Rees PreK Newsletter
December 2024
Dates To Remember
12/2 70s Day
12/3 Santa Pictures
12/5 Progress Reports go home
12/9-13 Book Fair Week
12/19 Winter Showcase
12/20 Early Release @ 2:05pm
12/ Winter Break
12 days of Christmas
- December 2: It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year (Walt Disney Day) or 70th Day attire
- December 3: Santa Claus is coming to Rees (free dress for pictures with Santa)
- December 4: favorite holiday socks (National Sock Day) with your favorite Christmas topper/Holiday hat and jingle bells
- December 5: It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas Day (favorite holiday attire
- December 6: Candy Cane Day (red and white) or Feliz Navidad (favorite red, green and white)
- December 9: Frosty (or your favorite snowman) attire
- December 10: Twinkle Twinkle Day – lights, tinsel, garland and/or glitter with your favorite holiday shirt
- December 11: Rudolph Day
- December 12: Gingerbread Day
- December 13: Grinch Day
- December 16: Flannel or Holiday Plaid Day or 80s attire
- December 17: Deck the Halls Day – deck out in your most festive attire
- December 18: Elf Day
- December 19: Ugly Sweater Day
- December 20: school-appropriate PJ Day
- December 2: It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year (Walt Disney Day) or 70th Day attire
- December 3: Santa Claus is coming to Rees (free dress for pictures with Santa)
- December 4: favorite holiday socks (National Sock Day) with your favorite Christmas topper/Holiday hat and jingle bells
- December 5: It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas Day (favorite holiday attire
- December 6: Candy Cane Day (red and white) or Feliz Navidad (favorite red, green and white)
- December 9: Frosty (or your favorite snowman) attire
- December 10: Twinkle Twinkle Day – lights, tinsel, garland and/or glitter with your favorite holiday shirt
- December 11: Rudolph Day
- December 12: Gingerbread Day
- December 13: Grinch Day
- December 16: Flannel or Holiday Plaid Day or 80s attire
- December 17: Deck the Halls Day – deck out in your most festive attire
- December 18: Elf Day
- December 19: Ugly Sweater Day
- December 20: school-appropriate PJ Day
December Birthdays!
12.02 Khadija J.
12.19 Mrs. Rios
12.20 Edvin
12.28 Yair
Mrs. Lara's Smore
Living and Nonliving
Theme 4 Week 1
Dear Families,
This week we’re beginning a new theme in our classroom, “Compare and Contrast”. For the next four weeks, your child will be learning to examine his or her environment and identify the similarities and differences between items. In the first week of this theme, we will explore the characteristics of living and non-living things.
This week’s Family Connections activities can be found at https://portal2.frogstreet.com/connections/?bookname=ENG_FC_T4_W1.
This week’s storybook, “Henry and Harry” can be found at https://portal2.frogstreet.com/ebook/?bookname=FS20069_HenryandHarry_eBook.
We’re so excited to continue exploring with your little one!
PreK Teachers
Vivos y No Vivos
Tema 4 Semana 1
Querida familia,
Esta semana comenzamos un nuevo tema en nuestro salón de clases, “Compare and Contrast”. Durante las próximas cuatro semanas, su niño aprenderá a examinar su entorno e identificar las similitudes y diferencias entre los elementos. En la primera semana de este tema, exploramos las características de los seres vivos y no vivos.
Las actividades de Conexión con la familia de esta semana puede ser encontrado aquí:
El libro de cuentos de esta semana, “Enrique y Javier” puede ser encontrado aquí: https://portal2.frogstreet.com/ebook/?bookname=FS20564_EnriqueYJavier_eBook
¡Estamos muy emocionados de seguir explorando con tu niño!
Maestras de PreK
Compare and Contrast Stories with a Plot
Theme 4 Week 2
Dear Families,
As we continue our theme of “Compare and Contrast”, this week children will compare and contrast stories with plots that are alike. They will enjoy discovering and pointing out the differences as well.
This week’s Family Connections activities can be found at https://portal2.frogstreet.com/connections/?bookname=ENG_FC_T4_W2.
This week’s storybook, “Three Little Grasshoppers” can be found at https://portal2.frogstreet.com/ebook/?bookname=FS20116_ThreeLittleGRasshoppers_eBook.
Looking forward to an exciting week!
PreK Teachers
Tema 4 Semana 2
Querida familia,
A medida que continuamos con nuestro tema de “Comparar y contrastar”, los niños compararán y contrastarán historias con tramas que son similares esta semana. Disfrutarán descubriendo y señalando las diferencias también
Las actividades de Conexión con la familia de esta semana se pueden encontrar aquí.:
El libro de cuentos de esta semana, ” Los tres pequeños saltamontes”, se puede encontrar aquí: https://portal2.frogstreet.com/ebook/?bookname=FS20566_LosTresPequenosSaltamontes_eBook
¡Esperamos tener una semana emocionante!
Maestras de PreK
Math Units
Joining (Adding Numbers in Story Problems)
Graphs and Data
We hope you have a wonderful and safe Holiday season with your family. We look forward to seeing you back on January 7, 2025!