Coffee Chat w/ Mrs. Walters @ 8:05 am Front Office
30: 2nd Annual, OTTER FUN RUN!
12th: 6th grade Promotion Ceremony @ 8:10 Gym
12th:Last Day of School Dismissal @ 11:20!