Goodrich Middle School
November 2018
October Students of the Month
GMS Halloween Dance
When: Wednesday, October 31st
Time: 2:32pm-4:00pm
What: DJ, concessions, costume contests and a ghoulishly good time!
Cost: Tickets will be sold during lunches on Tuesday and Wednesday prior to the dance for $5.00 (exact change is VERY welcome!). Tickets will be $6.00 at the door.
Costumes: Please note the following rules regarding Halloween costumes:
- Costumes should be age appropriate
- All makeup and hair coloring needs to be applied before arriving to school
- No gore or excessively scary costumes
- No weapons, or anything that could be used as a weapon (wands, brooms, etc.)
- All costumes must adhere to GMS dress code policy
Please note: Only GMS students and staff will be allowed at the dance (no parents or siblings).
Note to parents: Where you pick your child up after the dance will be determined by the first letter of their last name - see map below.
What does it Mean to have PRIDE at GMS?
Positive Attitude. Respect. Involvement. Discipline. Empathy.
Goodrich Middle School is committed to creating a positive learning environment that inspires all students to achieve excellence. The GMS staff has created a program called PRIDE that supports students’ efforts to manage their behaviors and achieve academic successes. Positive behavior support offers an approach whereby students are recognized for demonstrating PRIDE values. At the same time, positive behavior support is offered for problem behaviors by teaching a student new skills.
Students who follow our school-wide academic and behavioral expectations and criteria throughout the quarter are invited to attend a PRIDE reward party. Students who do not meet behavioral requirements---as outlined on our referral form---and/or are failing two or more classes, will have an opportunity to revisit and relearn our PRIDE expectations. The essential components of a student-centered support plan are rebuilding strategies, the instruction of new skills, and goal-setting. Building on a student’s strengths, goal-setting will include a shared vision for the student with the belief that goals can and will be accomplished. With the development, implementation, and monitoring of a student’s support plan, it is our hope that required changes are made so that students will feel a sense of achievement and be able to attend future PRIDE events. Thank you for supporting our mission of preparing students to be our next successful, productive citizens.
GMS students will celebrate the end of the 1st Marking Period with a PRIDE party on Friday, November 2nd. There will be plenty of fun activities for the students to choose on the day of the party:
Karaoke, Cell Phones, iPads and iPods
Basketball & Dodge Ball
Video Games
Board Games, Puzzles, Cards
Science Lab Experiments
Card Stacking Competition
Computer Games
Arts & Crafts
Concessions ($)
Please note that all PRIDE Days at the end of each marking period are regularly scheduled school days and all absences must be excused as per GMS Attendance Policy.
GMS Student Council Sponsoring Food Drive
November 5th - 16th
Sponsored by the Lion's Club, GMS Student Council has organized a holiday food drive to benefit those who are less fortunate in our community. Our school’s goal is to collect at least 1,000 items. Each grade at the middle school is also in competition to collect the most items. All non-perishable food donations can be made until the morning of November 16th. All items collected will be used for holiday baskets for those in need. GMS Student Council and the Lion's Club thanks you in advance for your contributions and generosity. Items should be turned in to each student's 1st hour teacher.
GMS Credit Union Sponsored by ELGA Credit Union
Important Dates:
Nov. 7th - Savings account applications & job applications due
Nov. 9th - Interviews
Nov. 15 & Nov. 29 - Deposit days during lunches
Please contact our office if you have any questions. Ashley Herriman, ELGA Credit Union Branch Manager, is available at 810-600-2518 for any student account questions.
Goodrich Music Booster Fundraiser
Mark Your Calendars - Upcoming Events!
Dates and times are subject to change.
Please check our school calendar at http://www.goodrichschools.org/GMS/Events/
for the most up-to-date information!
10/31: Halloween Dance - GMS Cafe' - 2:32-4:00pm
10/31: 8th Grade Box Top Winners! Electronic and Popcorn Lunch
11/1: 8th Grade Cookie Dough Fundraiser Begins
11/2: End of 1st Marking Period - PRIDE party!
11/2: Last Day to claim items from Lost & Found
11/4: Daylight Savings Time Ends
11/6: Music Booster Fundraiser Pick Up - 2:45-7:30pm - MS Cafe
11/7: 8th Grade DC Trip Chaperone Meeting - 6:30pm - Room 103
11/7: ELGA Credit Union Applications and Account Forms due
11/7: Picture Retake Day
11/14: PTO Meeting - GMS Media Center - 9:00am
11/21: 1/2 Day of School (dismissal at 11:00am)
11/22-11/23: Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL
11/26: Board of Education Meeting - 6:30pm - Board of Education Room - HS
11/27: 8th Grade Cookie Dough - Cedar Point Fundraiser - Orders/Payments Due
12/6: Downtown Goodrich Christmas - 5:00-8:00pm - Downtown Goodrich
12/13: Cookie Dough Pickup - 2:45-6:00pm - MS Cafe
12/13: MS Band Concert - 6:30pm - GHS Auditorium
12/21: 1/2 Day of School
12/24-1/4/19: Winter Break
Stay Informed!
PTO Updates and News
The Martian PTO is always looking for people that would like to get involved and volunteer their time. The next meeting is Wednesday, November 14th at 9:00am in the middle school Media Center.
Spirit wear can be purchased at any time through the K & C’s Special T’s website - https://kcspecialts.com/
Please email the Martian PTO at Martianptoinc@gmail.com or visit the Martian PTO Facebook page for more information.
GMS Attendance Policy
Please familiarize yourself with Goodrich Middle School's complete Attendance & Tardy policies, which can be found in our handbook on the GMS website at www.goodrichschools.org/GMS .
Goodrich Middle School
Exceptional Education, Extraordinary People – We Are Goodrich!
Proud to be a Systems Accredited District.
The mission of Goodrich Area Schools is:
“Achievement for Every Learner”
Email: mdurant@goodrichschools.org
Website: http://www.goodrichschools.org/GMS/
Location: 7480 Gale Road, Goodrich, MI 48438, United States
Phone: 810-591-4210
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Goodrich-Area-Schools-750600228283708/?fref=ts