September/October Parent Newsletter

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A Message from the Principal
Dacula Families,
Believe it or not, we are almost halfway through the first semester. We have been through some tough things, but we have accomplished many positive things as well.
Our Freshmen are nearing the completion of our 9th grade orientation program, Dacula Way. They understand high school expectations, grading, and resources. They also got a crash course on Dacula traditions and school spirit!
We are looking forward to our first Big Board event to celebrate students who are meeting expectations in the Focus category. This category includes academics, attendance, and behavior. We are excited to be able to reward such a large group of students with cookies during lunch. We look forward to many more opportunities to reward our students for their hard work this year!
If you haven’t checked your student’s grades on ParentVUE lately, please do so as we reach the midpoint of the semester.
Enjoy Fall Break!
Jeannie Hidalgo
Proud Principal of Dacula High
National Teddy Bear Day
Ms. Hicks' class celebrated National Teddy Bear Day at Build-a-Bear!
Students in Biology used chalk markers and play dough to create models of cell organelles! Students also had to know the function of each organelle and explain to the teacher how the organelles work together to keep the cell alive. What a creative way for students to demonstrate knowledge!
DHS students Hermione Valdes, Isabelle Walker, Anastasia Freeze, and Taylor Moore jumped at the opportunity to participate in the 2024 Gwinnett County Hispanic Latino Heritage Month! The 48x48 inch canvas painting representing the Hispanic Culture will be displayed for one year in the Gwinnett Justice and Administration Center Community Outreach Board of Commissioners' office then returned to our school which we will add as a permanent display.
DHS Chorus students visited UGA this month for UGA Choral Day. They made music with over 1.000 singers from over 45 different high school choirs and the amazing singers at UGA!
Ms. Wallace, Ms. Griffiths, and Mr. Jones' Chemistry students presented The Periodic Table of Elements in a variety of creative ways!
Spanish II
Spanish II students participated in a Restaurant activity where they practiced ordering in Spanish. After receiving their orders, they had to describe the taste of the food in Spanish as well!
AP Human Geography
AP Human Geography students made Population Policy Propaganda posters for their demographics unit!
Senior Info Night
DHS Counselors hosted a Senior Information Night where they shared important information about graduation requirements, postsecondary options, scholarships, and more! Click here to view their presentation if you missed it!
AP Physics C
Mr. Cummings’ AP Physics C students conducted an experiment to determine the exact moment they needed to let go of a water balloon from the top of the bleachers for it to land on Mr. Cummings while he was walking below. Mr. Cummings provided students with a distance at which to drop the balloon and they used this distance along with Mr. Cummings’ velocity and the acceleration of the falling water balloon to calculate the exact second to drop the balloon. Prior to this experiment, they tested their equation in the lab using a moving cart with a cup and a dropped ball.
Apalachee HS Tributes
Students at DHS stepped up to show support to our neighbors at Apalachee High School after the tragic events that took place there on September 4. Students signed tribute banners, had a "Navy Out" in honor of them, and showed their support in many other ways. We stand by AHS.
Appreciation Station
DHS Faculty and Staff enjoyed a Nacho Bar Appreciation Station in September!
Check out Mr. Davidson teaching his Orchestra students about cross-tuning.
Falcon 30
Mr. Peterson & Mr. Berube’s Falcon 30 classes are Video Games interest groups! They recently had an inter-class retro video games tournament!
Senior Social Studies
All Senior Social Studies classes visited the Media Center for a lesson that gave them the opportunity to register to vote and to learn more about how to be informed voters. Over 100 students registered to vote!
Spirit Week- Celebrity Day
Check out these DHS faculty & staff participating in Celebrity Day as part of Spirit Week!
Spirit Week- Celebrity Day
Check out these DHS faculty & staff participating in Celebrity Day as part of Spirit Week! Our clerks dressed up as Paparazzi for all of the celebrities in the building!
Spirit Week- Pajama Day
Check out these DHS faculty & staff participating in Pajama Day as part of Spirit Week!
Spirit Week- Celebrity Day
Check out these DHS faculty & staff participating in Rhyme Without Reason Day as part of Spirit Week! Ms. Loudermilk and Ms. Brabender dressed up as a Reader and a Cheerleader!
Dacula Way- Freshman Academy
All of our freshmen received this awesome piece of DHS swag to represent their school!
Check out this important information from our Counseling Department!
Georgia Probe College Tour
The annual Georgia Probe College Tour has begun, and all high school students are encouraged to attend one of their college fairs to learn about post-secondary options and their entrance requirements. It is never too early to start planning for the future. Please click on the link below to see when and where the Georgia Probe College Fairs will take place.
In addition to that, if you or someone you know who needs help with basic needs (including food, personal care items, clothing, shelter, utilities, etc.), there are resources available. Please click on the link below to find out more information. Housing Resources in Gwinnett County. You can also call 211.
