Parent Newsletter

Martin Weiss School of Leadership will be a premier school of choice serving the Oak Cliff community with pride and excellence that prepares students to lead both nationally and globally by facilitating data-driven, leadership focused, project-based instruction.
Parent please remember:
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Padres porfavor recuerden:
Si desea ver la versión en español de este documento o cualquier otro idioma tendrá que hacer clic en el documento la página se volverá a abrir en Smore Newsletters. A continuación, haga clic en el botón que traducirá el documento al idioma que desee elegir. Encontrará el botón Traducir (Translate) en la esquina superior izquierda o en la parte inferior del documento haga clic en el botón y elija el idioma de su elección. Si necesita ayuda, puede llamar al 972-749-4000 La Sra. Martinez estará encantado de ayudarle.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we close 2024 and enter 2025, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I look forward to all that will happen in 2025 at Weiss Elementary. I am excited to see the continued growth of our students and the dedication of our teachers and staff.
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our Parent Meeting regarding changes at Weiss for the 2025-2026 school year. As we learn additional information, we will share it.
If you have any questions, please complete the Google Form with your questions, and we will respond as soon as we have the information. https://forms.gle/NtwvRL4isWbTS4zv6
Please be mindful that attendance matters. When a student is missing 10 percent or more of school days due to absence for any reason—excused, unexcused absences and suspensions it can lead to students having difficulty learning to read by the third-grade, achieving in middle school, and graduating from high school. Please do all you can to make sure your child is on campus everyday from 8:00 - 3:20pm.
We understand that with a new school year and weather changes, students become ill. Please remember that if your student has a fever, they are to stay home until they are 24 hours fever free without medication. If you have any questions about your child's ability to return to school after an illness, please contact Nurse Gramajo at 972-749-4005 for guidance.
To ensure smooth communication and to keep you informed about your child's progress, please keep us updated on any changes to your contact information. It is important that we are able to reach you with any important updates or information regarding your child’s experience at school.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership. We look forward to a fantastic year filled with learning, growth, and memorable moments!
Warmest regards,
Principal Merritt
Arrival & Dismissal
Supervision is not provided for students who arrive prior to 7:30 a.m. Students are not to start arriving before 7:30am because safety is our top priority and students must be monitored/supervised. Breakfast will begin for ALL students at 7:30am.
For the safety of our students, we will no longer allow drop off or pick up of students in the teacher parking lot. This is a safety violation. All drop off and pick up of students will occur in the circular drive.
Students arriving after 8:00 a.m. will be marked TARDY by their teacher.
The instructional day begins at 8:00 a.m. daily and all parents without an appointment or without a need for assistance, are asked to exit the building no later than 7:50 a.m. If a conference with the teacher is needed, please contact the school counselor at (972) 749-4024 to schedule an appointment during the instructor’s conference time.
Pre-K –
Pre-K students should enter and exit the building via the rear entrance that leads to the Pre-K hallway.
Kinder, 1st, 2nd , 3rd, 4th, & 5th Grade Students-
Should enter the building through the main doors at the front of the building and go to their designated areas until the instructor arrives to escort them to class. If the student arrives after 8:00 a.m., he/she should get a tardy pass in the main office and then go directly to class.
There will be no early dismissal after 2:30 pm. This is due to an increase in the amount of traffic and for the safety of your child. Any early dismissal requests must be before 2:30pm Monday - Friday.
- Make arrangements for students when they are dismissed from school.
- Pre-Kindergarten through Fifth grade students are dismissed at 3:20 p.m. daily.
- All students should be picked up no later than 3:35 p.m. as a safety precaution as there will be no staff members available to supervise your child.
Dismissal Procedures
Pre-K students without a sibling attending our school must be picked up from their Pre-K classroom by the parent/guardian and sign-out the child with the teacher.
PreK parents must enter and exit at the rear door of the PreK hallway.
Pre-K students who will be picked up by a sibling that attends our school will be picked up from the classroom then go to the car rider spot in the auditorium, or bus riders, or the walker line.
