Bobcat Strong Tracker
May 2, 2024
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Our Mission
At Santa Rita Elementary School, we foster curious, motivated learners who reach their highest potential in a supportive community that appreciates diversity.
May 7 - ELAC meeting part 2 1pm-2pm
May 10 - Principal Coffee with Principal Khalid
May 17 - All school walk to Egan to watch SR students perform Aladdin 10am-12pm
May 18 - Pet Parade in downtown Los Altos - come march with Santa Rita - parade starts at 10am
May 18- Aladdin at Egan 7pm - Tickets
May 19- Aladdin at Egan 2pm- Tickets
May 22 - Spring Concert for 4th-6th grades
May 23 - Art Docent Art Show at Santa Rita (multi) 5:30-7pm
May 23 - Santa Rita Open House 6-7pm
May 24 - Minimum Day
May 27 - Memorial Day - No School
May 29 - Science Olympiad
May 31 - Minimum Day
June 5 - Last Day of School - 6th grade graduation 9am; dismissal TK-5th 11:15am
- LASD 2023-2024 Calendar
- Reporting Attendance: To report a student's absence, please fill out this form or call
- Please fill out your Bobcat Strong Registration!
- Food Menus
Thank you to our amazing volunteers who spent many hours working to make Junior Olympics an amazing event!
And our athletes who not only did their best, but had the best sportsmanship of any school. So proud of you, Bobcats!
Hello Wonderful Bobcat Community,
The 2024 LASD Junior Olympics was held the past Saturday at Los Altos HS. The weather was ideal and the energy was amazing!
It is community events like this that make our school district a very special place. I want to publicly thank Kelly Sanders-Lo and Jena Wise and their team of volunteers for all of their hard work, preparation and dedication to make this year’s event a huge success! As well as the wonderful Ms. Pearl Garvin who came out of retirement and Mr. Cercedes our new to Santa Rita PE teacher.
During our JO Pep Rally last Friday, I asked the kids to make sure that Santa Rita was the loudest and most spirited school at the Opening Ceremonies. They did not disappoint! We also asked them to show the best sportsmanship and I can say without they were above and beyond the best! I am so proud of each and every Bobcat :)
Switching gears, LASD would like to engage you in providing feedback about our draft strategic plan/LCAP to continue to provide a world-class education for our students. Your feedback is very much appreciated and will be used to inform the goals, actions, and services provided in the Los Altos School District.
Please click here to complete the survey. The survey will close on Monday, May 6th, 2024. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your voice is critical, valued and appreciated.
Please see below for some more important information about our school.
Reminder of other upcoming events:
May 7 - ELAC meeting Part 2 1pm-2pm
May 10 - Principal Coffee with Principal Khalid
May 18 - Los Altos Pet Parade 10am - Come march with Santa Rita and bring your Pet! More details to come when it gets closer.
Stay Bobcat Strong,
Kelly Rafferty, Principal
Aladdin Tickets Available Now!
Our annual musical "Aladdin Jr" will be on Saturday, May 18th @7pm and Sunday, May 19th @2pm! Opening each performance, a group of K through 2nd graders will preform a pre-show.
All shows will be at Egan Junior High School (100 W Portola Ave., Los Altos, CA 94022; Multipurpose Room)
Tickets are $20 each for sale ONLINE NOW: Aladdin Tickets
Online orders close on Friday, May 17th (3pm). Tickets can be purchased at the door for $25 each (credit card, cash or check accepted), while supplies last.
Tickets will also be on sale in person at Santa Rita ($20 each; credit card, cash or check accepted):
- Wednesday, 5/1 at drop-off 8:15-8:45am
- Wednesday, 5/8 at pickup, 2:45 -3:15pm
Living Classroom Garden Help Needed
Want to help make our school gardens look great? With all of the recent rains, Living Classroom can really use some help keeping up with the weeds in both the edible and native gardens at all of our schools. This could be a fun social event for parents at drop off time once a week or perhaps at lunchtime when the kids could be given some direction and help out. Weekend help is also welcome. We are also looking for folks to continue to help care for the school gardens over the summer. Please contact Living Classroom Garden Manager Sandi Elefant if you can lend a hand!
A big THANK YOU to our PE and Music teachers! Their hard work made it possible for our students to participate in the LASD Junior Olympics on Saturday! Donations to LAEF fund TK-6th grade PE, 4th-6th grade music, and other key programs. Help raise the final $175K to fully fund this school year. If you have yet to give this year, donate to LAEF today!
Take advantage of our Challenge Match!
Thanks to the generosity of four families, every dollar you donate to LAEF today will get DOUBLED, up to $32,000 through May 31, 2024. Donations of any amount and type will get doubled, including cash, checks, credit cards, ACH (eCheck),donor-advised funds, stock, and those made through employer-giving portals. Thank you to those who have already given this year!
