Community Bulletin
Monthly Community Bulletin September 2023
Principal's Message
Dear JJHS Community,
Despite higher than desired temperatures, I’m glad to report the first days of school have gone very smoothly. We cannot thank our custodians and clerical staff enough for getting the building ready and preparing for teachers to receive our students. There was plenty of help in the halls as students quickly found their classrooms and greeted this year’s teachers.
High expectations were communicated from the start during our first announcements of the year. The importance of getting involved as well as the need to bring our best selves to school each day were stressed. All JJHS’s English teachers reviewed the “Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)” in their classes to remind students of the importance of everyone’s sense of belonging is critical to the culture of care we wish to see and perpetuate at JJHS.
We hope to capture that spirit and display a culture of care through this bulletin this year. As you look through this monthly bulletin, you’ll see a calendar of upcoming events as well as be able to keep up to date with what students are doing. I especially invite you to explore this bulletin and pay particular attention to the section reserved for our HS PTO. There you will find opportunities to get involved as the PTO seeks your email address. Your feedback is always welcome so this bulletin can serve you better.
Wishing everyone a most successful and happy 2023-24 school year.
Steven T. Siciliano, Ed.D.
Principal, John Jay High School
If you have not already completed the forms on Final Forms please do so ASAP. Also, please check with your children to make sure they have completed the forms as well. Click on Final Forms to login. There is a July 24th email from Final Forms (mailman@finalforms.com) regarding your account activation.
Important Dates at a Glance
September 2023
Thursday, 9/14 - Board of Education Meeting
Wednesday, 9/20 - Campus Night @ 6PM Schedule (more details in attached letter below)
Saturday, 9/23 - Homecoming Dance (more details in flyer below)
Monday, 9/25 - Yom Kippur School Closed
Tuesday, 9/26 - Community Read The 57 Bus author visit - Dashka Slater
Tuesday, 9/26 to Friday, 9/29 Spirit Week
Wednesday, 9/27 & Thursday, 9/28, Picture Day
Thursday 9/28 - Board of Education Meeting
Friday, 9/29 - Homecoming Club Fair & Pep Rally
Saturday, 9/30 - Homecoming Games Schedule & Music on the Lawn
Saturday, 10/7 - SAT @ JJHS pre-registration is required
Monday, 10/9 - Columbus Day/Indigenous People Day School Closed
Wednesday, 10/11 - PSAT for Juniors
Wednesday, 10/11 - Workshop Wednesday for Freshmen & Sophomores
Thursday, 10/12 - Board of Education Meeting
Friday, 10/13 - 1st Interim Ends
Friday, 10/20 - Blood Drive
Monday, 10/23 - Class T-shirt Sales Begin
Monday, 10/23 to Friday, 10/27 - Red Ribbon Week
Tuesday, 10/24 & Wednesday, 10/25 - JTC Foundation Presentation for Juniors
Thursday, 10/26 - Board of Education Meeting
Saturday, 10/28 - ACT @ JJHS pre-registration is required
JJHS Calendar
School Happenings
JJHS Committees
JJHS is considering having the Class of 2024 graduate on the campus Contest Field on Tuesday, June 18th. This is being considered to have more family and community members in attendance without ticketing restrictions that must be observed at Caramoor. The committee will be lead by JJHS Principal, Dr. Steven Siciliano, and composed of four senior student leaders, JJHS senior grade level advisor, Ms. Nicole Muschio, high school Assistant Principal, Mrs. Kim Piccolino, and four parents of seniors.
The committee will have its first meeting on Wednesday, September 27th in the high school library at 3 p.m. The committee will be charged with seeking wider input among the various stakeholder groups they represent to arrive at a final decision by the end of October. If interested in serving on this committee, please click on the link to register.
B.E.A.T. (Formerly known as ERJC) - Belonging, Equity, & Advocacy Taskforce.
In KLSD’s ongoing efforts to make our schools welcoming and inclusive of ALL students, JJHS is forming its own school-based committee. John Jay High School's BEAT team will work in partnership with the district’s equity team to focus more clearly and responsively to issues of school climate and equity at JJHS. The committee will be lead by JJHS Assistant Principal, Mrs. Mallory McDonald, and composed of all interested students in grades 9-12, all interested teachers, members of high school administration, and all interested parents. The committee will meet once per month from September to June. The committee will have its first meeting on Thursday, September 28th in the high school library at 3 p.m. If interested in serving on this committee, please click on the link to register.