K-5 grade level students that ride the bus are released to board the district school bus.
K-5 car riders will be held inside the auditorium until the parent arrives via the car/bus loading area in front of the building to pick-up the child. Student will NOT be released to parents that walk-up to the front door of the building. Only parents that have a vehicle in the car/bus loading area will be allowed to pick-up their child from the main entrance area. Students may NOT walk across the lawn to meet parents on the service road. This is a safety concern.
K-5 grade level students that walk home are released at 3:20 p.m. via the side entrance of the building and are allowed to walk home on their own. The crossing guard will assist student walkers as they cross to the other side of the street.
Remember school starts at 8:00 AM
Clear Backpack Requirement
Bus Schedules
Power School Sign Up
Power School Parent Portal is a valuable resource available for parents/guardians to monitor grades, attendance and behavior. It also allows parents/guardians to communicate with their child’s teacher(s).
To use these features and many more, follow the 5 steps listed below:
1. Receive Access ID and Password from the child’s school (will need to show identification at the school) - Parents can contact Ms. Kiser @ erkiser@dallasisd.org for this information.
2. Go to dallasisd.powerschool.com/public
3. On the Student and Parent Sign In page, Click on “Create Account” tab
4. In the bottom right corner, Click on “Create Account”
5. Enter required information for you and your child(ren)
For returning parents/guardians follow the 4 steps below:
1. Go to dallasisd.powerschool.com/public
2. Click on “Sign in”
3. Enter Username and Password
If you have forgotten your password, Click on “Forgot Username
or Password?” tab
Dec 17th - 5th Grade Science ACP / NEHS Induction Ceremony
Dec 20th - Early Release 12:15 pm
Dec 23- Jan 6 - Winter Break
Jan 7th - All Students Return to Campus
Gently Used Clothing Drive
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are launching a Gently Used Clothing Drive to stock our school's closet with spare clothing options for students. This closet is essential for those unexpected moments when a child's clothes get soiled during the school day.
We kindly ask if you have any gently used clothing items, such as pants, shorts, skits, shirts, sweaters, or jackets, that your child has outgrown or no longer needs, please consider donating them to our school closet. Please make sure that all donated clothes are washed and in good condition.
We are also asking for donations for NEW BOY’s underwear. We need the following sizes: T3-T8 (3-8 years old).
You can drop off your donations at the school’s main office or clinic. We appreciate any contributions you can make to support this initiative.
Thank you in advance for your generosity and support. Together, we can make a positive difference in the lives of our students.
If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me.
Warm regards,
Nurse Gramajo
Estimados Padres y Tutores,
Estamos lanzando una colecta de ropa usada en buen estado para abastecer el armario de nuestra escuela con opciones de ropa de repuesto para los estudiantes. Este armario es imprescindible para esos momentos inesperados en los que la ropa de un niño se ensucia durante la jornada escolar.
Le pedimos amablemente que si tiene alguna prenda de vestir usada en buen estado, como pantalones, shorts, faldas, camisas, suéteres o chaquetas, que a su hijo (a) ya no le queden o ya no necesite, considere donarla a nuestro armario escolar. Por favor, asegúrese de que toda la ropa donada esté lavada y en buenas condiciones.
También estamos pidiendo donaciones para la ropa interior NUEVA para NINOS. Necesitamos las siguientes tallas: T3-T8 (3-8 años).
Puedes dejar tus donaciones en la oficina principal o clínica de la escuela. Agradecemos cualquier contribución que pueda hacer para apoyar esta iniciativa.
Gracias de antemano por su generosidad y apoyo. Juntos, podemos marcar una diferencia positiva en la vida de nuestros estudiantes.
Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita más información, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo.
Un cordial saludo,
Nurse Gramajo
Martin Weiss Elementary School is excited to offer your student School-Based Telehealth and Telehealth at Home by Children's Health℠ Virtual Care. With your permission, your child can video chat with a provider, get diagnosed and have prescriptions sent to your pharmacy – all from school or home.
