Highlander Happenings
December 13, 2024
Thomas McKean High School
Principal's Corner
McKean School Community,
Happy December! As we bid farewell to autumn and embrace the winter chill, it brings me great pleasure to extend warm December greetings to each member of our McKean School family. As we approach the end of another incredible year of learning, growth, and shared experiences, it's a wonderful time to reflect on the achievements and milestones we've accomplished together.
Our upcoming band and choir programs will offer the opportunity to slow down and enjoy a little holiday cheer. Come out and support our students as they perform. Our choir and band students will perform a Holiday concert on December 18th. We are so proud of our students and staff as they have been working diligently to showcase their special talents. Everyone is welcome!
I'm always humbled by the support of our Highlander Family and our school community during this time of the season, and we appreciate your support in all the endeavors we take on. On behalf of the MHS staff, have a joy-filled holiday season and a prosperous New Year.
We A.R.E McKean!
Important Dates
December 2024
- Wednesday, December 18: McKean Winter Concert @ 6pm
- December 16-20- Winter Spirit Week
- December 23- January 5th- Winter Break
Winter Spirit Week December 16-20
Highlander Counselors Updates
Please congratulate Khadija Rajab on her nomination to represent McKean at the HOBY Leadership Seminar this summer at the University of Delaware! Khadija is currently the top McKean student in the class of 2027 and we are so excited for her to have this opportunity! HOBY seminars bring students together from around the state, across different backgrounds, cultures, and communities. Students leave HOBY with the knowledge and passion needed to make a positive impact on the world around them. Way to go, Khadija!
~McKean School Counseling Team
Red Clay Updates
The Red Clay Consolidated School District is launching an initiative as part of its 5-year Strategic Plan to review and improve programming and balance enrollment at our secondary schools. This effort will include an analysis of school programs and attendance zones to ensure equitable access to college and career readiness opportunities for all students.
With approval from the School Board at the November Board of Education meeting, the district is forming a special committee to evaluate these factors and provide recommendations to the Board. In doing so, the committee will consider:
• A strong and balanced enrollment across schools
• Changes to current Attendance Zones
• Equitable access to quality education for all students.
• Advantages and challenges of options through data analysis, community feedback, and research.
The committee will include 3 District Administrators, 3 School Leaders, 3 Educators, 7 Parent/Community Members (1 from each nominating district), and outside experts to advise as needed. Members of the committee are expected to provide:
• Commitment: Committee members are expected to attend all scheduled meetings and actively participate in discussions and tasks.
• Objectivity: Members will approach the task with an open mind, focusing on the overall needs of the district and community rather than individual interests.
• Collaboration: Members will work collaboratively, respecting diverse perspectives and expertise.
• Communication: Members will serve as liaisons to the groups they represent, ensuring that all voices are heard and feedback is brought back to the Committee.
The first meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 6:00 PM
• Committee members will be contacted with the details.
• Additional meeting dates will be provided at this meeting.
This committee will follow all regulations related to the State of Delaware open meeting laws. If you are interested in serving on this Attendance Zones, Enrollment, & Programming Committee, please complete this interest form by December 13, 2024.
Committee members will be selected by December 20, 2024. If the number of interested participants exceeds the available spaces on the committee, we will inform you of this as well.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact us at amy.jefferson@redclay.k12.de.us. Thank you for your interest and support as we work together to ensure equitable opportunities for all students in our district.
Class Advisor Information
Class of 2025
See Mrs. Dukes for Class of 2025 Information
Class of 2026
Welcome to Junior Year
See Mrs. Marchak for Class of 2026 Information
Class of 2027
Sport or Event Photos
If you would like to order any sports or event pictures, please use the code below
PTO Updates
Help the McKean PTO celebrate our wonderful staff and send them off for a great winter break. Please review the available slots below and click on the button to set up/clean up or donate items. If sending items in ahead of time, mark "PTO" and give to the front office. Thank you!
Academic Updates
AVID Corner!
Avid Trip to Sixers Game
AVID took a trip to The Wells Fargo Center on Dec 4th
AP Bio
Pre-AP Bio performing "A Cell"
Highlander Athletics
Winter Sports 2024-25
Winter Sports begin November 12
Boys Basketball: Stephon Johnson
Girls Basketball: Ricky Brown
Swimming: Aleecia King (G) & Jaxon Brown (B)
Cheerleading: Sienna Nelson
Indoor Track: Lakayla Williams (B) & Shakir Ali (G)
Wrestling: Nick Dorda
Unified Basketball: Ryan Mayville
Please be advised that for all sports events, no tickets will be sold after the conclusion of halftime. We encourage you to purchase your tickets early to ensure entry and to avoid any inconvenience.
Athletic Eligibility at McKean High School
1) McKean Sportsmanship Policy
- Students must attend a presentation on Sportsmanship with Ms. Dukuray
- All students must sign McKean Sportsmanship Contract prior to competing in games/practices. Form can be found on the bottom left of the Highlanderssports.com page under Forms.
2) DIAA Physical
- Students must have a DIAA physical on file with the school to be eligible for practices, scrimmages, and games.
- Physicals must be completed on the approved DIAA Physical Forms.
- Physicals must be completed after April 1st of the year that the school year begins.
- Physicals may be uploaded to Family ID or submitted to the school nurse.
3) Academic Eligibility
- Academic eligibility is determined each marking period.
- Students must be passing 5 classes to be eligible to participate in athletic activities.
- 2 of the 5 classes must be in the core subject areas: Math, Science, English, or Social Studies.
- Seniors must also be passing all classes needed for graduation.
Climate and Culture
Highlander Family,
It’s hard to believe that the end of this month also brings us to the close of the first marking period – time truly flies!
As the weather cools down, I’d like to remind everyone that hats, hoods, and ski masks are not permitted inside the building. Parents, please take a moment this weekend to speak with your students about following this policy while at school. We will continue to enforce this rule daily and begin giving students consequences if they do not comply.
I hope everyone is feeling healthy, happy, and motivated as we continue the school year on a strong note. Our climate and culture team is here to support every student daily. Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Mr. Quig at the school or via email.
Warm regards,
Mr. Quig
Assistant Principal
After School Clubs
FFA members made over 350 Dog Treats for the Holidays!
Highlander Highlights
First Marking Period Honor Roll
Honor Roll Celebration for first Marking Period 11/22
UD Cadaver Lab
Students took a trip to the University of Delaware to visit their Cadaver Lab
Best Buddies and Special Olymics
2024 Reindeer Run! McKean raised $750, had 22 current students, alumni, staff, family and friends join the McKean Team!
Best buddies and Special Olympics Advisory made holiday ornaments on Friday 12/6
McKean's amazing integrated PE class
Marching Band
The Highlander Marching Band performed at the Jaycees Christmas Parade
Elsmere Holiday Parade
ARV Spotlight
Students of McKean's ARV program were asked to cover Senator Carpers final event, a grant awarding over $250k to 8 Red Clay Schools at AI DuPont HS.
Middle School Outreach
McKean went to HB Middle School to spread the word about our great programs
Once a Highlander, Always a Highlander
Celebrating Dr. Caputo!
Celebrating Mrs. Michelle Herbster