Coloma Junior High
Family Edition - Week of March 24th
Senor Wooly Week
This past week was Senor Wooly Week in our Spanish classes. Our students celebrate with dress up days, culinary cultural experiences and music all week long. Ms. Goff and our students had a fun week!
The Week Ahead
Study Hall with Mrs. Parker
Study Hall with Mrs. Cattes
Dress Like a Tourist
Beach Party - School Reward and Special Lunch
Locker Clean Out
Study Hall with Ms. Dressander
One School One Book Final Reward
Half Day - Dismissal 11:37am
Upcoming Dates
28 - Half Day
31 - 4 - Spring Break
7 - School Resumes
9 - Delayed Start
10 - 8th Grade Students - PSAT
22 - 6th - 8th Grade M-Step Testing
23 - Delayed Start
24 - 6th - 8th Grade M-Step Testing
28 - 4th Marking Period Progress Reports
It is the policy of Coloma Community Schools that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, sex, disability, height, weight, marital status, or any other status covered by federal, state, or local law shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to, discrimination during any program, activity, service, or in employment. Any person suspecting a discriminatory practice should contact complaint@ccs.coloma.org.
Inspire to Achieve - Empower for Success
Wendy Tremblay, Principal
Email: wtremblay@ccs.coloma.org
Website: http://cjh.coloma.org/
Location: 302 West St. Joseph Street, Coloma, MI, USA
Phone: 269-468-2405
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/colomajh