Garrison Gator Pad Sept 13 , 2020
Esther F Garrison School for the Arts News You Can Use
Happy National Grandparent's Day!
From the Principal's Desk
This is Principal Parks with news you can use.
Week 5 of virtual instruction is here! Thank you to all of you who were able to join us for our 1st ever Virtual PTA meeting last Thursday. Kudos to our PTA for acknowledging that mental health is so very important by featuring Lasonna Rivers as their guest speaker. Our teachers began training with Sanford Harmony at the end of last year because we knew that whether we were virtual or in person, our gators would need to be able to express themselves, and we would need to be prepared to help them in whatever way we could. All of that, in addition to providing the necessary level of rigor to ensure they were learning and growing academically is so vital.
Please be sure to check the SMORE below, your email or the website for the SCCPSS parent survey sent on Friday. SCCPSS seeks your feedback. The survey closes on Monday at noon.
We continue to stress compassion and accountability. Reach out to teachers to solicit their help before things become overwhelming. We are stronger together.
Please see information regarding MAP testing which is to be used only for measuring student learning loss, if any, and for the purposes of teacher planning to see how to best help our gators. It will NOT be used for the CHOICE program.
Don't forget Wednesday is Independent Learning Day! Students are still required to login to Its Learning and click into their homeroom course for attendance. This is a day designed to catch up, receive small group support and get additional fine arts support as needed.
If you do not have technology, please be sure to inform your teacher to plan arrangements until additional technology is available. You will receive a call once technology is secured for your student.
Lunch application links can be found on the SMORE and are due September 30th. A waiver has been granted for Georgia Families. All students are eligible for lunch and breakfast at no charge. Please see the link in the smore for pickup location and times for lunch delivery. Children do not have to be present for pickup, however you must have their id card or number for verification.
Progress reports will be ready for viewing on September 18, 2020.
Our word for the week is Persistence. Persistence is the firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. When you are persistent, you don't give up, you stay the course, no matter what. Thank you for being persistent in your pursuit of an amazing education for your children. Thank your for your persistence in partnering with us and advocating for your children. children. #StrongerTogether
We are Team Garrison with One Goal: Student Achievement! We are “Gator” Ready and "Gator" Proud and we are Gators who know the importance of Persistence!
We are definitely STRONGER TOGETHER!
Lunch Delivery Information- WAIVER HAS BEEN APPROVED
Progress Reports Sept 18, 2020
Independent Learning Wednesdays
As we begin this school year, let us all focus on our top priority - student learning! Thank you for all of the support you will provide and have provided to your child and their teacher as we opened the school year virtually. We remain committed to maintaining premier standards for your child this school year!!
Test Talks!
Parent To-DO List to Ready for MAP (all directions were sent out by your chid's teacher):
- Compete the Computer Readiness Check on your device to make sure it is compatible (see parent guidance letter below)
- Follow the instructions for Pop-up Blockers (see letter below)
- While your child is testing, PLEASE do not help them (i.e. read the test or help with answers). MAP is an adaptive test, meaning it will stop when it finds questions that are just right for your child. A great analogy is Goldilocks and the Three Bears. If your child is getting questions correct, the questions will get harder. If your child is selecting incorrect answers, the test will get easier, until the questions are JUST RIGHT. This data is invaluable to teacher and district planning. Please, help your child to get on the platform and let them find their "just right" spot.
Garrison's Testing Dates:
- MIDDLE SCHOOL: September 17 (ELA) and September 18 (Math) from 8:30-12:00
- ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: September 24 (ELA) and September 25 (Math) from 8:30-12:00
- Students can take as many breaks as needed. The ELA test is typically 41 questions and the math test is typically 53 (it can differ give or take).
- Testing grade levels will have an altered schedule, meaning they will not have virtual classes (other than to test), but rather independent assignments once testing concludes.
Some suggestions for Setting our Gators Up for Success at Home
We anxiously await our time together again back in the building, but until then, here are some suggestions for a successful learning experience:
- Create a space for learning with everything your child needs.
Display daily schedules on a white board, chalk board, or poster board. (Younger students: write the schedule for them. Older students: make them responsible for writing out their schedule.)
- Remove distractions ( Younger students: stay away from the television, games, etc. Older students: put phones and social media away.)
- Time management (Younger students: use timers to help them know when to start/stop activities. Older students: teach them how to set alarms for every class period.)
Have a set routine that students follow during school days (go to bed early, wake up on time, eat breakfast, etc.)
Change of scenery: weather permitting, take learning outside every once in awhile. (Check with teacher!)
Recognizing a job well done: play their favorite game with them, take a walk to the park, stickers, etc.
Chromebook Distribution
The media specialist and team have been making phone calls and scheduling appointments for chromebook pickup. Please note that as additional devices become available, you will be given a call to pick up requested devices.
Please ensure the appropriate PPE (masks) are utilized when you arrive on campus. If you have not made your homeroom teacher aware of the need for a device, please do so quickly,
Digital Learning Resources
PTA welcomes students, teachers and parents to the 2020-2021 School Year
PTA would love to have 100% membership. Its easy to join, visit the site below:
Deep Cleaning Wednesdays - School Building Closed
Its National Arts In Education Week!!!
Arts in Action
Arts in Action
In the video above, The National Endowment for the Arts discusses the importance of the Arts in education. Although the world as we know it, and education as we are most accustomed are changing, let us not forget the reason why Esther F. Garrison School for the Arts is set apart from all the other K-8 schools here in Chatham County. Our diversity in offering the arts and seamlessly blending those talents in with the academic components give our students the best foundation for success. As we embrace a new way of learning and teaching, let us not forget the love and the passion that the Arts brings into our lives and the lives of our children. For some, the Arts is the key motivation in education. For others, the Arts is the fulfillment of expression in life. Continue to support your child in his/her Art Education. And don't forget to reach out to your child's art teacher to ask how you can offer support.
Esther F Garrison School for the Arts Contact Information
Location: 649 West Jones Street, Savannah, GA, USA
Phone: 912-395-5975