Jaguar Monthly
Clifton Park Elementary
Welcome, October!
We want to ask that you partner with us to help grow your child, both academically and emotionally. Our teachers and staff work so hard to give them quality, rigorous instruction and support each day, but we need your help at home! Have them read to you, and ask questions about what they read. Look for the math in everyday things - grocery prices, telling time, estimating, shapes, measuring, etc. There are so many opportunities for learning each evening and weekend! Your teachers will be sending information in their communications about standards they are teaching and ideas for you to help with those concepts at home. Reach out to us if we can help with ideas!
We are a CEP (Community Eligibility Program) campus, which means that ALL students receive free breakfast and lunch each day. it is very important that you fill out the CEP family income survey; this was sent a few weeks ago by email. Another email will be sent to those who didn't complete it on OCTOBER 6 - please make sure to take a few minutes to submit yours!
Pre-K through 1st: Please send an extra change of clothes in your child's backpack each day. Our little ones often have accidents or spill milk on themselves and we'd like to take care of them without calling parents to come to school with an outfit. Please place extra underwear, socks, and pants/shirt/dress in a ziploc bag with your child's name and leave it in the backpack.
TUTORING begins for grades 1st-5th the week of October 18. All tutoring will happen on either Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, and will be from dismissal after school until 4:30 on designated days. Your child's teacher will communicate grade level specifics. We encourage you to consider tutoring if your student is failing math or reading at the nine-weeks. Here are days that tutoring will be offered, by grade level:
1st - Thursdays
2nd - Wednesdays
3rd - Wednesdays
4th - Tuesdays - math; Thursdays - reading and writing
5th - Tuesdays
If your child is in 4th or 5th grade, tutoring is offered at the Math Center (Killeen Learning and Support Services building on Rev. Abercrombie Drive) from 5:00-7:00 M-Th. Click the link below for more information!
Our Communities in Schools (CIS) program is in need of gently used clothing. If you'd like to donate, please bring clothing to the main office labeled CIS. We are grateful for your continued support!
We have a busy month ahead - see below for our what's happening!
KISD offers FREE Tutoring for 4th-12th graders in MATH, READING, and WRITING!
Next week - Celebrate Hispanic Heritage on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday! Each WEDNESDAY in October we honor our BRAVE CANCER warriors - wear PINK!
Click the attachment below for information about dyslexia - let us know if you have questions!
October Character Trait
Showing pride in your community and school by obeying laws and authority in person and online.
Red Ribbon Week
United Way Fundraiser: $2.00 to DRESS UP for the entire week. See attached flyer for our dress up schedule!
PUMPKIN decorating contest coming this month!
October 2: National School Custodian Appreciation Day (THANK YOU Rigo, Cynthia, Tiffany, Eva, April, and Mayra!)
October 6: STUCO meeting; Instructional Coaches' Day (THANK YOU Colleen, Angelica, Renee!)
October 7: Staff workday; NO SCHOOL for students
October 10: Indigenous Peoples' Day staff/student holiday
October 17-24: Pumpkin Decorating Contest - each child may submit ONE painted pumpkin (any size; NO cut pumpkins permitted) to Mrs. Berry (Parent Liaison) in the library. Make sure your pumpkin has a card attached with your child's name, grade level, and teacher - pumpkins will be judged on October 24 and winners announced that week!
October 14: early out at 1:00; end of grading period
October 19: Report cards go home (1st-5th grades)
October 24-28: Red Ribbon Week; FMNV (foods of minimal nutritional value) day on Oct 28
October 29 (Saturday): FALL FESTIVAL 10:00-12:00 put on by PTA; please come to support them!
Coming up....
November 10: Family Literacy Night 4:00-6:00 - Let's "fall" in love with literacy at Clifton Park!
Nov. 21-25: Thanksgiving Holiday
Email: jennifer.carranza@killeenisd.org
Website: https://schools.killeenisd.org/Page/21
Location: 1801 South 2nd Street, Killeen, TX, USA
Phone: (254) 336-1580
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CliftonParkElementary/