Lastly, please make sure you stay connected. If you have not already done so, please register for both Parent Portal/ParentVue to check grades and attendance along with registering for Parent Square to communicate with teachers. If you want to know more about Parent Portal/ParentVue and Parent Square, you can visit the following websites.
Kind Conference Call Character Dare
Use a video-call platform to call a family member or friend that, as a family, you haven't talked to in a while!
College & Career Info
Hey, falcons! Check out the DHS College and Career page if you questions about SAT/ACT, college and career exploration, scholarships, colleges visiting DHS, and more related to your post-graduation opportunities.
ASVAB Testing - If you're interested in enlisting in the military, you need to take the ASVAB. DHS is offering the ASVAB on Tuesday, October 22, and you can register for it here.
Registered for ParentVue?
If you have not already done so, please register for ParentVue to check grades and attendance along with registering for Parent Square to communicate with teachers. If you want to know more about ParentVue and Parent Square, you can visit the following website.
Below you will find the Counseling Breakdown, which will help you know which counselor serves your student.
- 1st time 9th graders- Ms. Wise
- A - Ec- Ms. Grimes
- Ed - Le- Ms. Rieken
- Lf - Rn- Ms. Watson
- Ro - Z- Ms. Oglesby
Here's what's coming in the month of September...
October 7 - Chorus Concert @ 7 PM in the DHS Theater
Check out the talented students of DHS Chorus at their concert on October 7, free of charge!
October 8- DHS Hosts GCPS Marching Band Exhibition @ 6PM
Come support the DHS Marching Band and 9 other GCPS schools as they perform at the GCPS Marching Band Exhibition hosted at DHS at 6 PM. Tickets may be purchased on GoFan!
October 10-14 - GCPS Fall Break
October 10, 11, and 14 are GCPS School Holidays. Enjoy a restful and rejuvenating Fall Break and we will see you back at DHS on October 15!
October 16 - Orchestra Concert @ 7 PM in the DHS Theater
Check out the talented students of DHS Orchestra at their concert on October 16, free of charge! The concert will include some fun, spooky, string music being played by our students in costume!
October 16 - Social Studies DA Interim
Students enrolled in Social Studies classes will take their District Assessment Interim on this date!
October 16- Deadline to order Senior Ads for the Yearbook
The deadline for purchasing Senior Ads for the yearbook is October 16. Go to YearbookOrderCenter.com and enter the school code 25024 to purchase ads and yearbooks!
October 17 - ELA DA Interim
Students enrolled in Language Arts classes with a DA Interim test will take their District Assessment Interim on this date!
October 18- Underclassmen Picture Day
School picture day for underclassmen will be on October 18 (this is rescheduled from the previous date of September 5)! Students will take school pictures during their Language Arts classes on this date.
October 18 - Science DA Interim
Students enrolled in Science classes with a DA Interim test will take their District Assessment interim on this date!
October 18 - Orchestra Performing at KSU Orchestra Invitational
The Chamber Orchestra will be performing at the KSU Orchestra Invitational on Friday, October 18th. This prestigious event includes a performance at the Bailey Center for the Performing Arts with a renowned clinician and taking in a performance by the KSU Symphony Orchestra
October 18 - Homecoming Football Game vs. Mountain View @ Home @ 7:30pm
HoCo Court: October 18 - boys will be recognized before the game, and girls will be recognized at halftime. The Homecoming Queen and Princesses will be announced at halftime, and the Homecoming King and Princes will be announced at the dance.
Banner parade: October 18 before the football game
Tickets to the game and to the dance will be available on GoFan.co.
October 19 @ 7PM - Homecoming Dance in the DHS Commons
DHS' "Deep Sea Dreams" Homecoming Dance will take place on Saturday, October 19 from 7-10 pm in the DHS Commons. Tickets are $45.
Tickets to the game and to the dance will be available on GoFan.co.
October 21 - Math DA Interim
Students enrolled in Math classes with a DA Interim test will take their District Assessment interim on this date!
October 22- Cinema Drive Interactive Teen Driving Program @ 6 PM in the DHS Commons
As a part of National Teen Driver Safety Week, Dacula High School will be hosting Cinema Drive, A FREE 3D Interactive Teen Driving Program on October 22nd from 6-7pm in the DHS Commons area for FREE! Click here to register.
October 22- ASVAB Test Offered
If you're interested in enlisting in the military, you will need to take the ASVAB. DHS is offering the ASVAB on Tuesday, October 22, and you can register for it here.
October 22- Grayson Technical Education Program Open House @ Grayson HS, 5:30-7:30pm
You're invited to meet the Grayson Tech instructors and students to see what Grayson Tech is all about! Bring your family & friends! Learn about their 12 Career & Technical Pathways for rising Juniors and Seniors. Programs include Audio-Video Technology & Film, Commercial Photography, Culinary Arts, Cybersecurity, Entrepreneurship, Exercise Physiology, Graphic Design, Law Enforcement/Forensic Science, Music Industry, Networking & Cloud Computing, Sports Medicine, and Veterinary Science.
