The Buzz
Autumn Term - 14th September 2023

Message From the Head of School
What a fabulous week we have had here at Hampton Infant and Nursery School. Children have impressed us with their independence and positive attitude towards their learning. Many Y1 parents have told me that their children have encouraged them to leave them at the gate because they can walk in all by themselves! This is impressive.
We welcomed our Nursery and Reception children into school this week and they have settled brilliantly. I have had the pleasure of visiting every classroom this week and they feel calm and purposeful with a lovely buzz of learning. Everyone is getting used to new routines and Nursery, Reception and Y1 are developing new friendships which is a pleasure to observe.
It was with great regret that we had to close the school on Wednesday at 11:30, it is not a decision we took lightly. The Thames Water situation was resolved by 11, not leaving enough time for Caterlink to prepare a school meal for our children. Thank you for all of your support.
I will be holding a volunteer meeting Wednesday 27th September at 9am for anybody that would like to volunteer in school regularly. I look forward to seeing some of you there.
Claire Cook
Head of School
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ParentHub is HISN's main channel of communication with parents/carers; it is important that you downloaded the free ParentHub app. Contact the school office if you have problems signing up.
1C, 1D and 2MC had the best attendance last week with 100%
Last week certificates were given out to children who focussed on the HPP principle of Independence
1B Hugo
1C Jack
1D Ava
1Y Primrose
2C Hamid
2H Mason
2J Ahmed
2MC Esmae
What a wonderful first few days in Nursery we have had together! We have enjoyed meeting our new friends, learning names and having fun playing.
It has been great to get outside in the beautiful sunshine and whilst it was hot the water trays were a firm favourite! We have enjoyed singing and learning some makaton signs too. We have a 'hello' song and a 'goodbye' song we sing together and the adults in Nursery have been helping us to learn the words. We enjoyed a snack and some of us had milk too. Don't forget to sign up on the Cool Milk website if your child would like milk!
The children have loved painting, making cakes and cookies using the playdough and building the biggest train track ever!
Hello Reception Parents and Carers! It was so lovely to meet you all and your children this week and during our home visits. We loved learning all about our new Reception children and we are incredibly excited to have them in our classrooms. We can’t wait to get stuck in learning and exploring! Bring on Reception 2023-2024!
Year 1
Year 1 have made a fantastic start to the new school year, settling beautifully into their new environment and quickly picking up the routines of year 1. We are very impressed by the wonderful start they have made so far.
We have had great fun getting to know each other through our ‘Marvellous Me’ topic, writing facts about ourselves, our likes and dislikes, and using our questioning skills to find out information about our peers.
We have been using lots of practical resources to sort, count and represent numbers in maths lessons, and we have been learning about internal and external body parts in Science, using our amazing knowledge to label these.
We have also been focusing on our feelings and emotions, particularly during this transitional time, discussing why we might feel a certain way and how we can manage these appropriately. We have been using the Zones of Regulation to communicate our feelings and creating toolkits to support us and our peers in dealing with these.
We are looking forward to a fun week full of exciting new learning and are eager to discover more through our topic about just how amazing we all are!
Year 2
Welcome to year 2! We have had a wonderful time settling into our new classes and getting to know all the children. It has been fantastic to welcome back all the smiling faces each morning, showing independence as they find their way to their new classrooms. We spent our first few days learning our new routines and reminding each other about expectations in school. We spent lots of time thinking about our ‘Zones of Regulation’ and impressed our teachers with our knowledge of how we can always ensure we are in our ‘green zone’ ready to learn.
This week we have been busy reading our new focus text ‘The Secret Sky Garden’. A wonderful book by Linda Sarah which has captured the children’s imagination. They will be busy designing and writing about their own ‘Secret Sky Garden’ in the coming days.
In Maths we have been thinking about two digit numbers and the place value they hold. We have been using representations of base 10 to support partitioning numbers into tens and ones. We will continue to use our base tens and represent numbers in part-whole models through next week.
All the children are very excited to begin learning about ‘The Great Fire of London’ in History. We will be exploring how and why the fire started and using primary and secondary sources to provide us with information like true historians! We will be building a collage in Art to represent a new secondary source of what the Great Fire might have looked like. We have already been learning collage techniques such as scrunching, twisting, creasing and layering to help prepare for our final collage.
So much exciting learning happening already in Year 2!
Job Vacancy
We are looking to appoint a Higher Level Teaching Assistant.
For more information and to apply please click the link below.
Information for Parents
Achieving for Children - Richmond Children's Centres
Click above tab for Club information
The Education Authority does not encourage children to be absent from school during term time. If you need to take your child out of school during term time click on the tab and complete the Term Time Leave form.
Click above tab to access your child's Parentpay account
Click on above tab to view HISN's virtual school tour
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815