MYES Family Newsletter
Week of 12.16.24
Myersville Elementary School
Website: https://education.fcps.org/myes/
Location: 429 Main Street, Myersville, MD, USA
Phone: 227-203-1500
Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS) recently received 2023-2024 Maryland School Report Cards for each of its schools. The report card evaluates academic performance in reading, math and science, academic growth, English language proficiency, chronic absenteeism, school climate and well-rounded curriculum. Myersville was awarded a five star rating and performed in the 99th percentile based on performance compared to all other elementary schools in the state. MYES performed better than 99% of Maryland elementary schools.
MYES December Holiday Spirit Days
Tuesday, December 17- Friday, December 20
Update on Virtual Education Days During Inclement Weather
Based on recent legislation, the Maryland State Department of Education has issued new guidelines that changed the parameters for virtual education during inclement weather, starting in the 2024-25 school year. As a result, Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS) does not intend to use virtual education days in place of traditional “snow days” or to respond to other emergency weather events in the 2024-25 school year. As background, the changes now in place include:
Use of Virtual Days: School systems in Maryland can only use virtual education days if they have exhausted all the regular snow days incorporated into the school calendar. FCPS has five snow days built into the school calendar.
Instructional Requirements: Any plan for virtual education days must include at least four hours of live, virtual instruction. Before these changes, schools could use fully asynchronous virtual education days, in which students could work at their own pace without live lessons.
Device and Wi-Fi Access: Schools must ensure all students and staff have the necessary devices and Wi-Fi for live instruction at home. Right now, younger students (Grades K-2) do not have one device each, and Wi-Fi access is inconsistent throughout the county.
Because of these new requirements, FCPS will not move forward with the option of virtual education days during inclement weather in 2024-25. Instead, FCPS will use the snow days already incorporated into the school calendar. If FCPS needs to use more than the five allocated snow days, we will revert to the traditional approach of adjusting the school year calendar to make up any school days as needed.
For more information about FCPS’s plans for inclement weather, please visit: FCPS Closings and Delays.
PTA Meeting
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/dio-vnbo-psv
Or dial: (US) +1 612-352-9804 PIN: 170 533 262#
Thursday, Jan 9, 2025, 06:00 PM
Myersville Elementary School, Main Street, Myersville, MD, USA
Save the Dates
PTA Meeting: 2/13, 3/13, 4/10, and 5/15
Dudes and Donuts the morning of March 20th
Divas and Donuts the morning of April 10th
Parent Volunteer Training
This year, FCPS has enhanced the volunteer process to prioritize the safety and security of our students, staff and community. As a result, we have added additional training to be completed by all volunteers across the county. These trainings will ensure our volunteers are equipped with the necessary information they need to partner with our schools.
Effective Monday, July 15, 2024, family and community members interested in volunteering should begin the volunteer process by visiting our new FCPS Volunteer Webpage. Applicants will be directed to:
1. Register for a guest account on Unified Talent (instructions available online)
2. Complete and pass two training modules on Unified Talent.
3. Complete the registration application in the Volunteer Center.
4. Await school approval on application.
5. Sign-up for volunteer opportunities facilitated by individual schools..
The volunteer training and registration process is completed annually for each school year. Volunteers must complete the process before being signing up for volunteer opportunities. FCPS encourages family and community members interested in volunteering to complete the process early as processing times have increased.
For technical support in Unified Talent, volunteer applicants may contact unifiedtalent@fcps.org. For all other volunteer related questions, volunteer applicants may contact: FCPSVolunteers@fcps.org. FCPS is grateful for the generous support from our family and community volunteers.
We are asking parents not to stop or park in the bus rider loop. Please find a parking spot if you plan to walk your child to the arrival or dismissal door. With everyone’s cooperation, we can make our parking lot area and transportation practices safer for all of our students and more efficient for our parents.
School Attendance for 2024-2025
Maryland Law requires that a written excuse be provided each time that your child is absent. The excuse should include the date of the absence, your child’s first and last name, and the reason for the absence. Please either send in a handwritten note or you can email MYES.Attendance@fcps.org.
Absences considered lawful and therefore excused, as described in the Public School Laws and Code of Bylaws of the Maryland State Board of Education, are:
Illness of the student
Death in the immediate family
Court summons
Hazardous weather condition
Work or activity accepted by the school authorities
Observance of religious holiday up to 3 days
State emergency
Lack of authorized transportation
Health exclusion
Other emergency (judgment of Superintendent or designee)
Students who take trips with parent/guardian approval may be excused a maximum of five days per school year.
FCPS attendance policies will be fully implemented and parent notification will be sent for any student who is on track to becoming or is already deemed chronically absent or tardy. Notification will begin at 5 days and when a student accumulates 10 or more absences within the school year. Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing 10 percent or more of school days due to absence for any reason- both lawful and unlawful. This amounts to 18 absences total in a single school year.
All labeled items will continue to be delivered to classrooms. Please remind your child to check Lost and Found regularly and please label all clothing! After school Friday (12/20), all UNLABELED items will be collected for donation.
Myersville Elementary is a place where students and staff are engaged learners. They feel safe to take risks and all contributions are valued. Here we have fun while we learn in our school community.