October 23 - Boys & Girls Soccer Interest Parent Meeting, 6-7 PM in the Transformational Room
Boys & Girls Soccer will be hosting a parent meeting for parents of students interested in playing soccer from 6-7 PM in the Transformational Room on October 23. One parent must attend!
October 24-26 - Dacula Falcon Theatre presents "Witches in Salem?!"
The theatre department is gearing up for their performance of "Witches!? In Salem?! (a brief & true narrative edition)" for the Region 8-6A One Act Play Competition on Tuesday, October 29th at the Lawrenceville Arts Center.
In preparation for the competition, they will be doing three preview performances for the community on October 24th, 25th, and 26th - at 7 pm at Dacula High School. Tickets are available on GoFan. Follow their Instagram for behind-the-scenes photos and performance updates @daculafalcontheatre
Synopsis: Witches!? In Salem?! is a darkly comedic, yet (mostly) historically accurate take on the Salem Witch Trials and all the (mostly) historically accurate horrors which may occur when populism runs rampant, injustice is a day-to-day occurrence, and a rigid religious minority sets the laws of the land. A companion, or an alternative, to a certain other Salem play you probably read in high school.
October 29- PSAT Testing
All 10th and 11th grade students will take the PSAT at DHS on October 29th.
Important Info from the Registrar's Office
ALL Juniors that are over 16 need to present proof of receiving a meningitis booster after they turn 16 years of age.
You must provide an updated Georgia 3231 Immunization Form to Dacula High School. It is also a required document if your student plans to continue their education after high school. Meningitis is a serious bacterial illness that affects the brain and spinal cord. Georgia law requires students to be vaccinated against this disease unless they have a documented exemption. Please forward your student's updated GA3231 Immunization form to the Registrar's office, or via e-mail to tammi.boswell@gcpsk12.org.
Applying to College?
Official transcripts to accompany the application can be ordered through your MyPaymentsPlus account. You'll also need to order a final transcript at the end of the school year after Semester 2 is complete.
Moving, or Moved?
Please contact the Registrar's office to make arrangements to update your student's address on record and to receive an updated bus pass. This will also be the address used to forward any important mailings and grade reports.
GCPS Student Device Fees 2024-2025
In the event your Chromebook is lost, please contact your local school. Please note that the number of incidents does not reset each school year. In the event your Chromebook is damaged, please contact your local school. Please note that the number of incidents does not reset each school year. Lost and/or damage fine amounts are listed below. These fees are effective July 1, 2024.
Chromebook Loss: $200
Chromebook Damage: $25
Charger Loss and/or Damage: $25
Scholastic Images
Scholastic Images will visit Dacula High School on October 15, November 12, December 17, January 21, February 25, April 15 (for cap and gown delivery), and May 13 to answer questions, collect orders and payment, and provide information about cap and gown purchases, senior dues, letter jackets, class rings, and much more!
LETTER JACKETS: Letter Jacket Orders for any student who has earned a letter!
-Bring proof that you earned your letter (actual award letter or certificate) and a $150 deposit to get the order started!
-We’ll custom size you and walk you through the rest!
CLASS RINGS: Class Ring Orders for any junior or senior!
-Bring payment in full for the Mascot Ring Special ($333.85)!
-Bring $100 deposit for Ultrium metal or $200 deposit for all other metals!
-We’ll custom size you and walk you through the rest!
SENIORS: Seniors, pay your Dacula Senior Dues (which includes your Cap/Gown/Tassel) and check it off your list!
-Payment required in full at time of order. (Cash, Check, or Card with $4.95 processing fee)
2024-2025 Yearbooks
Visit YearbookOrderCenter.com and enter the school code 25024 to purchase yearbooks! The deadline to purchase a yearbook is January 31.
Book Mobile 5K- November 2
GCPS Library Media Services is hosting their annual Book Mobile 5K in the fall this year (it's normally the first weekend in May). This year, you can participate in the 5K benefiting the GCPS Book Mobile program on November 2 at 8 AM! Click here to register!
Senior Sponsors
The class of 2025 Senior Sponsor is Ms. Kesler. She can be reached at alex.kesler@gcpsk12.org.
**Senior Sponsors sent an email to all prospective 2025 graduates and their parents/guardians on Thursday, September 19. If you did not recieve this email and believe you should have, email Ms. Kesler (email address above).
Senior Meeting- Scholastic Images
October 8, Scholastic Images will be holding a senior meeting at the end of first period. Information will be available after the meeting for students who are not present.
