The Compass
"Unlock the Treasure in Every Child" - January 20, 2025
Reminder: No School
- Monday, January 20 - MLK Day
- Tuesday, January 21 - Teacher Work Day
Annual Asbestos Notification
Book Fair!
Book Fair will be here next week!
If you would like to donate to kids in our school that can’t afford to shop at the Book Fair, you can by rounding up to the whole dollar with your purchases. When you round up, you are donating towards a fund that is distributed to these students to shop the Book Fair. You can always donate more than just rounding up.
If you can’t make the Book Fair and/or want to donate from home, you can donate to our school eWallet for these students with the link below.
Make sure to create an eWallet and share with family and friends, so your student can shop with electronic funds at the Book Fair, so you don’t have to worry about lost cash, checks, or change.
We can use your help! Help work the Book Fair using the link below.
Happy Reading!
Grand Person's Day!
Grand-Persons (any family member) are invited to join their favorite Buccaneers for lunch! You are invited to have lunch during their scheduled lunch time in the cafeteria. This can be a time to enjoy your new book from the book fair while you eat with your Buccaneer!
We kindly request that younger children not attend and limit to 2 Grand-Persons per student. Please list the names of the Grand-Persons on the registration form below. You may bring your lunch or purchase in the cafeteria. If purchasing lunch at school, please know that credit cards are not accepted and smaller bills are requested.
A form was sent in last week's Tuesday folders if you wish to register via Paper Pencil. You may register by clicking here.
Adult Lunch (a la Carte Price): Entree $3.00 All sides $1.00 each and milk $.75
Student Lunch $3.50
Menu for Feb 4th- Entree: Beef Tacos Sides: black beans, salsa, diced pears
*Please note: menu selection is subject to change due to availability
- 10:25-10:55 - Lunch
- 10:55-11:25 - Book Fair/Craft
1st Grade
- 11:00-11:30 - Lunch
- 11:30-12:00 - Book Fair/Craft
2nd Grade
- 11:35-12:05 - Lunch
- 12:05-12:35 - Book Fair/Craft
- 11:50-12:20 - Lunch
- 12:20-12:50 - Book Fair/Craft
3rd Grade
- 12:10-12:35 - Lunch
- 12:40-1:10 - Book Fair/Craft
4th Grade
- 12:40-1:05 - Lunch
- 1:10-1:40 - Book Fair/Craft
5th Grade
- 1:10-1:40 - Lunch
- 1:45-2:15 - Book Fair/Craft
NC Check-Ins
- Jan 22 - 4th Grade Math
- Jan 27 - 3rd Grade NC Check-Ins Reading
- Jan 28 - 5th Grade NC Check-Ins Reading
Field Trip Payments
For Field Trips and other school related payments, please use School Cash Online which is the WCPSS preferred method of payment.
This week, our school community will focus on the character strength of Perseverance. Perseverance means completing what you start despite obstacles. It means never giving up.
People who show perseverance keep trying, even when they face challenges. They stay focused on their goals and work hard, even when things don't go as planned. Those who persevere often achieve great things because they don't quit. They also learn a lot and get better at what they do.
Perseverance can also inspire others. When one person in a group keeps going despite setbacks, it can motivate the whole team to keep trying and reach their goals.
To practice and encourage the character strength of perseverance at home, please visit The Positivity Project’s mobile-friendly P2 for Families (available in English and Spanish), where you will watch a video together and discuss a quote and three questions. Below are links to this week’s P2 for Families lessons. Click on the grade level that best meets your child’s needs.
Thank you for your support!
Check out our school's Buccaneer Gear: https://bceshs.itemorder.com/shop/home/
Our PTA has worked with a vender to ensure this link is open ALL YEAR!
Parent and Student Lunch!
Please only select ONE time period per family. This allows two families an option each day to have lunch with their children.
We are excited to offer the opportunity for parents and visitors to have lunch with students once again. However, in order to ensure safety, manage space limitations, and to ensure the process is successful we must maintain guidelines and expectations for logistics. Please read the expectations and logistics on the sign up.
Buckhorn Creek Parent/Student Handbook 2024-2025
Important Dates!
- Jan 14 - 1st Grade Field Trip - Morehead Planetarium
- Jan 14 - 3rd Grade NC Check-Ins Math
- Jan 17 - End of Quarter 2
- Jan 20 - No School - MLK Day
- Jan 21 - No School - Teacher Work Day
- Jan 22 - 4th Grade NC Check-Ins Math
- Jan 23 - Learning Celebration
- Jan 27 - 3rd Grade NC Check-Ins Reading
- Jan 28 - 5th Grade NC Check-Ins Reading
About Us.
Email: dsimons@wcpss.net
Website: www.wcpss.net/BuckhornCreekES
Location: 5651 Honeycutt Road, Holly Springs, NC, USA
Phone: (919) 694-8970
Twitter: @BuckhornCreekES