A Note from Mr. Graves
October 1st, 2024
Parent Teacher Conferences
Fall parent-teacher conferences are the perfect opportunity to strengthen the bridge between home and school. Here are tips. Before. Watch for notices in your email or your youngster’s backpack, and sign up for a time slot. Also, prepare ahead of time by looking over your child’s work and listing questions you want to ask. During. Listen to the teacher’s feedback on how your youngster is doing, then ask your questions. Be sure to have the teacher explain anything you don’t understand. After. Talk with your child about the conference. Point out what she’s doing well (reading more challenging books, finishing classwork) and areas that need improvement (writing legibly, taking turns).
Something to think about.
Pick-Up and Drop Off Procedures
Gahanna Division of Police has brought to our attention that some who bring their students to school in private vehicles have been misusing private property, and also making illegal U-turns on the side streets that are in front of Goshen Lane.
For the safety of our students, I wanted to remind parents to please follow all traffic laws and utilize appropriate student drop-off and pick up procedures. Parents should:
- Utilize the drop-off/pick-up line located in back of the school by the gym doors
- Utilize the parking spaces located by the front entry of the school between the hours of 8:05 a.m. and 2:05 p.m. only
- Park legally on side streets and walk your student to Goshen Lane, or to meet your student at dismissal
I appreciate everyone's dedication in keeping our students safe here at Goshen Lane and following proper protocol.
Fall 3rd Grade Ohio State Test Administration
Holiday Help
Gahanna Free Will Baptist Church is providing Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. In addition, they will give one wish list item per child under the age of 18.
There is a limited number of families we can support. If your family would benefit from the holiday meals and one gift per child under 18, please complete this Holiday Help Form. The form MUST BE COMPLETED by Friday, October 25th. This is a hard deadline and no exceptions can be made.
These items will be delivered to your home. Your address and phone number will be required to participate.
Happening in October
- October 8: PTA Meeting 7:00 p.m.
- October 8: Parent Teacher Conferences 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
- October 15-16: Third Grade Ohio State Testing
- October 21: Teacher Conference Comp Day (No School )
- October 22: Staff Work Day (No School)
- October 23: School Picture Retake Day
- October 25: First Quarter Report Cards Available in the Parent Portal