Can you help represent Santa Rita on the LAEF Board for the 2024-25 school year? Join a fantastic group of parents who work together to keep our nine LASD schools strong. If you are interested in learning more about this important opportunity, please reach out to your Santa Rita LAEF Board representatives at SantaRitaReps@LAEFonline.org.
Special Education Events and Resources
Announcement: SELPA-1 CAC will be consolidated starting July 1 with SELPAs II-VII into the Northwest Santa Clara County CAC, covering 21 districts. The Santa Clara County Office of Education will have an updated website soon.
SELPA-1 CAC LAST General Meeting ONLINE May 6 at 9 am
Monthly updates from Special Ed directors and staff, planning for programs and parent education with parents and volunteers.
Monday, May 6 ONLINE at 9 am
PHP: Understanding the Special Education Process ONLINE April 29
Learn about your child's right to a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), as well as Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), 504 plans, and more.
Monday, April 29 ONLINE from 4-6pm
Inclusion Collaborative is a Santa Clara organization that runs an Inclusion Support Warm Line providing FREE individualized supports for parents, teachers, and community members working with children who have disabilities and other needs, in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, and other languages as needed. This might include Positive Behavior Supports, Social Stories, Communication Strategies, Community Activities, and more. Call (408) 453-6651 or email inclusionwarmline@sccoe.org.
Please contact your SELPA-1 CAC liaison, Alison Biggs, at abiggs@gmail.com with any questions.
Los Altos Safe Routes to School Survey
Thank you for taking the time to complete the Safe Routes to School survey. Your feedback allows us to adjust Safe Routes to School (SRTS) education and encouragement program features to best meet the needs of each individual school. Your feedback will also be shared with decision makers throughout the county who can address infrastructure issues regarding safe walking and biking and decision makers in your school community. This survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.
Gracias por tomarse el tiempo para completar la encuesta Rutas Seguras a la Escuela. Sus comentarios nos permiten ajustar las características del programa de educación y aliento de Rutas Seguras a la Escuela (SRTS) para satisfacer mejor las necesidades de cada escuela individual. Sus comentarios también se compartirán con los responsables de la toma de decisiones en todo el condado, quienes pueden abordar los problemas de infraestructura relacionados con caminar y andar en bicicleta de manera segura y con los que toman las decisiones en su comunidad escolar. Esta encuesta tomará aproximadamente 5 minutos en completarse.
77th Los Altos Kiwanis Pet Parade
This year's Pet Parade will take place on Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in downtown Los Altos. This free event is open to kids, adults and their pets. For additional information or to register visit www.losaltoskiwanis.org/activities/PetParade. Entry forms are due by May 8.
May in Bike Month!
To celebrate Bike to School Day, the County of Santa Clara organizes a Bike Rack Decoration Contest.Registration opened on April 10. From April 22 to May 10, schools can decorate their bike racks to participate, more information here.
All information on Bike Month in Los Altos is here: bikelosaltos.com
May is Bike Month! The City of Los Altos, Green Town Los Altos, Safe Routes to Downtown, the City of Los Altos Hills and other community members are teaming up on family-friendly biking events throughout the month. Grab your helmet and get pedaling with your friends and family. If you don’t have access to a bike, that’s okay! All forms of active transportation is encouraged, whether it’s walking, scooting, skateboarding, rollerblading, or any other form that promotes physical activity.
In May, get ready for:
Guided Bike Ride during the Family Bike Day, May 4, 11 am – 3 pm. Register to the morning bike ride, here and to the afternoon bike ride, here.
Scavenger Hunt - see the scavenger hunt sheets and instructions to participate in attachment or onbikelosaltos.com
National Bike to School Day, May 8.
Stay tuned for events and activities happening in Los Altos all month at bikelosaltos.com
Bicycling in Los Altos: Did you know that more than 1,200 students bike to school in Los Altos? Programs like Safe Routes to School (SRTS) help make this possible through a variety of multi-disciplinary programs and activities. Besides celebrating nationwide events like Bike to School Day, SRTS encourages communities to create safer walking and bicycling routes to school through year-round educational activities, youth advocacy, community engagement, and safety resource toolkits. To get involved with the Los Altos Safe Routes to School program, please contact: Andre-Anne Cadieux, andreannecadieux@altago.com
Join a Group Ride during the Family Bike Day on Saturday, May 4. Register to the morning bike ride, here and to the afternoon bike ride, here.
More information on the Bike Month Program in Los Altos, here: bikelosaltos.com
Santa Rita School
Email: krafferty@lasdschools.org
Website: https://www.santaritaschool.org
Location: 700 Los Altos Avenue, Los Altos, CA, USA
Phone: (650)559-1600
Facebook: santaritaPTA
Twitter: @BobcatsSR
Join us to support our students this school year!