Adams Family newsletter

September 30 - October 4
From the Principal's Desk
Hello Redhawks,
Can you believe that October starts on Tuesday? September just flew by. Please join us at DQ on Tuesday evening for our Adams PAC sponsored restaurant night. It is always a great time.
Thursday is our first Fall conference night. If you haven't signed up for a session, please use the link below.
Our Fun Run registration is open. Our PAC group supports this event and proceeds go right back to Adams. Each year gets bigger and bigger so let's continue the trend!
Just a friendly reminder that students do not have school on Friday or next Monday. These are PD days for staff.
Let's have a great week!
Adams Elementary
Fall Conferences and Book Fair
Fall Conferences are fast approaching. Please use the link below to sign up for a session with your child's teacher. And don't forget to stop at the Book Fair when you come.
Important Dates
Monday, September 30th:
Tuesday, October 1st:
- Adams DQ Night
Wednesday, October 2nd:
Thursday, October 3rd:
- Fall Conferences
Friday, October 4th:
- No School for students
Adams Parent Advisory Council (PAC)
PAC Info. Your student will be coming home with a flyer from the Parent Advisory Council. The PAC is a group of parents/guardians that partners with the school to make experiences at Adams even more amazing; all families are invited to participate with the PAC. There are lots of ways to do that. See our first flyer for details.
Fun Run Registration is Open!
In an effort to build community, raise funds and have fun, we are hosting a Redhawk Rainbow Run! Kids love this event and you are more than welcome to come and cheer in the crowd or volunteer at the event. If we meet our fundraising goal this fall, we promise we won't bug you about another fundraiser in the spring. So, this week, please register your student at mybooster.com and share on your social media accounts.
10/1 Restaurant Night @ Dairy Queen @370 Northdale Blvd @4-8 p.m.
Each month a local restaurant partners with us by donating a portion of their proceeds to support programming at Adams. And, this is one you don't want to miss! You never know who you'll see serving up DQ desserts behind the counter, in a costume or at your table. Meet your new school friends and see which staff member can create the best DQ swirl of the evening.
Adams Fun Run
What is Booster!?
A school solution provider focused on fundraising through character building and fitness. Our school will be hosting a seven-day fundraiser powered by Booster, where we will watch character lesson videos, raise funds to help our school, and celebrate at the end of the fundraiser with a grand fitness event that every student will be able to participate in!
Key Dates:
Registration on mybooster.com opens 2 WEEKS BEFORE KICKOFF (on 9/25). Mybooster.com is the pledging platform where you can create a student page on and collect funds!
Event Kickoff: 10/9. Our kickoff will be when all the fun begins. From this date until the event, students will be earning prizes, working together to help our school, and learning about characters from the Booster Character Videos.
Event Date: 10/21. This is the high-energy event that all students will be able to participate in! More info below.
How does the fundraising work?
This is a dollar per lap fundraiser. Students gather pledges for every lap they complete on 10/21
Students will complete 30-35 laps in total
A $1/lap pledge = $30-35 flat donation
Every student will:
Be able to register on mybooster.com (It’s free) and gather donations through a custom donation page!
Experience our world class character theme - Castle Quest
Get to celebrate school-wide and classroom incentives as we reach our financial goals
Celebrate their school at the big event day
Here’s what you can expect from the Redhawk Rainbow Run
Every student participates
Most students will complete 35 laps
Parents are invited to the big day! Come help us cheer on our runners!
Want to help our school reach our goal?
Register on mybooster.com starting 2 WEEKS BEFORE KICKOFF
Share your students custom donation page with family and friends
From the Desk of our School Social Worker
From Our Volunteer Services Coordinator
I hope your family has been settling well into the school routine so far. Here at Adams, we have volunteers helping with lunch, helping with art projects, and getting involved with the Adams PAC. Thank you to everyone who has stepped up to help!
Coming soon:
Book Fair
This will be taking place on October 3rd & 7th during Fall Conferences. Volunteers will be assisting with checkout, keeping shelves tidy, and helping students choose their books. You can receive 1 free item for every shift you volunteer, so sign up now! Afternoon and evening hours are available.
Other Ways to Help:
From year-long opportunities like cutting laminate to special events like Picture Day this Thursday or the Fun Run on 10/21, you can always find a way to get involved at Adams Elementary and keep this community the amazing family that it is.
No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. Together we can change the world.
Community Education
PAINT AND CREATE - Starts Monday, Sept 23 Come and paint with us! This is the perfect opportunity for making friends, creating art, and having fun! All ages and levels of skill are welcome. There will be a selection including 3D wooden animals, craft boxes, picture frames, birdhouses, and wood hanging decorations. This session includes all materials needed, all you need to bring is yourself. Students will learn how to improve their painting skills in a fun and positive environment! No class Oct 8 and 15 Cost: $46 ($30) SOCCER PROGRAM - Starts Wednesday, Sept 25 This soccer program provides an organized, entertaining and educational sports experience. We believe youth sports should be about more than skills and scores. While teaching kids to play the sport is important, we also develop character by teaching sportsmanship values and celebrating players who demonstrate these values. The mission is to help kids succeed in life through sports. Presented by i9 Sports. Cost: $71 ($44)
ROBOTICS: MUSCLE ‘BOTS - Starts Wednesday, Sept 25
GRANDMASTERS OF CHESS - Starts Monday, Oct 14
From Our Parent Educator
Adams Redhawks are Kind, Safe, Respectful and Responsible
This e-newsletter is published by Adams Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.