Student Recognition.
“Show me what you celebrate, and I know what you value.” This high school committee will explore the ways students are celebrated at JJHS to ensure recognition is established and equitably distributed among the student body. The committee will be lead by JJHS Director of Guidance Mrs. Marisa Merlino, and will be composed of guidance counselors, all interested teachers, all interested students in grades 9-12, and all interested parents. The committee will meet once per month from September to January. If interested in serving on this committee, please click on the link to register.
Use of Time Committee.
This committee has been meeting during the 2022-23 school year exploring the utility and feasibility of bringing block scheduling to JJHS and will need new members including all interested 7-12 students, teachers, and parents. The committee will continue being lead by Assistant Principal Dr. Samir Biswas and will finalize its work by meeting once per month (or as necessary) and make a final recommendation to the Superintendent of Schools for his consideration and/or action to be communicated to the community at an appropriate date. If interested, please click on the link to register.
If so, please click on the link to register. If you have any questions, please contact Assistant Principal, Mrs. Mallory McDonald at mmcdonald@klschools.org or Principal, Dr. Steven Siciliano at ssiciliano@klschools.org.
Share your "Real Life" Skills at Workshop Wednesdays
Over the years, JJHS students have asked for experiences rooted in specific practical skills to assist them in “real life.” Past requests have included: How to do tax returns and personal budgeting, how to cook something quick, or how to change a flat tire? In response, JJHS runs a series of "Workshop Wednesdays,” where students can access short modules of instruction on topics of interest to them. Depending on student interest, workshops may be offered numerous times on a specific day or over numerous dates. Individual workshop modules run for 80 minutes with a break in the middle. There are no grades, no stress, and no homework! Students are asked to bring their curiosity and willingness to learn some “real life” skills.
It is also a chance for the community to engage more deeply with JJHS as we seek interested community members to help develop workshop modules to offer students and teach them to them.
If you are interested in sharing your practical knowledge and skills with our students, please complete the form below. If there is enough student interest in the module you’re interested in teaching, you will be contacted for next steps, including date, time, and successfully completing a volunteer form found on the district’s website.
Workshop Wednesdays have proven to be most popular with students, and we hope you consider taking part. If you have any questions, please email Assistant Principal Mallory McDonald at mmcdonald@klschools.org.
Student Parking on Campus
Parking registration for the 2023-2024 school year officially began on August 21, 2023. To streamline the process, we offer both in-person and email submission options for your convenience:
- In-person: You can bring the completed and signed parking form along with necessary documents to the front desk.
- Email: Alternatively, you can submit your application and documents by email. Please send them to lbinns@klschools.org.
Please ensure the following documents are submitted:
- Completed and Signed Parking Registration Form - Form in English Form in Spanish
- Valid License & Registration
- Student Parking Assessment (Completed and Passed)
- Summer Mailing Forms
All seniors are guaranteed a parking spot. Juniors will be entered into a lottery system based on available parking spaces. While we strive to accommodate all juniors, please be aware that space is limited.
Class of 2024
Senior Portraits
Portraits are being taken at JJHS. If you have not received login information from Lifetouch, please email Miss Muschio (nmuschio@klschools.org) for information on how to sign-up for your yearbook senior portrait. NOTE: Information on how to select your pose for the yearbook will be sent out in a separate email this fall.
Purchasing 2024 Yearbooks
Yearbooks are now available for purchase! Prices will increase after December 31, 2023. Please visit www.yearbookordercenter.com or click here and enter the school code 4507.
Baby Photos
The Yearbook Club is now collecting senior baby photos. In order to proceed with the creation of the book in a timely fashion, there is a hard deadline (November 1, 2023) for this information. Baby photos must be uploaded via eShare. To upload, please visit www.hjeshare.com or click here or download the HJ eShare App--you must enter school code 4507. Please be sure to upload only one baby photo. All photos must be approved by administration so please choose wisely before submitting.
Senior Ads
Friends and Family Ads are now available for purchase through the Yearbook Order Center. If you are interested in purchasing an ad, please visit www.yearbookordercenter.com or click here and enter job number 4507. You will see your options on ad size selections, and you will have the ability to create your own personalized ad. Please understand that space is limited. It is highly advised that ads are purchased between the months of August and November in order to guarantee an ad for your child. Due to yearbook deadlines, limited space, and inconvenience, prices on ads will be raised significantly after February 1, 2024.
