CHS Weekly Update #24
February 3rd, 2025
Dear Warrior Families:
Happy Monday and Happy February! We made it through one of the longest winter months of the year and are getting closer and closer to spring. Our students, athletes, and performers continue to work hard and compete in a variety of ways. I had the chance to meet with 60 of our students this week for the first ever Principal's Council meeting. I was able to meet the selected advisory representatives as well as club and sport representatives, and we had a chance to look at some of our school data so that our students could provide feedback and make suggestions about several important issues such as tardies, restroom protocols, and student engagement. Our students are so thoughtful, dedicated, and creative, and I am looking forward to our next meeting on February 19th during advisory.
Parent-teacher conferences will be held this Wednesday from 3:30-7:30, so please reach out to your students' teachers to have conversations about your students' progress. Teachers are trying to set schedules to incorporate all needs of parents, so some may choose to attend in person, some may prefer a Google Meet, and some may prefer a telephone call. At 6:30 PM, there will be a Parent Accountability meeting in the cafeteria as well as a brief meeting for our newly forming Academic Booster Club. All parents are welcome to attend!!
This week is COUNSELING APPRECIATION WEEK!!! We are so fortunate at Central to have an amazing counseling team. We have 5 school counselors who work hard every day to work with students on ICAP (Individualized Career & Academic Plan), Social Emotional Learning, and master scheduling. Our awesome and dedicated counselors are Rebekah Giles, Erin Nutt, Erin Turner, Lauren Ramirez, and Becca Greene. They each have a caseload of students, grades 9-12, so please remind your student that if they have questions or concerns about anything, to reach out to their counselors who are always happy to help. We also have an Upward Bound counselor and a CCA counselor who work in conjunction with our CHS students and with Colorado Mesa University. Our Upward Bound counselor, Lissie Winslow, is there to help students who are first generation college students, and she provides a variety of supports for students throughout their time at Central High School. Our CCA counselor, Kline Donley, provides a variety of opportunities for our students to visit college campuses, explore careers, and he supports our students all along the journey of applying to colleges and taking CMU Tech courses. This team of 7 is an incredible help to students, parents, and staff at Central, and we want to celebrate their commitment and compassion for all in our CHS community. THANK YOU, COUNSELORS!!!
Thank you for your continued support of Central High School and please know how important your involvement is to the success of your learners. On behalf of the staff at Central, we are grateful to have the opportunity to work with your students every day, and we take our responsibility to teach and support them very seriously. We love our WARRIORS!! Have a wonderful week!
Warm Regards,
Week at a Glance February 3rd-7th
1. Tuesday, February 4th:
- Girls Basketball vs. BMHS-JV/Var @ 4/5:30 @ MHS
- Boys Basketball vs. BMHS-JV/Var @ 4/7 @ MHS
3. Wednesday, February 5th:
- Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-7:30 PM
- Parent Accountability/Academic Booster Club 6:30-7:30
4. Thursday, February 6th:
- Belize Travel Meeting at 6 PM in the Library
- Bowling Tournament at 4 PM at OM Lanes
5. Friday, February 7th:
- Boys Wrestling REGIONALS Away (Ponderosa)
- Girls Wrestling Away REGIONALS Away (Coronado)
- Girls Basketball vs. Durango-JV/Var @ 4/5:30 @ CHS
- Boys Basketball vs. Durango-JV/Varsity @ 4/7 @ CHS
5. Saturday, February 8th:
- Boys Wrestling REGIONALS Away (Ponderosa)
- Girls Wrestling Away REGIONALS Away (Coronado)
- 12 PM Freshmen Bball at PHS
February 5th: Parent Teacher Conferences
February 5th: Parent Accountability and Academic Booster Meeting
February 10-14: Kindness is Contagious Week
February 17: No School - President's Day
February 18: Vocal Showcase
February 19: Pre-Festival Band Concert at 6 PM
February 19: Orchestra Concert at 7 PM
February 25: Jazz Cluster Concert
March 6-8: Spring Musical: Anastasia
March 11: CBA Middle School Band Concert
March 12: Last day of 3rd Quarter
March 13: No School Teacher Inservice
March 14: No School - Teacher Workday
March 17-23: Spring Break
March 24: First Day of Quarter 4
WARRIOR WELLNESS CLINIC: Did you know that the Warrior Wellness Center offers dental cleanings?! Every Toothday (Tuesday ��), we have our dental hygienist, Amber, in office. We accept walk-ins and appointments. We need parent/guardian permission to see any student under the age of 18, and these short forms are available in our office or online at www.chswarriorwellness.org. We look forward to helping keep our students healthy this school year, and please feel free to contact us with any questions!
COUNSELING: Reminder that while we encourage all students to take our CMAS tests, if you had plans to opt your student out of any state testing, you must complete a form and return to the CHS Counseling Office. This includes CMAS Science, PSAT or SAT testing held in April. Please call Dana or Tammy in the CHS Counseling office for more information.
SENIORS: Important Information
- 3/12/25: 4:00 PM Auditions for Graduation Performance. Must sign up.
- 4/2/25: MANDATORY Senior Graduation Meeting at 9:30 AM in the auditorium.
- 4/11/25: Submit your scholarship award letters to Dana Smith in Counseling.
- 5/3/25: Prom CMU Ballroom from 7:00-11:00 PM
- 5/14/25: Graduation at 6:00 PM, Stocker Stadium
- Senior Google Classroom: The code to join the class is: bxfgsgk
ADMINISTRATION: Please avoid the pajama pants and blankets. Please get dressed and ready to learn! Also continue to remember to follow the Cell Phone/Air Pod/Smart Watch Policy during class time.
Students who are found on campus and not in their regularly scheduled classes will be escorted back to class, and if found again on the same day, will be placed in ISS or suspended for the rest of the day.
Remember that your Student ID Badges need to be visible at all times. Please wear them on your lanyards or on a pocket clip. Badges are also required to get into athletic events and dances.