Square Up to RTI²
Response to Instruction & Intervention: February 2025
In this issue...
Our department has created a new RTI² Canvas Course to better serve you. Use this link to join and learn about all things RTI²!
There are some valuable resources available from the state; use the link below.
State RTI² WebsiteMath 180/NWEA MAP Testing is coming up!
Feb. 24-March 7
Spring Universal Screening Window
April 28- May 12
District Learning Day February 17
The RTI2 Department will be providing a variety of sessions on DLD Day!
Elementary Sessions:
Lexia CORE5 Virtual Session time TBA
Math 180 Virtual Session 9:00-11:00
Benchmark Advance Instructional Routines and Assessments- asynchronous via Canvas
Secondary Sessions:
Lexia PowerUp In-person @Central High School
Language Live In-person @Central High School
i-Ready Pro In-person @Powell High School
i-Ready Reports In-person @Powell High School
Lexia Updates
i-Ready Pro
i-Ready Pro is designed for middle school students in building critical skills. More detailed reporting will benefit teachers in tracking usage and performance trends that will in turn enhance instruction. Click here to learn about changes to i-Ready MyPath!
Success Metrics for Math 180
Math 180 Monthly Metrics February
All elementary schools have access to a coachly license. This provides personalized support for the implementation of Math 180. You can follow these steps to connect with your coach!
Success Metrics to consider at Mid-year
Semester goals for students:
50 sessions/15-20 min. per session/complete at least 5 topics
Please keep these goals in mind as we begin the second semester.
Additional resources for Math 180 can be found in our Canvas course.
Fidelity Checks
According to the state updated RTI² Manual, "...fidelity is measured by the accuracy or extent to which the instructional methods and materials are used to provide instruction. The goal of fidelity monitoring is to ensure that the intervention is being implemented with integrity and to the specifications of the intervention methodology or program being utilized."
We now have the ability to complete Fidelity Checks in MTSS as well. This powerpoint can guide you through the process. Schools should conduct at least 1 direct observation per semester and 2 indirect per session.
Educator Spotlight
Tiffany Holmes- Academic Interventionist
I earned my Literacy Specialist certification in May of 2023 from the University of Tennessee. Then, in January 2024, I received the LETRS Grant and began the training along with Ashley Barker, who is also an interventionist at Lonsdale Elementary. We're a little over halfway through the training, and we’re both excited about the opportunities we get to offer professional development for our colleagues based on what we’ve learned. We're hoping to attend facilitator training soon so that we can share this knowledge more broadly and train others in the future.
Alongside this, I founded a nonprofit called The Reading League Tennessee, where I serve as the president. The goal of the organization is to ensure that all children have the opportunity to learn how to read, and to provide teachers with the resources and training they need to teach reading effectively. As for my teaching career, this year marks my 20th year in education, and I’ve spent the last 9 years at Lonsdale Elementary. It’s been a truly rewarding experience, and I’m passionate about advancing evidence-aligned reading instruction to empower both students and teachers.
GT Resources
KBL Modules
Highlighting our NEWEST resources again! KBL modules can be found in Canvas. They use a Knowledge Building Library (KBL) text from Benchmark and feature instructional videos from GT Coaches. Each module includes an Inquiry Project and enrichment extensions. Teacher directions are located in each of these highlighted modules. iReady enrichment choice boards are a great way to extend your math lessons and give your students options for enrichment.
What we're listening to...
Sold a Story (includes new episodes Spring 2024)