Senior Quotes
A separate email will be sent to students regarding senior quotes. This email will be sent through the school email system at the start of the school year.
If you have any questions, please email Ms. Binns (lbinns@klschools.org) or Miss Muschio (nmuschio@klschools.org).
Class of 2025
Stay tuned to what's going on with the Class of 2025 during the school year.
Class of 2026
Stay tuned to what's going on with the Class of 2026 during the school year.
Class of 2027
The PSAT/NMSQT will be administered digitally this year on Wednesday morning, October 11th to any interested junior. Please read the attached letter (sent home via email on September 7th) and follow the instructions to register your student.
Preregistration for this test is required. The Registration Deadline is Friday, September 22nd.
UPDATE: Please join us at the PTO meeting on Tuesday, October 3 at 7:00pm in the JJHS Cafeteria.
The agenda will include parents being able to meet some of our newest staff members as well as learn of upcoming events and plans, as well as discussing anything on your mind with the PTO officers, teachers in attendance, and school administration.
We would like to welcome everyone to the ’23-’24 School Year!
JJHS PTO is a group of parent volunteers who raise money and provide services and activities to benefit the students and staff of JJHS. The JJHS PTO is proud to foster a sense of community among both high school students and parents.
By supporting the PTO, you will become an integral part of the larger high school community.
There are many ways you can be involved! Email us at johnjayhspto@gmail.com to find out more.
The PTO is one of the most important sources of information about everything going on at JJHS. To make sure you stay in the know, sign up on our webpage
(https://jjhspto.membershiptoolkit.com) and enter your contact information on the DIRECTORY tab. The PTO does not receive this info from the school district. This will be your link to the JJHS PTO!
PTO Sponsored Events that need your support!
Homecoming Dance - *NEW*
Winter Ball - *NEW*
Turkey Trot
Winter Wonderland
Welcome Back Breakfast for teachers and staff
Movie Nights
Teacher Appreciation Week
Senior Week/Seminar Day (Pancake Breakfast & BBQ)
Senior Scholarships
Class Level Support
Jay Fest
We look forward to working with you and seeing you at some of our special events!
Contact us with any questions at johnjayhspto@gmail.com and follow us on our JJJHS PTO Facebook Page!
Lisa Valdes, Paul Kuszynski, Amy Buatte, Mavis Wright, Teryn Kendall, Lynette McHugh
UPDATE: Join us at our next Booster Club meeting on Wednesday, October 4 at 7:00pm in the Health Room at John Jay High School. We can always use volunteers to help us with events such as the Wizards Basketball game, Golf Outing or the Athlete Recognition dinner.
The Booster club is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the athletic teams, our student athletes and broader school community. Click on the link above for more information.
SEPTO's Back to School Bash is on September 29th from 4-7 PM at Lewisboro Town Park. For more information and to buy tickets please click on the attached flyer.
Click on the link above for more information.
KLSD ArtsAlive welcomes all students, their families and KLSD Faculty Back-to-School for the 2023-2024 year!
KLSD ArtsAlive is the Arts Booster Club for the KL School District. We believe that by promoting and enhancing the Arts Education in our schools provides opportunities to unify and celebrate our entire community through arts related events and programs. To learn more about us, find out all KLSD arts-related events, or get involved, please check out our website at www.klsdartsalive.org or feel free to stop by our Table at JJHS Campus Night and to learn more about us!
Reminders and Requirements
This is a reminder that medication orders for emergency and as needed medication need to be renewed every school year and dated after July 1st. This includes students who carry emergency medication in their backpacks. Please submit the updated forms as soon as possible (attached below). Medication left over from the summer will be discarded unless new orders have been received.
It is a New York State REQUIREMENT for 9th and 11th graders to submit updated physicals with immunization records attached. Send them to the health office by OCTOBER 15TH (physicals must be dated after 9/6/2022). The school physician will be conducting physicals for any students who have not submitted this requirement.
For 12th graders, it is a New York State REQUIREMENT, to submit proof of immunization for Meningococcal Vaccine #2 (usually given at age 16). Date of exclusion from school is September 13th.
Any questions, contact Cyndi Mallon, RN NCSN cmallon@klschools.org or Kerby Anne Cabrey, RN kcabrey@klschools.org by email, phone 914-763-7205, or fax 914-763-6572.