Telehealth services at Martin Weiss Elementary School will be billed to your insurance provider or to Medicaid. No insurance? No problem. After your visit, Children’s Health will bill you directly. Most families qualify for a discount, and no student will be turned away for a visit.
For urgent care visits at home, children and adults can access health care resources through Virtual Visit by Children’s Health Virtual Care.
Visit childrens.com/telehealth or call 844-453-5363 to enroll and download our Virtual Visit app.
Enrollment Links
Include the below enrollment links on your website to make it easy for parents to get started.
Enroll in English | Enroll in Spanish
La Escuela Primaria Martin Weiss está trabajando con Children's Health℠ para brindar acceso conveniente al servicio de telesalud en la escuela. Con su permiso, su hijo puede conectarse por videollamada con un proveedor médico de Children’s Health. Se le puede dar un diagnóstico a su hijo y la farmacia puede recibir las recetas, todo en una sola consulta.
Los servicios de telesalud en la Escuela Primaria Martin Weiss se facturarán a su proveedor de seguro o a Medicaid. ¿No tiene un seguro? No hay problema. Después de la consulta, Children’s Health le enviará la factura directamente. La mayoría de las familias califican para obtener un descuento y no se rechazará a ningún estudiante para una consulta.
Para las consultas de atención urgente en el hogar, todos los integrantes de la familia pueden acceder a recursos de atención médica a través de la consulta virtual de Children’s Health Virtual Care.
Para inscribirse en el servicio escolar de telesalud, visite childrens.com/telehealth o llame al 844-453-5363.
Enrollment Links
Include the below enrollment links on your website to make it easy for parents to get started.
Enroll in English | Enroll in Spanish
Reminders for the 24-25 School Year
Medication Administration
- Medication Forms: Students requiring medication at school must have the proper documentation on file. Please see the nurse for form(s).
- Storage of Medication: All medications must be stored in the clinic. Students are not allowed to carry medications with them unless explicitly authorized (e.g., inhalers)
Emergency Procedures
- Emergency Contacts: Ensure that your emergency contact information is up-to-date. We need all contact information if an emergency should occur. If your contact information changes, please contact our attendance office to have your information updated.
Additional Reminders:
- Hygiene Practices: Reinforce good hygiene practices among students, such as regular handwashing and covering coughs/sneezes.
- Healthy Environment: Encourage a healthy environment by promoting nutritious snacks and regular physical activity.
Thank you for your cooperation and support. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Looking forward to a great year!
Gladis Gramajo, RN, BSN, School Nurse
Martin Weiss School of Leadership
email: ggramajo@dallasisd.org
Phone Number: 972-749-4005
Gifted & Talent Program News
5th Grade Parents
Parent Request for Counseling Services
Are you concerned about your child and need to speak with the school counselor?
Ms. Daniels can be reached at tidaniels@dallasisd.org
If an emergency, please call 911.
Weiss Food Pantry Sign Up
If you would like to join PTO please return the form with your child's information to the main office. If you have questions, please contact the PTO President Erika Escalante erika.escalante203@gmail.com
Turnaround Agenda Food Pantry is REOPENED! 🎉
he Turnaround Agenda Food Pantry is REOPENED!
This past Saturday, we had an amazing turnout for the grand reopening, and we are so grateful for everyone who came out and supported us!
Our pantry is here to serve the community with dignity and care. If you or someone you know needs assistance, we’re ready to help! Here's how you can connect with us:
Hours of Operation:
Tuesdays & Fridays | 10 AM – 2 PM (By appointment only—Call 214-652-9300 to schedule)
Saturdays | 9 AM – 3 PM (Open to the public)
Location: 7140 Library Lane, Dallas, TX 75232
Together, we are making a difference in our community. Please share this post to spread the word about our food pantry services!
Follow us on Twitter
Campus Rating
We are Committed to Providing Excellent Customer Service
Website: www.dallasisd.org/weiss
Location: 8601 Willoughby Boulevard, Dallas, TX, USA
Phone: 972-749-4000
Twitter: @WeissLeadership