Senior Yearbook Ads
The deadline for purchasing Senior Ads for the yearbook is October 16. Go to YearbookOrderCenter.com and enter the school code 25024 to purchase ads and yearbooks!
Senior Fees
Please keep in mind the following:
- Senior fees must be paid in order to participate in any senior activity, including the graduation ceremony.
- There is no itemizing fees based on activity.
- Be sure to pay early- there will be a cut-off date for participation in activities.
- Students must check their school email regularly
From your College & Career Specialist, Mr. Cash
Continue working on your college applications and be mindful of Early Action and Early Decision deadlines. Stay up-to-date on the major scholarships with upcoming deadlines on the DHS Scholarship Newsletter. Several colleges, including Emory and Brown, are visiting Dacula throughout the fall. Register for these visit on the College Visits and Fairs page.
October 29- PSAT Testing
All 10th and 11th grade students will take the PSAT at DHS on October 29th.
SAT Dates
In addition to the SAT School Day administration of the SAT on March 18, Dacula High School will be a testing location for the SAT on the following dates:Saturday, October 5, 2024
- Saturday, November 2, 2024
- Saturday, December 7, 2024
- Saturday, March 8, 2025
- Saturday, May 3, 2025
- Saturday, June 7, 2025
AP Exam Registration Information
Hello Parents and Guardians of Dacula High School AP Students,
Registration for AP Exams will begin on Friday, September 27th. A few years ago, the College Board implemented changes based on research that showed students' early commitment resulted in greater student performance and success on their AP Exams. All AP exam registrations will take place in the Fall, except for second semester classes in AP Macroeconomics and AP American Government. The registration window will open in MyPaymentsPlus on Friday, September 27th, and closes on Sunday, November 10th at 11:59 pm for yearlong courses and first semester courses. All late registrations will incur a College Board fee of $40.00 per exam. Students enrolled in AP American Government and AP Macroeconomics for 2nd semester will have a different registration window (without a late fee) to order between Monday, January 6th, 2025, and Sunday, March 9th, 2025, for those two courses only.
Please review the 2024-25 AP Exam Registration information and post the deadline reminder at work or on your refrigerator. Be sure to register your students for their AP Exams during the registration window. Please be on the lookout for future emails and feel free to reach out to Dr. Renales at bev.renales@gcpsk12.org should you have any questions.
Teacher of the Month- Trikia White, Language Arts
Employee(s) of the Month- Ms. Spence and Ms. Coleman, Attendance Clerks
2024-2025 Teacher of the Year... Alan Cummings!
Congratulations to our Teacher of the Year for 2024-2025, Mr. Alan Cummings!
Ms. Matos- TOTY Finalist
We celebrated our Teacher of the Year and finalists at our September Faculty Meeting! A huge thank you to all of the businesses who donated to help us make them feel special!
Mr. Cummings- TOTY!
We celebrated our Teacher of the Year and finalists at our September Faculty Meeting! A huge thank you to all of the businesses who donated to help us make them feel special!
Ms. Craig- TOTY Finalist
We celebrated our Teacher of the Year and finalists at our September Faculty Meeting! A huge thank you to all of the businesses who donated to help us make them feel special!
Community Business Shout-Out!
A huge shout out to the following community businesses who contributed donations to our Teacher of the Year and finalists! Andretti Indoor Karting, Antoneta's Italian Restaurant, Aurora Theatre, Blue Rooster, Bubba's 33, Buffalo's Café, Chick-fil-a, Dacula Football, Dacula PTSA, D'Floridian, DHS Orchestra, DHS Band, DHS Falcon Theatre, Family Photography, Gwinnett Stripers, Honey Baked Ham, Ippolito's Italian, Johnny's Pizza, Juicy Crab, Kroger, La Cazuela, Lanes BBQ, Local Republic, Mambo's Café, McCray's Tavern, Nothing Bundt Cakes, Oconee Gold, Oyster Bay, Pickle and Social. Porsche Experience, Publix, Scholastic Images, Snooze, Super Shine Car Wash, Top Golf, and Universal Joint.
Orchestra Recognition
Congratulations to Zy Pittman, Laura Njee and Shirly Garduno for being selected and performing with the North Georgia Honor Orchestra at Kennesaw State University on September 13-14th!
DHS Competition Cheer
Dacula Varsity Competition Cheerleading placed 1st in their first competition at Walnut Grove High School!
DHS Softball
Dacula Varsity Softball has had a great season so far, including winning 2 out of 3 of their games in Chattanooga. They beat the Colorado state runner-up 3-1 in a huge comeback!
DHS Volleyball
In early September, DHS Varsity Volleyball dominated Mountain View in 3 straight matches!
DHS Cross Country
Girls and Boys Cross Country teams did well at the Gwinnett County Championships on Saturday, September 14. Several runners set new personal records. Austin Jugenheimer set a new personal record for himself and also placed 5th in the county at the event.